Joint and bone pain



  • sue K
    sue K Member Posts: 18
    daniel K said:

    JOINT Pain
    Im 33 years old, I'm an AML leukemia type 2 survivor,I went threw 2 months of full chemo, and 4 consolidation treatments, then i went into remission, after about 1 year later i started getting moderate to severe joint and muscle pains, usually in my ankles feet and kneed and hands, now 2 years later severe joint pain so badly its hard to walk, im a mechanic and my job is demanding, im going to see a arthritis specialist this month, ive gone to at least 3 other doc's so far they all ssupect gout, but all the bood tests show negative, i ssupect otherwise like some severe auto imune disorder, i go from one day in horrible pain to the next perfectly fine! i shouldnt feel like im 66 yrs old at the age of 33 i can jog anymmore it hurts to much, and any heavy work just wears me out. I dotn know what to do.

    joint pain
    Hi Daniel K
    I totally sympathise with you. I am a survivor of carcinosarcoma, otherwise known as MMMT. I had surgery , followed by chemo and radiotherapy in 2009, and thankfully I am in remission. I am 66 years old but before cancer treatments I was very fit and active. I now suffer severe pain all over, and after many visits to doctors I was finally referred to rheumatology, and the diagnosis is fibromyalgia.
    My oncologist admits that chemo can cause fibromyalgia. It is very debilitating, and there is no cure. I am on strong pain killers, nerve pain medication and ante depressants. Some days are good and others are not so good. I am just glad that I am not working any longer, but it is very hard for people like yourself who are young.
    Thinking of you, take care
  • pinksister2012
    pinksister2012 Member Posts: 2
    Joint and muscle pain.
    HI, I'm having the same sort of issue. My last round of chemo was March 11 this year and I am still suffering with horrible bone and muscle pain. I feel like I'm on a wild goose chase trying to find a doctor that will diagnose me. I don't want to be on pain meds for the rest of my life, and I'd like to be able to give a name to what is going on. My oncologist refuses to admit that it could be caused by the chemotherapy. I didn't have these problems until I had chemo. So far I've been to a rheumatologist who says he can't help me (until now, I'm being sent back to him to check for Lupus..yay! sarcasm), I've been to a neurologist that had the nerve to tell me that he believed my pain stemmed from depression. I will know tomorrow what the results of the EMG show. At least if it's nerve damage, it can be treated with things other than pain meds. I am depressed but the pain came before the depression, not to mention, I highly doubt depression could cause pain this severe. So, while I don't have any answers for you, I can tell you that you are not alone. If you find any answers, please share with me as well :) What chemo meds were you on? I was on Taxoteer and Cytoxin, and my doc told me that those meds shouldn't have caused my pain...well guess what...
  • pinksister2012
    pinksister2012 Member Posts: 2

    Did anyone on this thread go to a Rheumatologist for your achy joints? I did and now I have a prescription for Flexeril 10mg before bedtime.

    this is only day 3 and I can already tell a HUGE difference. Flexeril can make you drowsy, thus that is why she suggested before bedtime. I wake up in less pain. My ankles use to be locked tight every single morning and it's worse when the weather is cold.

    I've used the search tool on this site for Flexeril and only found ONE other person who mentions taking flexeril. I'm just wondering why this isn't suggested more as it's a muscle relaxer.

    CountryGal is now in less pain and the days are tolerable. It's only been 3 days, but I am optimistic that this is going to save my summer!!

    I did see a rheumatologist and he says he can't help me because the tests didn't show a rheumatoid disease. I'm being sent back there now because I have a positive ANA marker. We'll see. in the meantime, my pain management dr is prescribing the pain meds and muscle relaxers. I take baclofen and it helps.
  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7

    Joint and muscle pain.
    HI, I'm having the same sort of issue. My last round of chemo was March 11 this year and I am still suffering with horrible bone and muscle pain. I feel like I'm on a wild goose chase trying to find a doctor that will diagnose me. I don't want to be on pain meds for the rest of my life, and I'd like to be able to give a name to what is going on. My oncologist refuses to admit that it could be caused by the chemotherapy. I didn't have these problems until I had chemo. So far I've been to a rheumatologist who says he can't help me (until now, I'm being sent back to him to check for Lupus..yay! sarcasm), I've been to a neurologist that had the nerve to tell me that he believed my pain stemmed from depression. I will know tomorrow what the results of the EMG show. At least if it's nerve damage, it can be treated with things other than pain meds. I am depressed but the pain came before the depression, not to mention, I highly doubt depression could cause pain this severe. So, while I don't have any answers for you, I can tell you that you are not alone. If you find any answers, please share with me as well :) What chemo meds were you on? I was on Taxoteer and Cytoxin, and my doc told me that those meds shouldn't have caused my pain...well guess what...

