O.T.-oral surgery asap

disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
edited January 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
exactly 10 yrs ago fell skating and snapped front tooth off-cap was good until 2 days ago...now fracture up to root/nerve-painful now waiting game for an appt (and COST our of pocket) LONG process 8-12 mths..I refuse to do it without being knocked out! I have been known to pass out at Dr office or at procedure.....

Thanks for listening or in this case reading.


January bad month other then my daughter's b day...(my dad died in jan 1979, BC found in Jan 08, Knocked tooth out/snapped off Jan 2002, and now tooth pulled and implant put in..


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Denise, I feel your pain! I
    Denise, I feel your pain! I once had an abscessed molar and it was soooo painful. Even worse, my dentist did a root canal on the wrong molar (long story) and I don't think I ever would have gotten the problem fixed correctly if my dad hadn't insisted I see an endodontist on faculty at the med school where he taught.

    Are you on a bisphosphonate (zometa, boniva, actonel, xgeva, etc.)? If you are, make sure that the dentist knows it. The bisphosphonates can increase your risk of jaw necrosis and you may need to be on antibiotics longer, etc. You may need to take a drug holiday if you are nedding another implant.

    Also, I think it is very reasonable to ask to be knocked out if you know you have "issues" with the dentist. Many folks do. It may even be a good idea to take an activan or xanax pill the night before. Unfortunately, I am in the small minority who has paradoxical increased anxiety on those drugs (sigh...another story), but they work extremely well for the majority.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Denise, I feel your pain! I
    Denise, I feel your pain! I once had an abscessed molar and it was soooo painful. Even worse, my dentist did a root canal on the wrong molar (long story) and I don't think I ever would have gotten the problem fixed correctly if my dad hadn't insisted I see an endodontist on faculty at the med school where he taught.

    Are you on a bisphosphonate (zometa, boniva, actonel, xgeva, etc.)? If you are, make sure that the dentist knows it. The bisphosphonates can increase your risk of jaw necrosis and you may need to be on antibiotics longer, etc. You may need to take a drug holiday if you are nedding another implant.

    Also, I think it is very reasonable to ask to be knocked out if you know you have "issues" with the dentist. Many folks do. It may even be a good idea to take an activan or xanax pill the night before. Unfortunately, I am in the small minority who has paradoxical increased anxiety on those drugs (sigh...another story), but they work extremely well for the majority.

    I can...
    Sympathize, BIG TIME! I go tomorrow morning to the dentist....I'm on oral chemo, not supposed to have dental work done while on chemo....but there is no alternative..... Had ONE Zometa infusion on Dec. 5...a week later I started noticing a "loosing" of 4 crowns....well now, they have completely dislocated from the "stubs" and I can see where the gum has receded....it has taken this long to get an appointment due to the holidays and they were closed for10 days.....it's miserable...I have resorted to using Polygrip...on the other hand, it is kind of funny, this stuff is soooo stickly...I end up " gluing" my lip to my gum.....this isn't going to be an easy fix,,,I think an extraction of the back molar that has anchored these crowns will have to be done........and any more Zometa has been put off until the end of April....not so sure I'm going to take it, now...it may not be the Zometa that caused this, but I think it's a strange coincidence....it can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw and bones in the gum......

    I can really sympathize with you, Denise....get over one hurdle and another crops up! this is really getting old! Thankfully a good friend is a Maxillary Facial Surgeon..so any extractions, he will do, under conscious sedation! Knock me out and I don't care what they do!
    Denise, keep us posted....wishing you a pain free appointment!

    Hugs, Nancy
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    MAJW said:

    I can...
    Sympathize, BIG TIME! I go tomorrow morning to the dentist....I'm on oral chemo, not supposed to have dental work done while on chemo....but there is no alternative..... Had ONE Zometa infusion on Dec. 5...a week later I started noticing a "loosing" of 4 crowns....well now, they have completely dislocated from the "stubs" and I can see where the gum has receded....it has taken this long to get an appointment due to the holidays and they were closed for10 days.....it's miserable...I have resorted to using Polygrip...on the other hand, it is kind of funny, this stuff is soooo stickly...I end up " gluing" my lip to my gum.....this isn't going to be an easy fix,,,I think an extraction of the back molar that has anchored these crowns will have to be done........and any more Zometa has been put off until the end of April....not so sure I'm going to take it, now...it may not be the Zometa that caused this, but I think it's a strange coincidence....it can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw and bones in the gum......

    I can really sympathize with you, Denise....get over one hurdle and another crops up! this is really getting old! Thankfully a good friend is a Maxillary Facial Surgeon..so any extractions, he will do, under conscious sedation! Knock me out and I don't care what they do!
    Denise, keep us posted....wishing you a pain free appointment!

    Hugs, Nancy

    I called another dentist for
    I called another dentist for second opinion but for some reason MY emergency aka urgent is not to anyone else...it would be well over week past my orgianal appt for 2nd opinion. NOT many around here will knock you out...reg dental visits I am ok with but...not knowing, hearing etc..what is going on ..years ago I had frozen shoulder..DR was going to do manipulation awhile awake...I refused....(hear the crackling of scar tissue NO way..)

    thanks everyone...I still have to wait until next monday for consultation..

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Cancellation at Denist..they
    Cancellation at Denist..they called me so Of course I took it...hate the waiting. Cuts off 5-6 days of waiting...so hopefully today find out exactly what I need done and schedule it asap..

