


  • dodger21
    dodger21 Member Posts: 85 Member
    K_ann1015 said:

    another EC daughter--on facebook
    Hi Ali,

    I haven't been on here much lately but was for a few years from 8/09 til about 6 months ago. My dad Kenny Heburn recently passed away from EC. His brother passed 5/10 also of EC. The sadness of my dad's passing is still overwhelming at times but I am trying to be producitve.

    I wouldn't normally "friend" people I don't know on facebook---but if it can spread a preventive or awareness message about EC---then I'm all for it. I have worked with ECAN.org to get April EC Awareness Month in the past & hope to do so this year as well. So--add me to the EC fb list for those interested in furthering ECAN's mission---to increase awareness, research & research funding to improve overall EC care & prevention.

    I got so much comfort from this board when I needed it & if we can all share that comfort & knowledge on facebook---SO BE IT!
    Kim Heburn Priest

    Add me too!
    I would like to be added as well, if possible. My name is Danielle Rogerson from Sydney Australia. My profile photo is me in a volleyball shirt standing next to Kerry Pottharst holding her olympic gold medal. Sorry, I don't know my profile number like others above do.
  • Altra
    Altra Member Posts: 26
    dodger21 said:

    Add me too!
    I would like to be added as well, if possible. My name is Danielle Rogerson from Sydney Australia. My profile photo is me in a volleyball shirt standing next to Kerry Pottharst holding her olympic gold medal. Sorry, I don't know my profile number like others above do.

    I would love to be added to
    I would love to be added to this group since I sometimes don't frequent these boards much, but am always checking my FB.

    Audrey Gardinier, Canton, NY.


    ^^ Thank you!
  • LKayS
    LKayS Member Posts: 3
    Please add me
    Please add me http://facebook.com/Linda.K.Sweeting . My son has EC.
  • hobbssy
    hobbssy Member Posts: 16
    mruble said:

    Okay, so you'll need to be
    Okay, so you'll need to be invited if you want to join the group. I would add anyone who responded to the original posting but don't want to make any assumptions about your interest. So, just let me know if you want to be added.


    Hi Mary. Can you add me too.
    Hi Mary. Can you add me too. Patti Peebles

  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    I would love you to add me to the facebook listings. My name is Ann Yates, I'm from England and my profile picture is a head and shoulders shot of me and my husband Alan. We both have blue on. Don't know if I've given you enough info for you to find me, hope so. Thanking you in advance.
  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182
    please add
    please add me.
    My husband is stage 3 but not a surgery candidate because of other health issues. 3rd chemo this week.
  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182
    annalan said:

    I would love you to add me to the facebook listings. My name is Ann Yates, I'm from England and my profile picture is a head and shoulders shot of me and my husband Alan. We both have blue on. Don't know if I've given you enough info for you to find me, hope so. Thanking you in advance.

    Hi AnnaI'm from England as
    Hi Ann
    I'm from England as well, though have lived in the US for over 20 years now.
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    Freida said:

    please add
    please add me.
    My husband is stage 3 but not a surgery candidate because of other health issues. 3rd chemo this week.

    Hi Frieda sorry to hear your
    Hi Frieda sorry to hear your husband is not a candidate for surgery. Hope he's not doing too bad with the Chemo. It made my husband so ill from day one. It's 20 month since his op and has been doing just fine but since Christmas has had a pain in his back and is really offside. Seeing the Dr on Friday to check it out.

    What part of England did you live? I'm in the Midlands, Staffordshire area. You must love America - 20 years eh.

    Don't know if I've given enough info to be found on facebook just can't find an address. Will have to ask one if my daughters, I have 2 and 5 grandchildren.
    Ann (2)
    wife of Alan t3n1m0
  • lenrev
    lenrev Member Posts: 5

    Please add me, too. I have searched FB for this group to no avail. I think an EC group is great.
  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174
    lenrev said:


    Please add me, too. I have searched FB for this group to no avail. I think an EC group is great.

    Hi Len -
    I found you on Facebook but it won't let me send you a friend request. Can you try finding me instead? Mary Lewis Ruble in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Then I can get you added to the group.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Facebook is faster!
    I get very frustrated on the EC forum because it takes forever to load something, or it hangs up. Facebook is so much faster. It's true, we seem to get to know each other on a daily level... like morning coffee, lunch time, etc.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Facebook is faster!
    I get very frustrated on the EC forum because it takes forever to load something, or it hangs up. Facebook is so much faster. It's true, we seem to get to know each other on a daily level... like morning coffee, lunch time, etc.
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    mruble said:

    Hi Len -
    I found you on Facebook but it won't let me send you a friend request. Can you try finding me instead? Mary Lewis Ruble in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Then I can get you added to the group.

    Hi Mary would you mind if I
    Hi Mary would you mind if I tried to locate you on facebook as I would love to join. My details are in my post above for identification. Thanks.
  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 165 Member
    I'll give it a try
    I'm not clear on how this will work, but I'll give it a try. My FB ID is:

