Sister with Stag4 transverse colon cancer

Help me!!! My sister has been fighting this cancer for 2 years. I think her Doctor is not listening to her complaints. He told her you have cancer instead of listening to her. He didn't even lay any hands on her..not even listen to her heart beat. I am so furious. Her kidneys are functioning well right now she is gaining 2 pounds of fluid daily. She has been thru to radiation treatments to her liver. She only has 25% of a liver, had the other 75% removed in April. Cancer is not responding to any chemo and I think radiation has shut her liver down. Doctor says she can't have liver transplant even though that is the only place she has any cancer now. No cancer in colon now. Does she need a second opinion??? She only 49 years old...there got to be help out there some where.


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    A Couple of Things Come to Mind...

    Most good oncologists will do a manual "feel" of the body to check for hardness or lumps and stuff like that....under the armpits, along the sides around the liver and they generally listen to your lungs to see if the lungs sound, with this doctor, not performing those routine tasks....that's a big ol' red flag.

    Second, if she is gaining fluid....this is known as ascities...and at some point, it will have to be drained....if it continues, it would have to be continually drained at regular intervals...maybe through the ER even, if it got bad enough and depending on the hour of the day.

    Sounds like she got a liver resection...75 to 80% is quite common...the liver can regenerate itself and become fully functional - although the size may not be the same.

    I had cancer in my liver at one time and was told because I had cancer, I was not eligible to be put on a transplant list.

    You don't mention where you are located, but I would strongly encourage you to have her seek a 2nd opinion - and if possible, it would be great if you could be with her during the consult, so you could be an extra set of eyes and ears for her. It is easy to have your eyes glaze over someimes when the doctor is talking.

    If it were possible to get her to a teaching hospital, prefarable one with an NCI status, which means the highest care. A teaching hospital is on the cutting edge of treatments, many young fine minds and experienced doctors it's a very good choice if you are near one of those, or are in a position to get to one of those.

    Try to get to the best facility that you can.

    Another opinion is really needed at this point - it sounds like her doctor has given up on her for reasons we obviously don't know here on the board.

    So, see if you can have her do that and then post back with any questions you have. We'll try and see if we can help.

    Best of luck moving forward...

  • rlridings
    rlridings Member Posts: 42
    second opinion
    totally agree w the above - time to get another opinion - not doing a physical exam shows that this doc is not thorough