
Hello Everyone

I am not sure if anyone can use this or not or if this even the correct way to go about it but I have some formula for J tube feedings that I did not use. My wife (Susan) has tried to get the insurance company to take it back with no luck. We tried the health care supplier we got it from and they don’t want it back. We even tried the local medical clinic with no avail. Everyone keeps telling us to just pour it out. None of it is out of date and I just hate to pour it down the drain. I was wondering if maybe somebody here could use it. We have the following; 32 each of 250ML cans of Peptamen 1.5 and 114 each of 250ML cans of Nutren 1.5. If somebody can use it, Great! If I am out of line, someone please let me know.


Richard (Rick) Watson
Neoga, Illinois

DX – 0411
EC – T2N2M0
MIE – 083111
Barnes Hospital, St Louis
Dr Brian Meyer


  • NikiMo
    NikiMo Member Posts: 342
    Hi Rick,

    If no on here can take it you can try your local hospice. That is what we are doing with our extra supplies.

  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 163 Member
    NikiMo said:

    Hi Rick,

    If no on here can take it you can try your local hospice. That is what we are doing with our extra supplies.


    Hospice doesn't seem interested
    I'm in the same boat as Rick. I have 2 whole cases of cans of food, plus a bunch of gauze sponges that my wife had to put around my J tube site every morning, and syringes for cleaning out the J tube, etc. I've called our local Hospice twice and left voice mails with the woman they said handles contributions, without even the courtesy of a call back with a "No Thanks." I'm actually going to drive down to their offices today (NOT the actual Hospice House) with the things I want to donate, and see if they'll take them. Like Rick, I hate the idea of just throwing good food and medical supplies away!

    MIE 9/23/11
  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 163 Member
    NikiMo said:

    Hi Rick,

    If no on here can take it you can try your local hospice. That is what we are doing with our extra supplies.


    BTW, Niki: How's Jeff doing? I think my surgery was a week or so after his, so we joined the Junior Class around the same time.

    MIE 9/23/11
  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182
    BobHaze said:

    BTW, Niki: How's Jeff doing? I think my surgery was a week or so after his, so we joined the Junior Class around the same time.

    MIE 9/23/11

    I was going to suggest
    I was going to suggest hospice as well. We have some central line dressings (all in sealed sterile field dressing kits) that my husband turned out to be massively allergic to to. M D Anderson will not take them back but the supply guy suggested donating them to hospice. I'd be interested to hear what response you get when you call in to see them.
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Extra medications and medical supplies
    In Marshall, MI we have a group started by one of the local doctors called "The Fountain Clinic" (Marshall has a beautiful fountain in the center of a roundabout). This clinic helps low income families by local doctors and nurses volunteering their time and providing medications and supplies to families who are in need. Perhaps there is something in your local area that your doctor/nurse or even the local Chamber of Commerce may know who could truly use these supplies - don't rule out nursing and rehabilitation facilities also.

    These items are greatly needed by a lot of people. We could even take my dad's unused pills to the clinic (need to be in the prescription bottle or package with label attached) and they could use those also.

    Judy & Don
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  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Try the Nutrionist at the Hospital
    Our Nutrition specialist takes back extra Jtube formula all the time. I know what we first got from her came from someone else's return.

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    NikiMo said:

    Hi Rick,

    If no on here can take it you can try your local hospice. That is what we are doing with our extra supplies.


    How is Jeff?
    Bob's right - it's been a bit since we've seen an update. How are things for you guys? Wonderful I hope!

    Hope to hear from you. With love & hugs,

  • linzweber
    linzweber Member Posts: 1
    Hi Rick,

    My name is Lindsey. My father has esophageal cancer, and is exclusively being fed through his J-tube. He has been ill since September, when he was diagnosed as Stage 3. As you might imagine, this has put a big financial strain on him and my stepmother. Do you still have the Peptamen available by any chance?

