question? how do I get the little man with the hat next to my name

Chuckling...I see that it doesn't appear. What am I not doing?


  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    Little man with hat
    I just sent that question to CSN today. From what I can tell, all you have to do is to friend someone(or have them friend you)on this board. I can see that you do not have that problem anymore.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Little man with hat
    I just sent that question to CSN today. From what I can tell, all you have to do is to friend someone(or have them friend you)on this board. I can see that you do not have that problem anymore.


    Didn't Know or Even Notice until GrammyKaren asked the ?
    I just added you and Grammy Karen. I had no idea either how to add one. Worse of all I never even notice the little man with the hat until Grammy Karen asked the question.

    Thank You.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Little man with hat
    I just sent that question to CSN today. From what I can tell, all you have to do is to friend someone(or have them friend you)on this board. I can see that you do not have that problem anymore.


    No Little Man with Hat
    Still don't have one! Sigh!

  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    SIROD said:

    No Little Man with Hat
    Still don't have one! Sigh!


    thanks lol
    OK Im doing this again and asking to friend people!!!

  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96

    thanks lol
    OK Im doing this again and asking to friend people!!!


    when you've worked in HR you notice


    Thanks cinnaminsmile~
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    SIROD said:

    Didn't Know or Even Notice until GrammyKaren asked the ?
    I just added you and Grammy Karen. I had no idea either how to add one. Worse of all I never even notice the little man with the hat until Grammy Karen asked the question.

    Thank You.


    thanks Doris
    I also added you. Lets see if this works.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    when you've worked in HR you notice


    Thanks cinnaminsmile~

    If I am remembering
    If I am remembering correctly this means someone is your "friend". Since you can't be your own friend you won't see one by your name but we do. Of course, I myself and I am sure TracinLA will agree, that we can be our own friends. LOL Or else it is there to click on and add that person to your friends list.
    Hope this helps and hope I am correct. But if I am wrong and I have been before and will be again, someone more informed will give you the right informatio.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I dont have it next to mine anymore.
    I use to. What do I have to do to get it back? Do you see one next to my name? I really do have some friends.... lol
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    I don't have it next to mine
    I don't have it next to mine ether and i have friends but it still did not appear.

  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    I can see all
    Ladies, I can see all of your's under your user names on this board, but still have none next to mine. When I go to the discussion board,I can see everyone has a little man with a "plus- sign" after or under their user names- except mine. CAN ANY OF YOU SEE MY "MAN"? I don't know if you can see your own "man" or not,but you should be able to. You should see them on the board when you check in and they should also be under your names on your posts. Mine is not on either as far as I can see and I have friended several people including my wife!

    Is it really that important? YES!!!!!!! It is to me! I want my MAN! (Throwing a temper tantrum here and that does not sound good to me:"want my man"?) LOL!

    Stef, I agree with you and Traci. You could be right or you could be wrong,too. Does it really matter? (Read above sentance.)

    (((HUGS))) to all.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413

    I can see all
    Ladies, I can see all of your's under your user names on this board, but still have none next to mine. When I go to the discussion board,I can see everyone has a little man with a "plus- sign" after or under their user names- except mine. CAN ANY OF YOU SEE MY "MAN"? I don't know if you can see your own "man" or not,but you should be able to. You should see them on the board when you check in and they should also be under your names on your posts. Mine is not on either as far as I can see and I have friended several people including my wife!

    Is it really that important? YES!!!!!!! It is to me! I want my MAN! (Throwing a temper tantrum here and that does not sound good to me:"want my man"?) LOL!

    Stef, I agree with you and Traci. You could be right or you could be wrong,too. Does it really matter? (Read above sentance.)

    (((HUGS))) to all.

    You've got your man! I
    You've got your man! I guess the tantrum worked. GrammyKaren has one too.
  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    What did you three do?
    Karen;Doris & Frankie,, I don't know what you ladies did,but your "little men" now have a RED negitive sign on them? Wow! Are you girls in trouble now! HEEHEEHEE. It's not nice to friend the same person more than once, I quess? Do we have to keep an eye on y'all? Are y'all trying to be trouble makers on this board like Traci & Stef are? LOL!!!!!

    I've never seen a Red Negitive sign befor. Is this CSN's way of flagging you all as being "suspicious characters"? Will you ever get your Green plus back? Will they be able to be trusted to behave on this board again? Tune in same time,same board,next week to see? Or maybe NOT! Mawhahhahhah! (I'm having fun,are you?)

