Visible tumors popping up

JackieA Member Posts: 150
Okay, some of you know me. My husband is the pink brother-Stage IV breast cancer, mets to all of bones. We had a dr visit today after a couple of months rest of chemo. Numbers were low, but was able to get chemo today. WBC was 2.2, already an anemic...nothing new. However today my husband shared about the knot growing in neck. He has been on chemo going on 3 years. He said the little knot started out as a popcorn kernal. It is now the size of a quarter. Dr. feels on it and say, 'yes it is a tumor...we will keep treating it with chemo and see what happens. If it keeps growing, we will cut it out. The dr then walks out of the office. We say, what???
Anybody experienced this? he also has little knots and bumps that we can feel in his abdomen area, that are growing. He had 3, then they grew together and crusted on the outside...shrunk, then got bigger. Looks like a crusted sore now. Dr told us that it was skin cancer-we will keep treating it...already on chemo.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Sounds like an enlarged lymph way to tell if it's malignant, for sure, without a biopsy...or the spreading of the cancer to the lymph nodes...that's where mine my lymph nodes..they, as a rule, do not remove these, it was the first question I asked...chemo and possibly radiation can reduce the size..if he's back on chemo, after a break, this should help the size...what chemo drugs is he receiving? have to be pushy and push hard, with his doctors...don't allow them to just walk away from you without answering all your questions and concern...if your husband won't demand this, you have to.....

    Keep us posted, we care
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MAJW said:

    Sounds like an enlarged lymph way to tell if it's malignant, for sure, without a biopsy...or the spreading of the cancer to the lymph nodes...that's where mine my lymph nodes..they, as a rule, do not remove these, it was the first question I asked...chemo and possibly radiation can reduce the size..if he's back on chemo, after a break, this should help the size...what chemo drugs is he receiving? have to be pushy and push hard, with his doctors...don't allow them to just walk away from you without answering all your questions and concern...if your husband won't demand this, you have to.....

    Keep us posted, we care

    Jackie, I don't know what to say. I really think his doctor is not doing his job in the fact that he isn't answering your questions and reassuring you two. I agree with Nancy, demand that he gives you better and clearer answers as I know you both are afraid and confused.

    I want you to know that I am sending prayers and big hugs to you and your husband and do keep posting to update us.

    Sue :)
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    After 6 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of rads I had a mass grow on my chest which ended up being a mass in my sentinel node which to required a needle aspiration to ensure it was cancer or not cancer. It ended up being cancer, I wanted it removed but the doctor said it needed to remain so we could see if the new regiment of chemo would eradicate it or not. It was difficult to leave it there but it was uplifting to see it shrink away to nothing once the chemo got to it. I personally do not believe you can determine if a tumor is cancerous without taking a piece of it and having it tested. I think I would go back to that doctor for some sort of reassurance as to why he is so sure it is cancer. I would ask to have it tested by a surgeon. I hope you husband starts to do better soon!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    RE said:

    After 6 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of rads I had a mass grow on my chest which ended up being a mass in my sentinel node which to required a needle aspiration to ensure it was cancer or not cancer. It ended up being cancer, I wanted it removed but the doctor said it needed to remain so we could see if the new regiment of chemo would eradicate it or not. It was difficult to leave it there but it was uplifting to see it shrink away to nothing once the chemo got to it. I personally do not believe you can determine if a tumor is cancerous without taking a piece of it and having it tested. I think I would go back to that doctor for some sort of reassurance as to why he is so sure it is cancer. I would ask to have it tested by a surgeon. I hope you husband starts to do better soon!


    I agree with everyone that
    I agree with everyone that the doctor owes you and should help you to understand why he thinks it is cancer. I have kept your husband & you in my prayers!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    jnl said:

    I agree with everyone that
    I agree with everyone that the doctor owes you and should help you to understand why he thinks it is cancer. I have kept your husband & you in my prayers!

    Hugs, Leeza

    I am so sorry Jackie. You
    I am so sorry Jackie. You and your husband have already been through so much.

    Prayers and hugs,

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    on the list
    You are on the prayer list. Hey remember the saying "The squeaky wheel gets the oil".
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    on the list
    You are on the prayer list. Hey remember the saying "The squeaky wheel gets the oil".

    Insensitive ... my mouth is still opened!
    Insurance permitting .. I would start searching around for a 2nd opinion, as well as rescheduling a 1 on 1 office visit - consultation with your husband's Oncologist.


    Prayers, continued strength and Hope for the two of you.

    Vicki Sam
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    on the list
    You are on the prayer list. Hey remember the saying "The squeaky wheel gets the oil".

    I think I might get a 2nd
    I think I might get a 2nd opinion. Praying for your husband!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I'm with the 2nd opinion
    I'm with the 2nd opinion group, if you can. I have gotten 2nd opinions a few times and I don't even have a problem with my oncologist. Any physician worthwhile would encourage a second opinion because sometimes a second opinion can shed new light on a subject.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    I'm with the 2nd opinion
    I'm with the 2nd opinion group, if you can. I have gotten 2nd opinions a few times and I don't even have a problem with my oncologist. Any physician worthwhile would encourage a second opinion because sometimes a second opinion can shed new light on a subject.

    I am in the 2nd opinion
    I am in the 2nd opinion group too. I hope that is a possibility.

    Prayers, hope and hugs,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Angie2U said:

    I am in the 2nd opinion
    I am in the 2nd opinion group too. I hope that is a possibility.

    Prayers, hope and hugs,


    I am going to sound like a
    I am going to sound like a broken record here, but please see about a 2nd opinion. I worry Jackie if your husband is getting the proper care with this doctor.

    Lots of hugs,

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    As I have said many times on this board everyone needs to be their own advocate or have someone do it for them. Don't be afraid to call and ask him questions (you are obviously not sure why he is waiting). I've always told my doctor to be honest with me about everything. I am very active in my treatment and why I am doing it. I get to choose not him. I've had many complications which included infections and I have told them what I'm going to do! I am a recurrance stage IV with bone mets as well. I wish you luck and I'll be praying for your husband. Positivity.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    mom62 said:


    As I have said many times on this board everyone needs to be their own advocate or have someone do it for them. Don't be afraid to call and ask him questions (you are obviously not sure why he is waiting). I've always told my doctor to be honest with me about everything. I am very active in my treatment and why I am doing it. I get to choose not him. I've had many complications which included infections and I have told them what I'm going to do! I am a recurrance stage IV with bone mets as well. I wish you luck and I'll be praying for your husband. Positivity.


    Wishing you two the best of
    Wishing you two the best of luck and will be praying for you.

    Hugs, Lex
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Alexis F said:

    Wishing you two the best of
    Wishing you two the best of luck and will be praying for you.

    Hugs, Lex

    I've never experienced this
    I've never experienced this Jackie, nor do I know anyone that has. I feel so bad for you and your husband and I am so sorry. I am hoping that you might check into a 2nd opinion.

