It's been a while. Update on Tom + a dose of supernatural

ArchTB Member Posts: 150
Hi everyone,
I see a lot of new names on the board, which is unfortunate. But I am also glad to see some old names, which is very encouraging! I have not been to the board for several months, so my delayed best wishes for a new year: good health, strength and many bright days ahead!

I thought I would stop by and post a quick update on how Tom is doing. Although for the last 8 months he has been telling me that he is 80-90% normal, NOW he says that this is official and he is not lying to make me feel better. Well, that means that NOW I can smack him for lying to me all this time :)

He has been off all pain killers since November. It was not a pleasant transition, because he had pretty bad withdrawal from using oxicodone for nearly 6 months (although he has not been taking more than 5 mg every other day). But he is fine now and so far has not been taking ANYTHING, not even tylenol, this year. The weight gain is still challanging, but I am happy he is not loosing any weight either. After freaking out and talking to many doctors about Tom's frequent diarrhea, we finally decided to ask google what "dumping syndrome" is... duh! no more ice-cream and cartoons for Tom in the evening.

Back pain remains a problem, although things are not as bad as they used to be. The good thing is that doctors do not see anything suspicious, just a typical age deterioration and weak muscle support. So Tom is doing some exercises and stretches, which seem to help quite a bit.

Being a paranoid wife of a cancer patient, I am of course having some concerns. My recent one is my own swallowing... Call me crazy, but I have an official doctor statement that in September 2010, about three months before Tom's diagnosis, I had weird sensation in my throat as if i had a pill or a candy stuck in my throat that i could not swallow. I even went to see my physician who found nothing. The feeling would not disappear, and I sort of got used to having a candy-stuck-sensation pretty much every waking hour. But as soon as Tom went to his gastroenterologist, I stopped having this sensation. I have not had it until two days ago. Now of course I am starting to freak out and don't know if I should even mention it to Tom. His next check up is in the end of February.

wife of Tom, 38 yo, T3N1M0
Chemoradiation, MIE at MSCCK 05/17/2011


  • LilChemoSmoker
    LilChemoSmoker Member Posts: 185
    Olya needs an endoscopy!
    So happy to hear your great news on Tom's progress! Kudos to both of you and Happy New Year right back atcha! New Years resolution Olya! Get an endoscopy! Nuff said...

  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258

    Olya needs an endoscopy!
    So happy to hear your great news on Tom's progress! Kudos to both of you and Happy New Year right back atcha! New Years resolution Olya! Get an endoscopy! Nuff said...


    I agree with Michelle
    Olya, please go and get that endoscopy. This is the only test that will really show what is going on inside your throat and esophagus.
    Good news for your husband Tom and I know that brings you relief but now it's time to have yourself checked out. Don't let fear stop you!!

  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thinking of You and Sending Hugs
    Hi Olya and Tom
    Thanks for Tom's great update! So happy to hear good news. I agree with the get yourself to the dr to get an endoscopy done. It could have just been your nerves and anxiety over Tom causing this lump, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Keep in touch.
    Tina in Va
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Agreed! Olya needs a scope :)
    Wonderful news on Tom's good health! Glad to hear that he's made the break from pain relievers. Nick is still struggling to leave dexamethazone behind - not the same, but similar.

    While Nick was undergoing his treatment, I had awful stomach issues, heartburn, and double me over pain. Figured I had an ulcer or something. I had a scope - nothing there (thank God!) - but the pains continued. They stopped almost to the minute when Nick completed his last chemo treatment.

    Stress does amazing things, but just in case - please have a scope to make sure you're okay. Besides, Nick told me after my scope it really relieved him to know that I didn't have EC. He was scared for me and the kids!

    So, think of Tom, get scoped for HIS peace of mind :)

    Love & Hugs,
