Starting Chemo tomorrow 1/5/12

Hi all, I have belonged to the board for a short time and haven't posted a lot. I will be starting chemo tomorrow. I will be taking 4 infustions (one every 3 weeks) of taxoterre and cytoxan. Am scared, but have heard that this combo is pretty tolerable. Any advice is welcome. I have started increasing my water because I've heard it helps flush out the drugs.

My background: Diagnosed with DCIS in October. Had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. During the lumpectomy they found invasive cancer cells. Had to have more surgery to get clean margins. The invasive came back triple negative, thus the chemo. Lymph nodes clear.

Have anxiety issues anyway, so am very scared about having some sort of allergic type reaction. Has anyone had anything like that? Trying to stay positive and remember that some people just cruise through this.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry you are going through
    sorry you are going through this..I DID Not hav chemo so no advice besides try using a journal..It helped me (IN hind sight) even though at the time I didn't think it was...

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    sorry you are going through
    sorry you are going through this..I DID Not hav chemo so no advice besides try using a journal..It helped me (IN hind sight) even though at the time I didn't think it was...


    Former 'Chemo Queen' here ..
    First of all, it is okay to be anxious of the unknown -- Please don't allow this anxiety to get the best of you. Remember to alert your Onco RN of any unusual feelings etc .. a list of possible side efforts, which should be presented to you before your first chemo infusion.

    It is so important to remain and continue hydration, water - water, and more water. Splash in a little lemonade, cranberry juice -- or prepackaged crystal light, or Lipton Tea. Herbal Tea's also work for a change of pace.

    If you are getting the neulasta shot -- Please ask your Oncologist about taking a benadryl --
    or clariton -- which many of us === swear by -- as they help alleviate that 'just run over by a truck' aches and pains - some of us experience from the neulasta shot.

    Ask for prescriptions for nausea and vomiting -- as well as diarrhea.

    Plastic silverware is a must ---
    biotin toothpaste and mouthwash is a daily essential
    (available at most Target's or Wall-Mart's)

    Food is subjective -- depending on your personal needs and taste buds .. What taste good or was tolerable 1 week -- changed for me, week after week. I could not tolerate any foods with sugar, i.e. ketchup, or cola's.

    To help prevent mouth sores -- suck on ice chips during all chemo treatments.

    Rest when you can, as some chemo queens have bouts of insomnia ---

    Take goodies to entertain yourself during your infusions -- games, books, friend, a snack, IPOD, laptop ...

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • Amy-LLL
    Amy-LLL Member Posts: 16
    Sorry to hear you have joined the Pink Sisterhood
    I had my second round today. Chemo Queen has some very good advice.... I was diagnosed in October as well with Invasive Secretory Grade 3 triple negative and BRCA 2 +. I had bilateral mastectomies in November and first round Chemo on Dec 14th. I use the claritan to help with neulasta shot. It helped me. This shot did it's job for me, but had to go on pain meds for 3 days to help tolerate. You have probably started your steroids already to prep for tomorrow. I too am taking T-C combo. Fortunate to have no initial reaction, and it is a day by day for potential side effect. Have immodium and stool softeners ready you may find you are needing to take them on alternating days depending on how you body adjusts. My oncologist indicated I could take Aleve during the "long bone" pain from the booster shot. This helped, you might want to check with you oncologist to see if they will let you take this too. This long bone pain kicked in for me on the evening of Day 6 through Day 9 (day one being chemo day) I had joint pain on day 4 -> 6. All was tolerable but uncomfortable. Make sure you have you anti-nausea scripts filled too. For me this worked well and I only took when I needed it. Got dizzy/faint on day 5, don't know if this is common, but be careful. We are all strong fighters and have each other to lean on! Be happy to talk if you like anytime. email is

    Good Luck tomorrow!!!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Former 'Chemo Queen' here ..
    First of all, it is okay to be anxious of the unknown -- Please don't allow this anxiety to get the best of you. Remember to alert your Onco RN of any unusual feelings etc .. a list of possible side efforts, which should be presented to you before your first chemo infusion.

    It is so important to remain and continue hydration, water - water, and more water. Splash in a little lemonade, cranberry juice -- or prepackaged crystal light, or Lipton Tea. Herbal Tea's also work for a change of pace.

    If you are getting the neulasta shot -- Please ask your Oncologist about taking a benadryl --
    or clariton -- which many of us === swear by -- as they help alleviate that 'just run over by a truck' aches and pains - some of us experience from the neulasta shot.

    Ask for prescriptions for nausea and vomiting -- as well as diarrhea.

    Plastic silverware is a must ---
    biotin toothpaste and mouthwash is a daily essential
    (available at most Target's or Wall-Mart's)

    Food is subjective -- depending on your personal needs and taste buds .. What taste good or was tolerable 1 week -- changed for me, week after week. I could not tolerate any foods with sugar, i.e. ketchup, or cola's.

    To help prevent mouth sores -- suck on ice chips during all chemo treatments.

    Rest when you can, as some chemo queens have bouts of insomnia ---

    Take goodies to entertain yourself during your infusions -- games, books, friend, a snack, IPOD, laptop ...

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    Vicki Sam has posted great
    Vicki Sam has posted great information for you! I do wish you the best of luck tomorrow with your chemo treatment. I pray that you will do fine and have no side effects.

    Good luck,

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    I asked the oncologist
    This was one of the questions on my list. He stated that there were alternative drugs they could give for triple negative if I found out I was allergic to the standard treatment. Luckily I was not. I am glad there are back up drugs though.
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member

    I asked the oncologist
    This was one of the questions on my list. He stated that there were alternative drugs they could give for triple negative if I found out I was allergic to the standard treatment. Luckily I was not. I am glad there are back up drugs though.

    I'm praying for you...
    Vickie's list is thorough and covers it all!!! Just try and get some rest. It's always hard to prep for the first chemo... it's the unknown of how you'll react to the chemicals. After the first infusion, you'll know better what to expect for the next three. It will be over before you know it. Just keep in mind... you're fighting the Beast!!! Keep a positive attitude and it will all be fine.

    Wishing you all the Best tomorrow... you'll see, it's not as bad as the anticipation.

    {{{Big Hugs}}}
    Mitzi ;0)
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    I asked the oncologist
    This was one of the questions on my list. He stated that there were alternative drugs they could give for triple negative if I found out I was allergic to the standard treatment. Luckily I was not. I am glad there are back up drugs though.

    Good luck!

    Good luck!