New here~ Does anyone have triple negative breast cancer?



  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    AngieD said:

    On Dec 27 I had a biopsy
    On Dec 27 I had a biopsy after a routine mammogram. I am triple negative with a KI67 Proliferation Index of 75% (high) T:2 N:0 M:0 CT scans, Bone Scan, and Breast MRI OK.
    Started yesterday 1/10 on chemo. The plan is A/C every other week over 8 weeks. Then Taxol every week for 12 weeks, 3 weeks rest, surgery, radiation for 6 weeks. Sounds like a long road, but hopefully a successful one. Did any of you have the genetic BRACA test done?

    HI to Debby and Angie
    Dear Debby

    I never knew about Barrets and looked it up. You have been suffering a long time since ur 20's ? Its looks like there are great treament for it. Wishing and praying for you and a good outcome of this latest test of faith.
    Hugs to u Debby

    Dear Angie
    That is how my first tx went with the addition of avastin. (clinical trial) made it to the end and had 2 more tx with taxol to go and went to icu for lung issues.

    I had the braca mutation test done and it took long to find out results. The only company doing this analasys is in Colorado. Mine was braca neg but any other mutations that may come up in the furure would need to be looked . Your program is like mine .
    Be gentle with yourself and good luck.
    Before I had infusions , I would have bagel and yogurt for breakfast to absorb the toxinx . I had good nausea meds.
    What ones will u get?

    Hugs to you Angie and good luck,
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    Another one here...
    My dx

    Another one here...

    My dx was Aug of 2010, triple neg inflammatory breast cancer. I did 6 rounds TAC chemo, bilateral mastectomy, and 44 rounds of rads. Aug of 2011 I had a local recurrence, and additional testing found mets to some lymph nodes between my lungs. Did the surgery for the recurrence (still healing from that) and then started Xeloda. The xeloda didn't work, and I'm currently taking abraxane.

    I'm looking at testing for the androgen receptor too, and I'm very curious to hear what you've learned about it. If I decide to go forward, it would be part of a clinical trial in San Fran (a 2 hour drive for me).

    Please keep posting, we like to know how you're doing.



    I am sending a big welcome
    I am sending a big welcome to you and lots of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts!
  • Lisaepstein
    Lisaepstein Member Posts: 62 Member

    HI to Debby and Angie
    Dear Debby

    I never knew about Barrets and looked it up. You have been suffering a long time since ur 20's ? Its looks like there are great treament for it. Wishing and praying for you and a good outcome of this latest test of faith.
    Hugs to u Debby

    Dear Angie
    That is how my first tx went with the addition of avastin. (clinical trial) made it to the end and had 2 more tx with taxol to go and went to icu for lung issues.

    I had the braca mutation test done and it took long to find out results. The only company doing this analasys is in Colorado. Mine was braca neg but any other mutations that may come up in the furure would need to be looked . Your program is like mine .
    Be gentle with yourself and good luck.
    Before I had infusions , I would have bagel and yogurt for breakfast to absorb the toxinx . I had good nausea meds.
    What ones will u get?

    Hugs to you Angie and good luck,

    triple negative
    when i first had my core biopsy I was er positive, pr- and her2-. I had a lumpectomy my lymph nodes were negative and I had clear margins but the strange thing was now I am triple negative!!!! I went to oncologist yesterday he said triple negative can be dangerous but because my tumor was so small I do not need chemo was a very early stage 1 ,2.1 MM. I will need radiation and he put me on Arimidex to pervent me from other cancers. Next week he wants me to have the BRCA test. By the way prior to the BC I had uterus cancer which was also found very early just needed surgery. I wonder what caused these two cancers if not estrogen.
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96

    triple negative
    when i first had my core biopsy I was er positive, pr- and her2-. I had a lumpectomy my lymph nodes were negative and I had clear margins but the strange thing was now I am triple negative!!!! I went to oncologist yesterday he said triple negative can be dangerous but because my tumor was so small I do not need chemo was a very early stage 1 ,2.1 MM. I will need radiation and he put me on Arimidex to pervent me from other cancers. Next week he wants me to have the BRCA test. By the way prior to the BC I had uterus cancer which was also found very early just needed surgery. I wonder what caused these two cancers if not estrogen.

    hi Lisa
    Read your post, I have heard this happening. I have no answers cause this whole triple neg and positive cancer is baffling to me.