    Dear Pinksister
    Dear Pinksister 2012,

    believe me I am not here for soliciting business but with the genuine belief that may be I can of some assistance to your pain and suffering. Please visit our website. and if you are interested you can liaise with me at

    Thank you

  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7
    unable to reach you at your email address

    Thank you

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    jq said:

    unable to reach you at your email address

    Thank you


    Hi jq
    The post you are responding to is very old from back in 2004, sometimes the person just does not log on here any more or they have passed away. I did visit your web-site and thanks for your concern, as with my problem I always find a lot of good products out there but can’t afford the cost of them.

    Thanks for your help
  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7
    Hondo said:

    Hi jq
    The post you are responding to is very old from back in 2004, sometimes the person just does not log on here any more or they have passed away. I did visit your web-site and thanks for your concern, as with my problem I always find a lot of good products out there but can’t afford the cost of them.

    Thanks for your help

    Nutritional remedies for Joint and bone pain-
    Thank you for your reply. I have in fact done research on nutritional health care. It is best that one should take plant base nutrition. Drugs have side effect and at times no effect at all. You may like to read books like "What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you " and Bionutrition both by Dr. Ray D strand. "The Antioxidant Miracle" by Dr. Lester Packer who is the well known researcher.

    Thank you

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    jq said:

    Nutritional remedies for Joint and bone pain-
    Thank you for your reply. I have in fact done research on nutritional health care. It is best that one should take plant base nutrition. Drugs have side effect and at times no effect at all. You may like to read books like "What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you " and Bionutrition both by Dr. Ray D strand. "The Antioxidant Miracle" by Dr. Lester Packer who is the well known researcher.

    Thank you


    Hi jq

    Thanks I too believe a lot in the uses of plant base nutrition as I believe that is one reason I am still here today. When my NPC Cancer came back a third time all my Dr’s could offer me was more Chemo, but I ops for no more treatment. I went to home to see my family one last time and while there my brother took me to a place called USHA and started me on some alternative medicine just to help my body get stronger. That was about 6 years ago. I still light up some of my PET scans but nothing is growing and that has all my doctors at MD Anderson very confused and scratching there heads. One just said I am one of those mysteries. Oh well, they know what I did but can’t give any reorganization to it as the reason why the cancer stopped growing.

    Thanks for the info
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Hondo said:

    Hi jq

    Thanks I too believe a lot in the uses of plant base nutrition as I believe that is one reason I am still here today. When my NPC Cancer came back a third time all my Dr’s could offer me was more Chemo, but I ops for no more treatment. I went to home to see my family one last time and while there my brother took me to a place called USHA and started me on some alternative medicine just to help my body get stronger. That was about 6 years ago. I still light up some of my PET scans but nothing is growing and that has all my doctors at MD Anderson very confused and scratching there heads. One just said I am one of those mysteries. Oh well, they know what I did but can’t give any reorganization to it as the reason why the cancer stopped growing.

    Thanks for the info

    Can I ask what type of "alternative medicine" you were on?

  • BuzzyBee1208
    BuzzyBee1208 Member Posts: 6
    Your not alone I am on pain
    Your not alone I am on pain medication.
  • BuzzyBee1208
    BuzzyBee1208 Member Posts: 6

    Joint and muscle pain.
    HI, I'm having the same sort of issue. My last round of chemo was March 11 this year and I am still suffering with horrible bone and muscle pain. I feel like I'm on a wild goose chase trying to find a doctor that will diagnose me. I don't want to be on pain meds for the rest of my life, and I'd like to be able to give a name to what is going on. My oncologist refuses to admit that it could be caused by the chemotherapy. I didn't have these problems until I had chemo. So far I've been to a rheumatologist who says he can't help me (until now, I'm being sent back to him to check for Lupus..yay! sarcasm), I've been to a neurologist that had the nerve to tell me that he believed my pain stemmed from depression. I will know tomorrow what the results of the EMG show. At least if it's nerve damage, it can be treated with things other than pain meds. I am depressed but the pain came before the depression, not to mention, I highly doubt depression could cause pain this severe. So, while I don't have any answers for you, I can tell you that you are not alone. If you find any answers, please share with me as well :) What chemo meds were you on? I was on Taxoteer and Cytoxin, and my doc told me that those meds shouldn't have caused my pain...well guess what...

    Try herbal meds

    Try herbal meds
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Can I ask what type of "alternative medicine" you were on?


    Hi Jan
    I will PM you my e-mail address

    Wishing you well
  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7
    Hondo said:

    Hi jq

    Thanks I too believe a lot in the uses of plant base nutrition as I believe that is one reason I am still here today. When my NPC Cancer came back a third time all my Dr’s could offer me was more Chemo, but I ops for no more treatment. I went to home to see my family one last time and while there my brother took me to a place called USHA and started me on some alternative medicine just to help my body get stronger. That was about 6 years ago. I still light up some of my PET scans but nothing is growing and that has all my doctors at MD Anderson very confused and scratching there heads. One just said I am one of those mysteries. Oh well, they know what I did but can’t give any reorganization to it as the reason why the cancer stopped growing.

