
Teach59 Member Posts: 1
Looking for support from someone who has had their breast cancer reoccur in other areas of their body and how they are coping.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Welcome to the board. there
    Welcome to the board. there are women here who are dealing with this. You will get answers soon!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Hi, My original dx was Aug

    My original dx was Aug 2010, triple neg inflammatory breast cancer. I did everything, 6 rounds TAC, bilateral with axillary dissection (12 of 14 nodes positive), and 22 days of rads 2 times a day. Aug of 2011 I had a local recurrence and mets were found in the lymph nodes between my lungs. We did a re-excision surgery for the local recurrence, I'm still dealing with an open wound from that. For the mets in lymph nodes we tried Xeloda, it didn't work. So now we're trying Abraxane in weekly doses, 3 weeks on one week off completes an cycle.

    You asked how I deal with it...the answer for me is the same way as I have dealt with this entire step at a time. I have a family (wonderful hubby, two kids 15 and 10) and work, so cancer is often on the 'the back burner'. This journey has also helped me to adopt a personal motto..."Life is NOT about why?, what if? or what might be?. Life is about what IS." Of course, all that is easier said than done, but it is what I strive for.

    I also deal with it by coming here. Sharing my story, reading the stories of others, building friendships, laughing, hopefully helping someone, all have helped. There are many here who have shown me the true meaning of strength, wisdom, and courage.

    Please come back often. I'd love to know more, and I'm sure others will chime in too.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Hi, My original dx was Aug

    My original dx was Aug 2010, triple neg inflammatory breast cancer. I did everything, 6 rounds TAC, bilateral with axillary dissection (12 of 14 nodes positive), and 22 days of rads 2 times a day. Aug of 2011 I had a local recurrence and mets were found in the lymph nodes between my lungs. We did a re-excision surgery for the local recurrence, I'm still dealing with an open wound from that. For the mets in lymph nodes we tried Xeloda, it didn't work. So now we're trying Abraxane in weekly doses, 3 weeks on one week off completes an cycle.

    You asked how I deal with it...the answer for me is the same way as I have dealt with this entire step at a time. I have a family (wonderful hubby, two kids 15 and 10) and work, so cancer is often on the 'the back burner'. This journey has also helped me to adopt a personal motto..."Life is NOT about why?, what if? or what might be?. Life is about what IS." Of course, all that is easier said than done, but it is what I strive for.

    I also deal with it by coming here. Sharing my story, reading the stories of others, building friendships, laughing, hopefully helping someone, all have helped. There are many here who have shown me the true meaning of strength, wisdom, and courage.

    Please come back often. I'd love to know more, and I'm sure others will chime in too.



    Dealing with the beast again, too...
    My first diagnosis was April, 2009....triple negative...lumpectomy,chemo, 33 radiation treatments...Stage IIa no lymph involvement...cancer free until June of this year...I discovered a "lump" in my neck right above myt clavicle seem to appear overnight....scans and a biopsy confirmed the cancer has returned in my lymph nodes....I went into a clinical trial in conjunction with Sloan Kettering in NYC...An oral chemo..took two cycles of it...the second was an upped dosage which put me down for 10 had no effect...onto plan B...I am taking Xeloda like Linda took...scans were not as good as we had hoped for but they could have been half oncologist is trying to get approval for Avastin which the FDA has pulled for stage IV bc...

    I actually am dealing with this easier than the first time....then I was so scared I thought I would lose my mind....I'm still scared but I just look at it as.
    " it is what it is " .....I have no control of the situation...I did cry that day in June when I was diagnosed again...not so much for myself but for my husband, kids and grandkids...that it was going to turn their lives upside down again...

    Now, I do what my oncologist tells me to do...and I go about my business...I actually feel pretty good...the Xeloda has been kind to me...very few side effects, fatigue mainly the week I am on it...I had an infusion of Zometa in December to strengthen my bones..but won't have it again til April due to dental problems...

    I am fortunate in that my kids are grown, with their own families, a great husband, my high school sweetheart, he takes such good care of me...I rest when I need to as I don't have many responsibilities.....I am blessed...I do things that I enjoy...I paint and reading is a passion..I refuse to stop living the life I love...people are always telling us..." what great spirit you have"...blah blah blah...I have two choices..I can curl up in a ball and give up enjoying life or I can enjoy every day...easy choice for me..I just suck up the treatments and soldier on....

    Please continue to post...there are quite a few women with not one but even 3 recurrences...we'll help you anyway we can...
    We care...
    Hugs, Nancy
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    One Step At A Time

    I am in my 17th year dealing with on going issues with breast cancers. I had my first recurrence in '99, another in 00 and then 08 with a few progressions since it returned. I did have a long dance with NED (no evidence of disease). My cancers is widespread in both lungs, lining and ribs. I also have several autoimmune disease and many other health issues. I work full timee. I believe this has help keep me focus on something other than medical issues.