    PLease, if there is one thing to help your diagnosis it is getting a second opinion from one of the top cancer hospitals . THey are so up to the minute in their protocols and therapies.
    I didn't the first time, I wish I had.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    thank you all very much
    I have been down, as I have RA too and finshed 33 rads and exhaustion set in catching buses, subways and jitneys (whew) running back and forth to NYC and I'm a little out it. Lots of information on the internet ~ maybe too much.
    One thing that is causing me worry is that I have stopped taking vitamins and boy I miss them. The Stress B's with b6 b12 and all and zinc and copper and c. It affected me and I'm going into chemo and wanting to have the full effect of the treaments but its hard! Sounds silly, I know. BTW I am BRCA neg and Im being tested for the androgen receptor. It may decide how I am treated.
    Anyone have any knowledge of this? Its getting more scarier as days go by. Im 61 and have little ones that I am very attached too. Aw getting sad.

    Thank you all and God Bless You

    Sometimes the internet can
    Sometimes the internet can scare the heck out of you. That's why I stopped searching and just counted on the pink sisters here or on one other cancer site to help.

    I had to stop my vitamins during rads, but, started them again once I finished. I was exhausted from them, like you. Try to still get lots and lots of rest.

    Take care,

  • Ms.Shell
    Ms.Shell Member Posts: 1

    hi Lisa
    Read your post, I have heard this happening. I have no answers cause this whole triple neg and positive cancer is baffling to me.

    PLease, if there is one thing to help your diagnosis it is getting a second opinion from one of the top cancer hospitals . THey are so up to the minute in their protocols and therapies.
    I didn't the first time, I wish I had.

    New to site
    Hi everyone! Decided to use these posts as "jumping in" point. I too am triple negative with recurrence. Originally diagnosed in '08. Diagnosed with recurrence in November. First time around I had AC for chemo and was in Avastin trial. Did not do Taxotere as I chose not too. So this time I am doing Taxol and Gemzar combo which trials have shown to be effective for triple neg. Today is my first treatment. I handled the AC combo very well so I have high hopes I will this combo too. :) It just feels good after all the many appointments, scans, finally start being aggressive!! Time to put the pink gloves on and fight like a girl! LOL

    Positive thoughts to all,
    Michelle (Ms. Shell as my pre-k class calls me)
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    Ms.Shell said:

    New to site
    Hi everyone! Decided to use these posts as "jumping in" point. I too am triple negative with recurrence. Originally diagnosed in '08. Diagnosed with recurrence in November. First time around I had AC for chemo and was in Avastin trial. Did not do Taxotere as I chose not too. So this time I am doing Taxol and Gemzar combo which trials have shown to be effective for triple neg. Today is my first treatment. I handled the AC combo very well so I have high hopes I will this combo too. :) It just feels good after all the many appointments, scans, finally start being aggressive!! Time to put the pink gloves on and fight like a girl! LOL

    Positive thoughts to all,
    Michelle (Ms. Shell as my pre-k class calls me)

    Hi Michelle newbie here too
    How are you doing? I have been busy going back and forth to sloan and getting things done so I haven't been here lately.

    Fight Ms Shell! Those are some good meds, God Bless you.

    Hugs, Karen
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    I got results of pet ct scans
    Some good and some bad. The tumors on the left that were radiated have shrunk. A node on right side of the hylum or notch of my lung light up and a spot on the right breast side very tiny showed.
    Dr Traina is very positive and I will have to biopsy the node on lung. I have battled bronchial infection over 4 weeks now. 2 different antibiotics . So that may be what this is. Thank goodness they are very proactive and will jump on this and treat with common chemo cmf if not new mets or xeloda or clinical trials for tessetaxel for mets.??(sp)

    Hope everyone had a super holiday....


