50/50: A survivor's perspective (possible spoilers?)

I (not so) recently saw 50/50 with a friend. We are both cancer survivors. I was diagnosed at 14 seven years ago. She was diagnosed in her 20s about 30 years ago.

I thought the movie was humorous, maybe a little too light-hearted and off topic in parts (the awkward relationship with his therapist, anyone?). There were some scenes that I thought were spot on. For example, the night before his big surgery when Adam has that breakdown. Or as they are wheeling him back to the OR and his mom is trying to hold onto him. I was also proud that they included the death of one of his chemo buddies. I was particularly grateful for that scene, as I think survivor's guilt is often overlooked in cancer patients.

But I really want to know what my fellow survivors thought of this film. Did y'all like it? Hate it? Why or why not?

- Emily, 22, Ewing's/PNET survivor



  • nen127
    nen127 Member Posts: 4
    I love this movie because it
    I love this movie because it really shows the presceptive of someone who has cancer in their 20's. I am also a Ewings PNET survivor diagnosed when I was 26. And honestly it kind of showed the emotions i have had in the last year. I liked the funny things because honestly even though you have this horrible thing in your life you do still have days where you have a good time. It doesn't have to be all sad. If all I did was live with cancer I probably would have gone nuts.