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    What did you three do?
    Karen;Doris & Frankie,, I don't know what you ladies did,but your "little men" now have a RED negitive sign on them? Wow! Are you girls in trouble now! HEEHEEHEE. It's not nice to friend the same person more than once, I quess? Do we have to keep an eye on y'all? Are y'all trying to be trouble makers on this board like Traci & Stef are? LOL!!!!!

    I've never seen a Red Negitive sign befor. Is this CSN's way of flagging you all as being "suspicious characters"? Will you ever get your Green plus back? Will they be able to be trusted to behave on this board again? Tune in same time,same board,next week to see? Or maybe NOT! Mawhahhahhah! (I'm having fun,are you?)


    friend someone
    little men with green + signs give you the option of "friending" someone or adding them to your friends list. Red - means you can 'Unfriend" someone. To friend, if I remember correctly, and that can be a stretch, click over the little figure next to that person's name. If I'm wrong someone please correct me!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    What did you three do?
    Karen;Doris & Frankie,, I don't know what you ladies did,but your "little men" now have a RED negitive sign on them? Wow! Are you girls in trouble now! HEEHEEHEE. It's not nice to friend the same person more than once, I quess? Do we have to keep an eye on y'all? Are y'all trying to be trouble makers on this board like Traci & Stef are? LOL!!!!!

    I've never seen a Red Negitive sign befor. Is this CSN's way of flagging you all as being "suspicious characters"? Will you ever get your Green plus back? Will they be able to be trusted to behave on this board again? Tune in same time,same board,next week to see? Or maybe NOT! Mawhahhahhah! (I'm having fun,are you?)


    You all have the little man
    You all have the little man next to your name. It is just that YOU can't see your own. I don't know why they have it set up that way, but, the site does.

    Sue :)
  • Muschi
    Muschi Member Posts: 85 Member
    Ritzy said:

    You all have the little man
    You all have the little man next to your name. It is just that YOU can't see your own. I don't know why they have it set up that way, but, the site does.

    Sue :)

    can you see the little man beside my name? If not, what do I have to do?
    Ilona :)
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457

    I can see all
    Ladies, I can see all of your's under your user names on this board, but still have none next to mine. When I go to the discussion board,I can see everyone has a little man with a "plus- sign" after or under their user names- except mine. CAN ANY OF YOU SEE MY "MAN"? I don't know if you can see your own "man" or not,but you should be able to. You should see them on the board when you check in and they should also be under your names on your posts. Mine is not on either as far as I can see and I have friended several people including my wife!

    Is it really that important? YES!!!!!!! It is to me! I want my MAN! (Throwing a temper tantrum here and that does not sound good to me:"want my man"?) LOL!

    Stef, I agree with you and Traci. You could be right or you could be wrong,too. Does it really matter? (Read above sentance.)

    (((HUGS))) to all.

    Yes Robert your little man
    Yes Robert your little man is there,such temper

    Hugs Frankie
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457

    What did you three do?
    Karen;Doris & Frankie,, I don't know what you ladies did,but your "little men" now have a RED negitive sign on them? Wow! Are you girls in trouble now! HEEHEEHEE. It's not nice to friend the same person more than once, I quess? Do we have to keep an eye on y'all? Are y'all trying to be trouble makers on this board like Traci & Stef are? LOL!!!!!

    I've never seen a Red Negitive sign befor. Is this CSN's way of flagging you all as being "suspicious characters"? Will you ever get your Green plus back? Will they be able to be trusted to behave on this board again? Tune in same time,same board,next week to see? Or maybe NOT! Mawhahhahhah! (I'm having fun,are you?)


    Yes i am having fun maby
    Yes i am having fun maby they put the red since this is hart day for women and we are to wear red.Smile lol

    Hugs Frankie
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Muschi said:

    can you see the little man beside my name? If not, what do I have to do?
    Ilona :)

    Yes he is next to your
    Yes he is next to your name.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Keeping my mouth shut
    Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

    The plus sign means you can 'add to friends list' Once you've done that it changes to a minus so you can 'remove from friends list'. I think it would change back to a plus at this point.

    I never did learn when to be quiet. This was already figured out and I still had to comment.

    Yes, only in life can we befriend ourself, not on this site.

    One thing no one mentioned is the advantage of adding someone to your friend's list means you can tell if your friends are on line. Just go to home and to the right click on 'view all' under My Friends.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Thank you All
    Thank you all for telling and helping me with the little man. I never knew, care or even notice I didn't have one. This post was great. Thanks to Karen and all who helped me learn about the little man.

