I will be on the Xeloda train

I definitely have to live on a more organized schedule as this is after meals twelve hours apart! I still haven't eaten yet!!


oh yes I have to order the bag balm too.....


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Zeloda Train here...
    Been on this train since late July.....for me, it's been a very "kind" chemo.....few side effects that are very manageable....I take 4000 mg per day for 7 days and off 7 days...2000 AM 2000 PM...this was upped to 4000mg 4 cycles ago....a little more fatigue since the dosage was upped...constipation is probably the biggest problem ..but Miralax takes care of that.... My scans the last of Nov...could have been better but could have been worse...glass half FULL.....I see my oncologist Feb.14.....to see where we go from here...he has been fighting to get me on Avastin....have a feeling it's not going to happen..but I'll just have to wait and see...and what's next....possibly scans to see if the Zeloda has kept it at bay or not....I hope if it has shown no progression that I can remain on the Zeloda....

    As far as taking it, for me, I started out eating a BIG breakfast after taking my Zofran...didn't want to take any chances for nausea....then I switched to bagels w/cream cheese...(never want to see another bagel...lol) then toast..now I simply eat, in the morning, a very nutritious breakfast, a chocolate donut.....lol. I never miss the Zofran though about 30 minutes before the donut with my morning coffee...I also drink a glass of milk....then, I'm good to go! I usually eat this between 8:30-9:30 AM.....Evening dose isn't a problem...I take it around the same time frame....you can take it 10 hours between doses, too.... I hope it's as kind to you as it has been for me....
    Let me know if you have any other questions.....
    Hugs, Nancy
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    MAJW said:

    Zeloda Train here...
    Been on this train since late July.....for me, it's been a very "kind" chemo.....few side effects that are very manageable....I take 4000 mg per day for 7 days and off 7 days...2000 AM 2000 PM...this was upped to 4000mg 4 cycles ago....a little more fatigue since the dosage was upped...constipation is probably the biggest problem ..but Miralax takes care of that.... My scans the last of Nov...could have been better but could have been worse...glass half FULL.....I see my oncologist Feb.14.....to see where we go from here...he has been fighting to get me on Avastin....have a feeling it's not going to happen..but I'll just have to wait and see...and what's next....possibly scans to see if the Zeloda has kept it at bay or not....I hope if it has shown no progression that I can remain on the Zeloda....

    As far as taking it, for me, I started out eating a BIG breakfast after taking my Zofran...didn't want to take any chances for nausea....then I switched to bagels w/cream cheese...(never want to see another bagel...lol) then toast..now I simply eat, in the morning, a very nutritious breakfast, a chocolate donut.....lol. I never miss the Zofran though about 30 minutes before the donut with my morning coffee...I also drink a glass of milk....then, I'm good to go! I usually eat this between 8:30-9:30 AM.....Evening dose isn't a problem...I take it around the same time frame....you can take it 10 hours between doses, too.... I hope it's as kind to you as it has been for me....
    Let me know if you have any other questions.....
    Hugs, Nancy

    thank you Nancy
    I just took 4 pills ...its late and I don't know cause I don't eat dinner 1 am!!! lol
    Onc told me nausea is not an issue here with this.
    They told me diarrhea may be and that can adjusted with dosing changes. oh dear. I will certainly watch for your treatment comments ...pray God this will get us thru.

    After a/c and taxol and avastin this should be considerably easier.
    btw no more recruiting tesetaxel trials. its closed due to what??? i don't know..glad tho

    Love and Thanks,

    i don't get the 2am and 2 pm and then you sleeep with pills lying in your tummy?? oh read it again....so not ready for this. i see u are a normal eater lol
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    thank you Nancy
    I just took 4 pills ...its late and I don't know cause I don't eat dinner 1 am!!! lol
    Onc told me nausea is not an issue here with this.
    They told me diarrhea may be and that can adjusted with dosing changes. oh dear. I will certainly watch for your treatment comments ...pray God this will get us thru.

    After a/c and taxol and avastin this should be considerably easier.
    btw no more recruiting tesetaxel trials. its closed due to what??? i don't know..glad tho

    Love and Thanks,

    i don't get the 2am and 2 pm and then you sleeep with pills lying in your tummy?? oh read it again....so not ready for this. i see u are a normal eater lol

    Wishing you good luck Karen
    Wishing you good luck Karen and Nancy both on Xeloda.

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    Alexis F said:

    Wishing you good luck Karen
    Wishing you good luck Karen and Nancy both on Xeloda.


    My husband was on

    My husband was on Xeloda (4am/4pm for 2 weeks, one week off and repeat) for his Esophageal Cancer from July through Dec. He was also on Oxaliplatin He tolerated it very well. No hair loss. Just remember all the chemo rules: PLENTY of water, saline mouth rinses, etc.
    Good luck!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Wishing you good luck Karen
    Wishing you good luck Karen and Nancy both on Xeloda.


    I believe, according to my oncologist, that the TESETAXEL wasn't helping women like us...my cancer center had 3 patients on this...all three of us had really bad side effects when they upped the dosage for the second cycle...put me down for 10 days...all 3 of us experienced basically the same bad side effects....one women ended up in the hospital after the second cycle.... And it didn't help any of us....I was never told who they were, my Oncologist always referred to them as " the other two"....one was a lung cancer patient....I wonder if they have suspended the trial all together...I think the manufacturer had really high hopes for the drug...they were trying to get it fast tracked to the FDA... but, really, who knows...I think I'll try to find something online...will let you know if I find anything....

    Hugs and best wishes to you, Karen
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I have many friends on my 'other' cancer board (colorectal)...
    ...that take this...you might skip over there, identify yourself as a cancer warrior (or whatever). They will more than likely be able to help you, dear Karen.

    I was on Xeloda's big brother...5FU along with Carboplatin for my rectal cancer...didn't lose my hair, but did experience thinning. It wasn't until the breast cancer chemo, and Adriamycin, that my hair was gone...

    Knuffels, Kathi