What would you do today if...

buckeye2 Member Posts: 428 Member
I wonder what each of us would do today differently if cancer had not entered our lives. When pondering this question I realized that as a caregiver my day would not look that much different but my spouse's would look very different. He would get up and walk outside, then begin helping with household chores. He would make us lunch and then go with some buddies to the ballgame he really wants to go to rather than with me. He would stop at the bar on the way home from the game to discuss and argue about each play. He would probably come in after I got to bed. Tomorrow morning I would make him feel guilty about his good day so he would spend all Sunday trying to make it up to me. It would be a good weekend. Lisa


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Nothing very different what I'm doing.
    Just that I would do it because I really wanted to do it , not like now that I do it for my wife.
    Hugs Lisa .
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    If colon cancer had not
    If colon cancer had not killed my mom, my life would be SO much better. I have come to realize that now matter how many years it has been since she passed (its been almost 6), I will never completely heal from it. There is no total peace to be had with it.

    Now for my own colon cancer, my life is pretty much the same. I have been fortunate to have very few issues post chemo. I am sorry about your husband.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hard to say
    It's kind of hard to unring that bell. I'm not sure how my life would be different if I hadn't had the diagnosis. I can, however, tell you that one of the things that has resulted from my diagnosis is that I have a new mission in life-to be a support system for cancer patients and their families.

  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    A Day in the Life
    Hi Lisa,

    If I didn't have cancer I imagine that I would have spent today pretty much as I spent it with a few exceptions. I wouldn't have turned off the phones and alarms to make sure that I could sleep a full night for the first time this week (I've only averaged 4 hours of sleep each night this week because it's been so difficult just getting to sleep.) When I did get up, I wouldn't have bothered putting on slippers and enjoyed the feel of the carpet on my bare feet. As it is, the cracks and splits on my feet from Vectibix make it so painful to walk that I need the cushion from the slippers. Likewise, the cracks and splits on my fingers make it hard to turn pages of a book when I'm reading, so a good book by the fire while it snows outside would have been more enjoyable. I probably would have been singing and dancing silly jigs around the kitchen while cooking dinner -- one of my great joys in life -- instead of it being an ordeal to get through. Finally, typing posts on this and other boards would be much faster, but my fingers hurt too much to type as fast as I used to.

    All of that said, it's a great day to be alive!