    I am in agreement with Linda, one deals with cancer one step at a time.

    Online support groups help us remember that we are not alone in this struggle. There is also valuable tips to be found in discussions groups.

    Read and search out for information on your particular type of breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best in this journey.

  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    SIROD said:

    One Step At A Time

    I am in my 17th year dealing with on going issues with breast cancers. I had my first recurrence in '99, another in 00 and then 08 with a few progressions since it returned. I did have a long dance with NED (no evidence of disease). My cancers is widespread in both lungs, lining and ribs. I also have several autoimmune disease and many other health issues. I work full timee. I believe this has help keep me focus on something other than medical issues.

    I am in agreement with Linda, one deals with cancer one step at a time.

    Online support groups help us remember that we are not alone in this struggle. There is also valuable tips to be found in discussions groups.

    Read and search out for information on your particular type of breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best in this journey.


    Nancy wow your story is like mine
    Is almost Identical to mine. Taking this a step at a time. Do not know even what the Pet Ct scans reveal. Would rather wait till Friday. Going for what I thought would be chemo but instead the onc will lay it all out for me.

    Got my fingers crossed for all of us,
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    MAJW said:

    Dealing with the beast again, too...
    My first diagnosis was April, 2009....triple negative...lumpectomy,chemo, 33 radiation treatments...Stage IIa no lymph involvement...cancer free until June of this year...I discovered a "lump" in my neck right above myt clavicle seem to appear overnight....scans and a biopsy confirmed the cancer has returned in my lymph nodes....I went into a clinical trial in conjunction with Sloan Kettering in NYC...An oral chemo..took two cycles of it...the second was an upped dosage which put me down for 10 had no effect...onto plan B...I am taking Xeloda like Linda took...scans were not as good as we had hoped for but they could have been half oncologist is trying to get approval for Avastin which the FDA has pulled for stage IV bc...

    I actually am dealing with this easier than the first time....then I was so scared I thought I would lose my mind....I'm still scared but I just look at it as.
    " it is what it is " .....I have no control of the situation...I did cry that day in June when I was diagnosed again...not so much for myself but for my husband, kids and grandkids...that it was going to turn their lives upside down again...

    Now, I do what my oncologist tells me to do...and I go about my business...I actually feel pretty good...the Xeloda has been kind to me...very few side effects, fatigue mainly the week I am on it...I had an infusion of Zometa in December to strengthen my bones..but won't have it again til April due to dental problems...

    I am fortunate in that my kids are grown, with their own families, a great husband, my high school sweetheart, he takes such good care of me...I rest when I need to as I don't have many responsibilities.....I am blessed...I do things that I enjoy...I paint and reading is a passion..I refuse to stop living the life I love...people are always telling us..." what great spirit you have"...blah blah blah...I have two choices..I can curl up in a ball and give up enjoying life or I can enjoy every day...easy choice for me..I just suck up the treatments and soldier on....

    Please continue to post...there are quite a few women with not one but even 3 recurrences...we'll help you anyway we can...
    We care...
    Hugs, Nancy

    I haven't had a recurrence,
    I haven't had a recurrence, but, many here have and I see they have posted to you. I just wanted to wish you good luck and to welcome you to the site.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • fraser
    fraser Member Posts: 4

    Nancy wow your story is like mine
    Is almost Identical to mine. Taking this a step at a time. Do not know even what the Pet Ct scans reveal. Would rather wait till Friday. Going for what I thought would be chemo but instead the onc will lay it all out for me.

    Got my fingers crossed for all of us,

    I'm on round three, but now five years NED on Xeloda and Tykerb combo. It is a miracle, and I give thanks every day and pray that NED continues. My heart is with all of you going through it, whether the agony of waiting for tests or just dealing with it. Love, blessings, and prayers. And thanks, Karen. My fingers crossed for all of us too.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    My original diagnosis was
    My original diagnosis was 1/2002. I went 8 `1/2 years in ned, then it came back in all my bones, skin, and now I have lesions on my liver and 2 lung nodules. But the lung and liver are not causing any issues yet! I was re-diagnosed in Sept 2010, and have done much better than was anticipated.

    I am on my 3rd chemo in a year and I have it weekly, this combo is Navelbine and herceptin, with xgeva on the 4th week with the herceptin, but no Navelbine on that week. Most of my bones are full of tumors, I take Evista daily as I had a toxic reaction again to tamoxifen.