    That's good news if the ones
    That's good news if the ones have shrunk Karen! Let us know when you will have the biopsy done so we can all load up on the pink bus to support you!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi and I'm so glad you found
    Hi and I'm so glad you found CSN! You'll find a lot of great sharing going on here and lots of support

    I was triple neg. Dx'd 11 years go. Very strongly Her/2neu positive, which meant it was very aggressive. Had lumpectomy, chemo and rads, in that order. Still here and still kicking.

    Of course, no tamox, etc. for me, post treatment. No recurrence and doing well. Had some other issues following chemo, but hey, we can't have everything. Make up your mind that regardless of the pathology, and regardless of the prognosis, YOU are the biggest and most important factor in doing battle with the beast. Spirit and attitude can and do move mountains. I've seen it many times. Don't let the "stats" effect your positive commitment! Onward and upward.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Love, light & laughter,
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Ms.Shell said:

    New to site
    Hi everyone! Decided to use these posts as "jumping in" point. I too am triple negative with recurrence. Originally diagnosed in '08. Diagnosed with recurrence in November. First time around I had AC for chemo and was in Avastin trial. Did not do Taxotere as I chose not too. So this time I am doing Taxol and Gemzar combo which trials have shown to be effective for triple neg. Today is my first treatment. I handled the AC combo very well so I have high hopes I will this combo too. :) It just feels good after all the many appointments, scans, finally start being aggressive!! Time to put the pink gloves on and fight like a girl! LOL

    Positive thoughts to all,
    Michelle (Ms. Shell as my pre-k class calls me)

    I want to welcome you to
    I want to welcome you to this great site also Michelle! Good luck with your chemo..I will be praying for you!

    Hugs, Angie
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    Angie2U said:

    I want to welcome you to
    I want to welcome you to this great site also Michelle! Good luck with your chemo..I will be praying for you!

    Hugs, Angie

    thank you Angie
    I love that name!

  • Netty47
    Netty47 Member Posts: 4
    Ms.Shell said:

    New to site
    Hi everyone! Decided to use these posts as "jumping in" point. I too am triple negative with recurrence. Originally diagnosed in '08. Diagnosed with recurrence in November. First time around I had AC for chemo and was in Avastin trial. Did not do Taxotere as I chose not too. So this time I am doing Taxol and Gemzar combo which trials have shown to be effective for triple neg. Today is my first treatment. I handled the AC combo very well so I have high hopes I will this combo too. :) It just feels good after all the many appointments, scans, finally start being aggressive!! Time to put the pink gloves on and fight like a girl! LOL

    Positive thoughts to all,
    Michelle (Ms. Shell as my pre-k class calls me)

    Hi how Re you now
    I just a recurrence triple neg after 12 years. How were all your scans? Where did you hear of the gemzar combo?
  • Netty47
    Netty47 Member Posts: 4
    Ms.Shell said:

    New to site
    Hi everyone! Decided to use these posts as "jumping in" point. I too am triple negative with recurrence. Originally diagnosed in '08. Diagnosed with recurrence in November. First time around I had AC for chemo and was in Avastin trial. Did not do Taxotere as I chose not too. So this time I am doing Taxol and Gemzar combo which trials have shown to be effective for triple neg. Today is my first treatment. I handled the AC combo very well so I have high hopes I will this combo too. :) It just feels good after all the many appointments, scans, finally start being aggressive!! Time to put the pink gloves on and fight like a girl! LOL

    Positive thoughts to all,
    Michelle (Ms. Shell as my pre-k class calls me)

    Hi how Re you now
    I just a recurrence triple neg after 12 years. How were all your scans? Where did you hear of the gemzar combo?
  • Netty47
    Netty47 Member Posts: 4

    Waiting on results
    I am not triple negative either but I am waiting on results to see if there is a reoccurrence. Had biopsy two weeks ago and still waiting on results. my thoughts and prayer share with you.

    Keep the faith,

    Hi did you get results? I just had reoccurence
  • Netty47
    Netty47 Member Posts: 4

    Waiting on results
    I am not triple negative either but I am waiting on results to see if there is a reoccurrence. Had biopsy two weeks ago and still waiting on results. my thoughts and prayer share with you.

    Keep the faith,

    Hi did you get results? I just had reoccurence