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Weber
  • linzweber said:

    Hi Rick,

    My name is Lindsey. My father has esophageal cancer, and is exclusively being fed through his J-tube. He has been ill since September, when he was diagnosed as Stage 3. As you might imagine, this has put a big financial strain on him and my stepmother. Do you still have the Peptamen available by any chance?

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Weber

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • hdwchisholm
    hdwchisholm Member Posts: 20
    linzweber said:

    Hi Rick,

    My name is Lindsey. My father has esophageal cancer, and is exclusively being fed through his J-tube. He has been ill since September, when he was diagnosed as Stage 3. As you might imagine, this has put a big financial strain on him and my stepmother. Do you still have the Peptamen available by any chance?

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Weber

    william marshall and this site
    Lindsey, If you have questions or comments about doctors or procedures or anything, I would suggest for you to contact William and his wife Loretta. They are nice people and full of knowledge, resources, and assistance. I spoke with them recently about my 21 year old son who has a non cancerous injury to his esophagus [someone put a caustic liquid in his drink last summer]. He has been jtube feeding [peptamen is expensive and my insurance would not cover it]until a month ago and is now gtube feeding. He will have an esophagectomy [sp?] with Dr Luketich at UPMC end of this month.
    I am still learning about different resources. I wish that I had found this site last year when I was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer. Had robotic surgery, 6 weeks radiation and 2 cisplatin chemo doses. All scans show it is gone for now [knock wood and pray to god it stays that way]. Prayers for your dad to get better or at least be comfortable. Suggest for you to find someone to talk with to let out your emotions. My wife has a lot of supportive friends from her bridge group. Best, Homer
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member

    william marshall and this site
    Lindsey, If you have questions or comments about doctors or procedures or anything, I would suggest for you to contact William and his wife Loretta. They are nice people and full of knowledge, resources, and assistance. I spoke with them recently about my 21 year old son who has a non cancerous injury to his esophagus [someone put a caustic liquid in his drink last summer]. He has been jtube feeding [peptamen is expensive and my insurance would not cover it]until a month ago and is now gtube feeding. He will have an esophagectomy [sp?] with Dr Luketich at UPMC end of this month.
    I am still learning about different resources. I wish that I had found this site last year when I was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer. Had robotic surgery, 6 weeks radiation and 2 cisplatin chemo doses. All scans show it is gone for now [knock wood and pray to god it stays that way]. Prayers for your dad to get better or at least be comfortable. Suggest for you to find someone to talk with to let out your emotions. My wife has a lot of supportive friends from her bridge group. Best, Homer

    Rick, gave it to my visiting nurses company
    Hi Rick,
    Just wanted to say, I had a lot of supplies and formula and gave it to my visiting nurse at her company to be used for indigent/needy patients and they said they had plenty. Also my rheumy dr took my meds I could not use for the same purpose. Not all places will take the stuff but it made me happy that these people could. take care,
  • Rick0311
    Rick0311 Member Posts: 38
    linzweber said:

    Hi Rick,

    My name is Lindsey. My father has esophageal cancer, and is exclusively being fed through his J-tube. He has been ill since September, when he was diagnosed as Stage 3. As you might imagine, this has put a big financial strain on him and my stepmother. Do you still have the Peptamen available by any chance?

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Weber


    I am so sorry, i should have put a post up, I donated all of my extra formula to the cancer center where I live and they have already given it to someone that needed it.

    Rick Watson
  • Rick0311
    Rick0311 Member Posts: 38
    Hello All

    Sorry I havent posted this earlier but I was able to donate my extra feeding to the cancer center where I was treated. They had a patient that was in need of the formula and couldnt afford it. I was glad to be able to help them. Again, sorry for not posting earlier.

  • mrkokomo
    mrkokomo Member Posts: 12
    Rick0311 said:

    Hello All

    Sorry I havent posted this earlier but I was able to donate my extra feeding to the cancer center where I was treated. They had a patient that was in need of the formula and couldnt afford it. I was glad to be able to help them. Again, sorry for not posting earlier.


    I have some
    I could not locate your email address Lindsey. If you still need some you can email me at