Postings about asking for prayers etc in relevant sections

I know it offends some, so this section was created. But just wondering is it ok to post asking for prayers/good vibes etc in your own relevant section as well as in here? As this section is not very busy, and someone might miss asking for prayers/good wishes etc. Also maybe individuals feel more comfortable at times posting in their sections that they feel a part of?

I'm not quoting any parts of the bible etc, when I do ask for prayers/wishes/vibes. Just thinking out loud, sorry I'm going to lose a dear friend and I believe in prayer/vibes/wishes. But I think it offends people. Just wish for now I can get some slack, as I'm devastated. And coming here, where I have been for the last three years is an online home to me. Sorry gone off topic, just really down and upset so I apologise.



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Dear Sonia,
    IMO it is ok to ask for prayers or good thoughts on the boards. Which ever one you belong to. It's part of support. That's my opinion. This one has been slow lately. I noticed it also. When we lose someone, even a cyber friend we've never met, it is devastating. I've lost several also not only to cancer but a Parkinson pal that had a stroke. He wasn't even 50. His wife posts once in a while to let us know how his family is doing and to let us know she prays for us. Bonds are created that death can not break. Just remember that they still exist and even tho we miss them, they are walking the next path of existence.

  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    Thoughts and Prayers
    I agree with Marcia 100%. While the site's terms and conditions prohibit proselytizing, there is absolutely no need to be walking on eggshells when it comes to your beliefs and requests for prayers and thoughts, regardless of religion.

    It is, as you indicate yourself, when your beliefs are expressed in such a manner that they are offensive to others that they become a concern.

    I do not pray, myself, but be assured that your friend AND you are in my thoughts, for whatever that is worth.

    Take care,

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Agree with Marcia and Joe
    There's a difference between asking for prayers and starting prayer groups.
    Personally asking for prayers does not offend me at all. However, I don't see the point in making the same post 2 or 3 times in one week nor do I see any purpose to preface each post with "I know it will offend people but...". It does little to help those who need prayers, good thoughts, help, vibes, whatever you wish to call it. All it does it prime things.

    I hope people can distinguish between sending prayers for those who are very sick and just posting bible verses to get a rise out of people.
    Instead of hoping, maybe I should pray....
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Dear Sonia,
    IMO it is ok to ask for prayers or good thoughts on the boards. Which ever one you belong to. It's part of support. That's my opinion. This one has been slow lately. I noticed it also. When we lose someone, even a cyber friend we've never met, it is devastating. I've lost several also not only to cancer but a Parkinson pal that had a stroke. He wasn't even 50. His wife posts once in a while to let us know how his family is doing and to let us know she prays for us. Bonds are created that death can not break. Just remember that they still exist and even tho we miss them, they are walking the next path of existence.


    Hugs Marcia and Joe
    Thank you to you both. Phil I apologise (again) not been in the right frame of mind since I've heard her news. So if I posted a similar topic twice, apologies. You have no idea how much she has done for me, with her words of advice over e-mail, phone, skype. I even wanted to meet her this year we talked about it. So...I will try and think before I post.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Sonia
    Asking for prayer should always welcomed on any of the forum as it is part of the healing process of a person belief. The belief in God or the belief in oneself for healing, what we try to stay away from is not the request of asking for prayer but the debating of personal religion. Everyone is to be respected for what they believe or don’t believe so at the end of the day we are all still friends.

    I am praying for you
    Tim Hondo
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    PhillieG said:

    Agree with Marcia and Joe
    There's a difference between asking for prayers and starting prayer groups.
    Personally asking for prayers does not offend me at all. However, I don't see the point in making the same post 2 or 3 times in one week nor do I see any purpose to preface each post with "I know it will offend people but...". It does little to help those who need prayers, good thoughts, help, vibes, whatever you wish to call it. All it does it prime things.

    I hope people can distinguish between sending prayers for those who are very sick and just posting bible verses to get a rise out of people.
    Instead of hoping, maybe I should pray....

    a cry in the dark
    Sometimes when we cry out into the darkness and all we get back is an echo,
    We have to try again.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I think it is fine to ask for prayers, positive vibes, good karma or good thoughts it is a form of support and I do believe that is one of the reasons we are all here. I will be lifting you and your friend in prayer.

    My best to you,

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm so late with this
    I'm so late with this comment. Repent sinners! Just kidding=) I'm not a church goer but I am spiritual and I have my beliefs. I would think that everyone should respect what other people believe to helps themselves. I know an atheist who gets very offended when someone asks her to pray for them and I always tell her instead of getting offended and taking everything so personally, think of the person who is asking instead of yourself because obviously they are in a bad situation and need support and just translate it to "sending them good wishes". It seems to be the word prayer that offends her. A prayer to a person who doesn't believe in God can simply be a good thought! Prayer can have so many meanings. You do what you need to get through the times!
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Sonia
    Asking for prayer should always welcomed on any of the forum as it is part of the healing process of a person belief. The belief in God or the belief in oneself for healing, what we try to stay away from is not the request of asking for prayer but the debating of personal religion. Everyone is to be respected for what they believe or don’t believe so at the end of the day we are all still friends.

    I am praying for you
    Tim Hondo

    How can anyone NOT

    what you said and how you said it Hondo...
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    This is for everyone here !
    I post everywhere I can for prayers.....if I offend people oops ! I believe Jesus surrounds us and inspires us to do this...and to live it, shout it with joy in our hearts ! I too do not go to church...but am a believer ! God is my childrens my grandbabies the beautiful creations of the whole darn world. If I concentrated in all the bad of this crazy old world of ours, I would find a hole and crawl in, and never come out. But I find that the old saying God didn't promise us a rose garden....but please stop and smell those roses along the way folks ! Best warmest regards to everyone ! I am so glad I found you ! Katie
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member

    This is for everyone here !
    I post everywhere I can for prayers.....if I offend people oops ! I believe Jesus surrounds us and inspires us to do this...and to live it, shout it with joy in our hearts ! I too do not go to church...but am a believer ! God is my childrens my grandbabies the beautiful creations of the whole darn world. If I concentrated in all the bad of this crazy old world of ours, I would find a hole and crawl in, and never come out. But I find that the old saying God didn't promise us a rose garden....but please stop and smell those roses along the way folks ! Best warmest regards to everyone ! I am so glad I found you ! Katie

    And this is where the problems begin to arise.

    RE and others know that I accept prayers without offense, hoping that they do good even if I do not know they do, and knowing too they are expressed with the best intentions, but she also knows I do not want someone screaming into my ear or shouting with joy into my heart. I do not want someone reciting passages or reciting 'history'.

    This is where the problems begin to arise.

    Take care,

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    And this is where the problems begin to arise.

    RE and others know that I accept prayers without offense, hoping that they do good even if I do not know they do, and knowing too they are expressed with the best intentions, but she also knows I do not want someone screaming into my ear or shouting with joy into my heart. I do not want someone reciting passages or reciting 'history'.

    This is where the problems begin to arise.

    Take care,


    I meant no offense to you...and NO please understand the meaning of my post ! I am not screaming in your face, or ears....I'm screaming to my creator for a cure ! I word things upside down...inside out sometimes...cancer is so new to me personally and have just begun my journey into it. I would never intentionally hurt or offend anyone with my beliefs...just as you wouldn't ! I was just so darn glad to find your posts here I got carried away. I will be quieter and not so in your face, please know I really truely meant no offense or too injure anyone, not who I am ! Katie
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member

    I meant no offense to you...and NO please understand the meaning of my post ! I am not screaming in your face, or ears....I'm screaming to my creator for a cure ! I word things upside down...inside out sometimes...cancer is so new to me personally and have just begun my journey into it. I would never intentionally hurt or offend anyone with my beliefs...just as you wouldn't ! I was just so darn glad to find your posts here I got carried away. I will be quieter and not so in your face, please know I really truely meant no offense or too injure anyone, not who I am ! Katie

    No offense taken, but thanks for the explanation which is much appreciated.

    Take care,

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hondo said:

    Hi Sonia
    Asking for prayer should always welcomed on any of the forum as it is part of the healing process of a person belief. The belief in God or the belief in oneself for healing, what we try to stay away from is not the request of asking for prayer but the debating of personal religion. Everyone is to be respected for what they believe or don’t believe so at the end of the day we are all still friends.

    I am praying for you
    Tim Hondo

    True words of wisdom Hondo
    Thank you!