My visit with the oncologist

Lisaepstein Member Posts: 62 Member
My visit with the oncologist turned out ok. The breast doctor I think was not reading my report correctly that day. She told me I was a stage 2 the tumor was 2.1cm. The oncologist told me it is 2.1 mm which is a big difference it is very small and I do not need chemo. I will need radiation for 5 weeks and he wants to to take a brca1 and brac2 test. Anyone have this blood test? If it turns out positive than the doc said we would talk and maybe have to make some choices. I was really happy with the out come just confused to why the breast doctor was so confused she is a top surgeon. She also said I was er pos which I was a triple negative. My doctor said being a triple neg did not matter because of the size of the tumor he said it was so small they had to put it on a glass slide so they can see it. So all good for now just hope that brca1 test comes back negative!


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    congrats on the good news,
    congrats on the good news, no chemo is great! Maybe your doc was having a bad day??????
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    That one was caught in a jiffy. Did not have the BCRA test as my insurance company refused to pay for it. No first degree relatives with breast cancer. That's because I have 7 brothers. Not that they couldn't get it. I heard BCRA 2 is what hits the men.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    That one was caught in a jiffy. Did not have the BCRA test as my insurance company refused to pay for it. No first degree relatives with breast cancer. That's because I have 7 brothers. Not that they couldn't get it. I heard BCRA 2 is what hits the men.

    Please do the test before starting radiation
    I had the test and I am negative. Try to do the test before starting radiation, so you will choose the correct treatment option.
    Good luck
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    Brac Testing
    I did the Brac Testing, they took blood, sent it back and within a week I had the results. Negative for me and I have had a lot of cancer in my family! I was really surprised it was negative, but I was jumping for joy when I left that appt! I couldn't bare to think of passing this on to my little Granddaughter. But after doing a lot more research I didn't want my family to have a false since of being safe. My mother who passed away at 47 from Melonama and both her brothers and sister passed away young with cancer. In my Dad's family 5 of the 10 children has had cancer. My Dad was resently diagnosed with Melonama. That is really strange huh? Now on the other hand, I do realize that my test results changed the course of action and for that I am glad that I took it. They also explained to me that even though it was negative they keep my results and if a knew gene mutation is discovered they will go back and test again. Probably more info that you wanted, sorry.

    Sending prayers your way!
  • Lisaepstein
    Lisaepstein Member Posts: 62 Member
    Nana C. said:

    Brac Testing
    I did the Brac Testing, they took blood, sent it back and within a week I had the results. Negative for me and I have had a lot of cancer in my family! I was really surprised it was negative, but I was jumping for joy when I left that appt! I couldn't bare to think of passing this on to my little Granddaughter. But after doing a lot more research I didn't want my family to have a false since of being safe. My mother who passed away at 47 from Melonama and both her brothers and sister passed away young with cancer. In my Dad's family 5 of the 10 children has had cancer. My Dad was resently diagnosed with Melonama. That is really strange huh? Now on the other hand, I do realize that my test results changed the course of action and for that I am glad that I took it. They also explained to me that even though it was negative they keep my results and if a knew gene mutation is discovered they will go back and test again. Probably more info that you wanted, sorry.

    Sending prayers your way!

    BRAC test
    Thanks for all the responses. Does anyone know what puts you at rick for the test to be positive? I am doing the test before radiation starts. Does anyone know what happens if the test turns out positive? Than what!!!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    BRAC test
    Thanks for all the responses. Does anyone know what puts you at rick for the test to be positive? I am doing the test before radiation starts. Does anyone know what happens if the test turns out positive? Than what!!!

    It is a test for a mutation
    It is a test for a mutation of one gene that is known to be cancer related. I did not have it done as there is no known cancer of any kind on both sides of my family for 4 generations before me. Also my Dr said that it very seldom show up possitive in IBCers.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    carkris said:

    congrats on the good news,
    congrats on the good news, no chemo is great! Maybe your doc was having a bad day??????

    Congrats on no chemo!

    Congrats on no chemo!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    BRAC test
    Thanks for all the responses. Does anyone know what puts you at rick for the test to be positive? I am doing the test before radiation starts. Does anyone know what happens if the test turns out positive? Than what!!!

    Brac 1 or 2 positive
    If the test comes back positive recommendation are the following:
    Prophylactic double mastectomy and ovary removal. I know it sounds awful, however these measure suppose to protect patient from new primary cancers. Please see a genetic counselor , who will explan you the test.
    Since radiated skin does not heal well, it is important to do the test before starting radiation.
    Wishing you negative results
    New Flower
  • Lisaepstein
    Lisaepstein Member Posts: 62 Member

    Brac 1 or 2 positive
    If the test comes back positive recommendation are the following:
    Prophylactic double mastectomy and ovary removal. I know it sounds awful, however these measure suppose to protect patient from new primary cancers. Please see a genetic counselor , who will explan you the test.
    Since radiated skin does not heal well, it is important to do the test before starting radiation.
    Wishing you negative results
    New Flower

    I am having the test done
    I am having the test done next week before radiation? My tumor is very very small 2.1mm they usually don't pick it up on a mammography anything below 5mm. I had clear margins and negative lymp nodes. I was tested triple negative which was so strange to me because my biopsy before surgery tested er pos.they really has me puzzled! But doctor and American cancer society guideline suggest only. Radiation. Ism doingthar brac and if positive treatment may change!
  • Lisaepstein
    Lisaepstein Member Posts: 62 Member

    I am having the test done
    I am having the test done next week before radiation? My tumor is very very small 2.1mm they usually don't pick it up on a mammography anything below 5mm. I had clear margins and negative lymp nodes. I was tested triple negative which was so strange to me because my biopsy before surgery tested er pos.they really has me puzzled! But doctor and American cancer society guideline suggest only. Radiation. Ism doingthar brac and if positive treatment may change!

    I forgot to mention that I
    I forgot to mention that I already had a hysterectomy for early stage uterus cancer!