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sticker shock...I went to
    sticker shock...I went to Dentist to set up appt for surgery, decide which and what to do-I have 2 dental insurances and ONE medical and out of my pocket for tooth pulled and implant...over $4,500...I had to pay up front OR NO appt would be given..so 2 wks from today Dental Surgery...grrrr

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    sticker shock...I went to
    sticker shock...I went to Dentist to set up appt for surgery, decide which and what to do-I have 2 dental insurances and ONE medical and out of my pocket for tooth pulled and implant...over $4,500...I had to pay up front OR NO appt would be given..so 2 wks from today Dental Surgery...grrrr


    8 more days...until i'll be
    8 more days...until i'll be TOOTHLESS.(one front tooth) ..it will drive me nutty for 6-8mths..I know minor complain on this board...

    I got more Anitibiotics called in to get me to surgery date...just to make sure I dont' get infection...

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    8 more days...until i'll be
    8 more days...until i'll be TOOTHLESS.(one front tooth) ..it will drive me nutty for 6-8mths..I know minor complain on this board...

    I got more Anitibiotics called in to get me to surgery date...just to make sure I dont' get infection...


    Are you having an implant? Are you taking any medications for your bones? If so MAKE SURE the oral surgeon knows this...

    Good luck!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    8 more days...until i'll be
    8 more days...until i'll be TOOTHLESS.(one front tooth) ..it will drive me nutty for 6-8mths..I know minor complain on this board...

    I got more Anitibiotics called in to get me to surgery date...just to make sure I dont' get infection...


    I've been wanting to get implants
    I've been wantiing to get implants.First went to a trauma surgeon that my dentist sent me to. The trauma/oral surgeon didn't want to do a surgery on the roof of my mouth.I have a bone in the roof of my mouth.Makes things hard and OMG getting dental Xrays are almost impossible.The oral surgeon thinks the surgery would be serious.So I mentioned dental implants.No not with me having breast cancer.He said maybe if you were farther along with the disease than 2 years he would consider me for that.But he thinks it is to early for implants and being dx with bc.So now I am debating on what to do.I have a couple teeth that need pulled.Just had a root canal on the bottom tooth and having some fillings on the bottom in a couple weeks but taking care of a couple other doc appointments till then. I like to be awake and they pretty much want me to be. The last thing they want is to put people under but they leave it to the patient.I have a heart condition so they prefer me being awake.

    Denise.Won't you have a temporary implant for the time being??? It is up front.I had a friend who had almost her whole mouth with implants.She had temps for a few months and then the permanent implants.

    My front teeth are crowned.BUT I do anticipate implants at sometime in my life.My dentist said I would have a hard time wearing dentures with that bone.Impossible. I have thought about talking to another dentist but a trauma/oral surgeon knows what is best IMO.If he doesn't want to do the surgery and doesn't want me to have implants I will wait.

    Lynn Smith
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I've been wanting to get implants
    I've been wantiing to get implants.First went to a trauma surgeon that my dentist sent me to. The trauma/oral surgeon didn't want to do a surgery on the roof of my mouth.I have a bone in the roof of my mouth.Makes things hard and OMG getting dental Xrays are almost impossible.The oral surgeon thinks the surgery would be serious.So I mentioned dental implants.No not with me having breast cancer.He said maybe if you were farther along with the disease than 2 years he would consider me for that.But he thinks it is to early for implants and being dx with bc.So now I am debating on what to do.I have a couple teeth that need pulled.Just had a root canal on the bottom tooth and having some fillings on the bottom in a couple weeks but taking care of a couple other doc appointments till then. I like to be awake and they pretty much want me to be. The last thing they want is to put people under but they leave it to the patient.I have a heart condition so they prefer me being awake.

    Denise.Won't you have a temporary implant for the time being??? It is up front.I had a friend who had almost her whole mouth with implants.She had temps for a few months and then the permanent implants.

    My front teeth are crowned.BUT I do anticipate implants at sometime in my life.My dentist said I would have a hard time wearing dentures with that bone.Impossible. I have thought about talking to another dentist but a trauma/oral surgeon knows what is best IMO.If he doesn't want to do the surgery and doesn't want me to have implants I will wait.

    Lynn Smith

    I wondered also
    I wondered also about your bones like MAJW mentioned.The oral/trauma dental surgeon said he didn't want to even think about dental implants with bc at this early stage because of the risk of the bones.My cancer was non invasive and localized but he still didn't want me to think about implants.

    I wondered about that myself before I went in to see him. He pretty much sized it up for me.BUT my oncologist said it shouldn't be a problem having implants.After we start this journey we don't know what to do.

    Lynn Smith
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I wondered also
    I wondered also about your bones like MAJW mentioned.The oral/trauma dental surgeon said he didn't want to even think about dental implants with bc at this early stage because of the risk of the bones.My cancer was non invasive and localized but he still didn't want me to think about implants.

    I wondered about that myself before I went in to see him. He pretty much sized it up for me.BUT my oncologist said it shouldn't be a problem having implants.After we start this journey we don't know what to do.

    Lynn Smith

    YES Implant..I have had cap
    YES Implant..I have had cap for exactly 10yrs..the fracture has gotten worse and made it's way to the nerve. IT"S A LONG process-I will not have tooth for 6mths...when I wake up I"ll have invisaline (braces) with tooth look where I am missing mine. I can go out in public and keep in to eat..AT HOME I must remove each time. I need bone graph in about 3 mths then that must heal then imbutment (SP?) aka screw..then temp cap and then real implant...I said I am going to Disney end of June will I have it done by then..he said MAYBE!

    Thanks for all comments..I KNOW this is not worth complaining about...i know many musch worse off...I JUST NEEDED TO vent...thanks..(not counting $1,000s not covered)


    HE is aware of BC etc..and all my meds...
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    today first check up since
    today first check up since surgery last week..!