    Like you have heard from others, I cope one day at a time. Some days are good, others not so much. The good days I do as much and whatever I can. I have 2 sons who have been wonderful, as well as my ex-husband, sisters, friends and daughter in-law who all kick in when things are not so good. This chemo has been better as far as se than the last, which has make the journey a little better.

    I was asked by the pain dr, why I am not depressed. Like I told him, I had 2 choices when I was diagnosed, one was to give in to it, the other was to fight to live, I chose to fight to live, and by that I meant live not exist. So when days are not so good, sometimes I will sleep a lot, read, or throw in a funny movie. When I feel good, I go out and do things with my friends. All of my siblings live out of state, but they have all been out this last year to spend time with me, and I was able to make 2 trips to Southern Ca to spend time with some of them.

    This is not the life I ordered, but I will do the best with what I have been given!
    This board has been a God send. Sometimes it is hard to read what some are going through, but over all the support and friendships are invaluable.

    Hugs and prayers to you on your journey! It is not easy but it is doable.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Nancy wow your story is like mine
    Is almost Identical to mine. Taking this a step at a time. Do not know even what the Pet Ct scans reveal. Would rather wait till Friday. Going for what I thought would be chemo but instead the onc will lay it all out for me.

    Got my fingers crossed for all of us,

    I haven't had a recurrence.
    I haven't had a recurrence. I want you to know that I am praying for you.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Warm Welcome!
    Am so sorry for the reason you found us; but, glad you did. This amazing group of women (and a very few men) exudes true understanding, compassion and empathy.

    Early last month (December), I completed 7 weeks of radiation treatment for my 2nd breast cancer diagnosis (which was in August, followed by surgery in September). The 1st diagnosis was more than 8 years ago; and, treatment included chemotherapy. This 2nd round was not a recurrence of the 1st. Was a completely different type of breast cancer; therefore, considered a "2nd primary"... I'm at relatively high risk for either type to return - though am currently considered to be in remission, again.

    Coping? (deep sigh...) It is what it is. I diligently try to be exceedingly grateful for each day, love those around me with all my heart & let them know it, strive to accept the circumstances I cannot change, and find contentment in even the simplest things. Admittedly, am not always 100% successful. We can only move forward, there's no turning back.

    I hope you visit here often, whenever you may want or need. The Board is open 24/7, each & every day. And I hope you'll find comfort amongst us.

    With best wishes, and...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96

    Warm Welcome!
    Am so sorry for the reason you found us; but, glad you did. This amazing group of women (and a very few men) exudes true understanding, compassion and empathy.

    Early last month (December), I completed 7 weeks of radiation treatment for my 2nd breast cancer diagnosis (which was in August, followed by surgery in September). The 1st diagnosis was more than 8 years ago; and, treatment included chemotherapy. This 2nd round was not a recurrence of the 1st. Was a completely different type of breast cancer; therefore, considered a "2nd primary"... I'm at relatively high risk for either type to return - though am currently considered to be in remission, again.

    Coping? (deep sigh...) It is what it is. I diligently try to be exceedingly grateful for each day, love those around me with all my heart & let them know it, strive to accept the circumstances I cannot change, and find contentment in even the simplest things. Admittedly, am not always 100% successful. We can only move forward, there's no turning back.

    I hope you visit here often, whenever you may want or need. The Board is open 24/7, each & every day. And I hope you'll find comfort amongst us.

    With best wishes, and...

    Kind regards, Susan

    amazing people are on this board
    Sooner or later , you'll read someone's story and you say well I'll be thats my story! Thats is Nancy's story to me. I am very ne wto thi ds board , hav ebeen on triple neg bc foundation boards since 2009.

    The groups here are nicely diversified. Nice caring ppl. They make me feel Im not alone in this fight.

    Hugs ,
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Lucky Me
    Hi Teach59,

    I had a recurrance in 2009. It was stage IV and the cancer was in my sternum and three of my ribs. I had surgery and they removed most of my sternum and cut three of my ribs off where the cancer was. I have two small bone mets that they keep checking. I'm on hormone therapy.
    It's been over two and a half years and I'm still going strong. Hang in there, we are here for you.

  • GrammyKaren
    GrammyKaren Member Posts: 96
    mom62 said:

    Lucky Me
    Hi Teach59,

    I had a recurrance in 2009. It was stage IV and the cancer was in my sternum and three of my ribs. I had surgery and they removed most of my sternum and cut three of my ribs off where the cancer was. I have two small bone mets that they keep checking. I'm on hormone therapy.
    It's been over two and a half years and I'm still going strong. Hang in there, we are here for you.


    wow Terry
    God Bless You

    Thats a hell of experience and here you are. U made me smile.