    Thanks for the info

    Nutritional remedies
    It is good to hear that unfortunately many people still dont believe this. It is also established by the scientists that medical fratenity is always lagging behind by at least 30 years hence it is advisable to go in tandem with the latest scientific discoveries rather than with medical confirmation. For me the starting point for cancer is this, it is due to the attack by the free radicals on our cells which subsequently altered the DNA and become independent cell as it is no longer be controlled by our bodies system. To counteract this phenomena, scientists have suggested that anti-oxidants should be the answer but there must be the combination of the right type of anti-oxidants. Secondly I also believe that the Chinese medical theory of meridians will help. For the Chinese it is believe that our organs are inter-connected with meridians, just like the road, and along the road there is station, which we call acupunture points. If the road is blocked and the energy cannot flow then sickness will arise. In order to ease the blockage there are basically two methods one is (1) by proper massage and (2) by way of consumption of herbal medicine but again it must be the proper herbs. To me again the herb is basically nutrition and one boil over the time, one will consume the liquid and it is in fact the extracts of nutrition. Thus by easing the blockage, one's immunity system is improved and secondly by taking proper anti-oxidants the free radicals can be greatly reduced. Unfortunately medical arena always ask for proof before confirmation but this cannot be proven only when one consume it, one will know the result....
  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7

    Your not alone I am on pain
    Your not alone I am on pain medication.

    Pain medication
    Pain medication is not the solution. I think you may try alternative remedies. Drugs are well known to have side effect, particularly when we age, our body mechanism changed. We are no longer able to produce enzymes and hormones or sufficient amount of them to assist the function of our organs and as a result many drugs are not excreted or expelled from our bodies but remain in our bodies as toxic hence they may give rise to more sickness and diseases. It is therefore well known fact that once a person takes drugs he tends to take more drugs to counter the effect of the toxin..You can refer to book written by Ray D strand on Death by Prescription . As for health supplements I will again caution taking any supplement which is chemically synthesized and on this you can read "Suplements Exposed " by Brian R. Clement PhD, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute.
  • katrosel
    katrosel Member Posts: 1
    jazzy1 said:

    Can I ask what type of "alternative medicine" you were on?


    after effects of chemo
    Hi Jan,
    I finished 6 months of chemo in Oct. I was so excited when it was over.
    But recently I too, have had severe joint pain. It is hard to get up and stand for long. Usually if I get to moving around it gets better. I still have no feeling in the ends of my fingers and toes. I feel sometimes as if I have been beat up and my bones are so cold on the inside. They are supposed to do a bone scan at the end of Jan. I hope it gives me some kind of hope about what is wrong. Alleve seems to help. But I don't want to keep taking that the rest of my life. I just turned 58 but I feel like my Mom who is 86 gets around better than me!
    Let me know if you found anything to help you! Thanks Kathi
  • jq
    jq Member Posts: 7
    jazzy1 said:

    Can I ask what type of "alternative medicine" you were on?


    have you taken the
    have you taken the alternative remedy ? Is there any positive response ?
  • Ours2use1
    Ours2use1 Member Posts: 1
    nazma66 said:

    My pain started right after tamoxifen
    hello all,

    I like this topic of joint pain. Right after I have started my tamofen (2 weeks), started feeling stiffness most in the morning in one hand which resembles Rheumatoid Arthritis. By the way i am a physician from Bangladesh. Did lots of study and research about breast cancer including side effects and its past,present, future. My Oncologist is a good one but sometimes ignoring. i asked her about pain ,she just ignored that may be computer use, or RA or nothing. She did not mention about tamoxifen. I read articles in pubmed and found some very recent ones. Mailed them to my doc and mentioned not to ignore anything of any patient.

    i don't have other joint pain yet. I do light exercise regularly (4-5 days/week). I think it helps a lot.

    Yes, it is frustrating but we all need to be strong and search remedy. Sometimes even a better physician ignore staff which is not right. Chemo has several system side effects. they need to pay attention but not to judge or ignore.

    joint pain hands, knees and hips
    I too was on tamoxifin and since breast cancer I have suffered with pain my doc has me on meloxican which seems to do nothing. Some days I am fine others I am in such pain cannot walk through grocery store or my hips hurt so bad I cannot sleep or I awake with hands swollen etc...this is not in my head and my primary doc has run test for arthritis and osteo even pinched nerve. So I decided to search and see who else is going thru this after treatment so its not all in my head what can I ask my doc for to test or treatment
  • abbigaelc379
    abbigaelc379 Member Posts: 1
    blueroses said:

    Joint and muscle pain
    Hello, I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with joint and muscle pain - I have that as well and am a 20 year cancer survivor of NHL. I don't know what kind of cancer you had or what type of treatments but you aren't alone if in fact these issues are in fact due to treatment. However, as you probably realize the aches and pains could also be due to a great number of other medical issues so the best thing you can do is start testing with specialists. If you can get to a specialist who deals in after effects of treatments that would be the best but even before that your own family doctor might be able to help you rule out fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue just to name a few - did the treatments you had bring this on with your aches and pains - hard to know. What I can tell you is that yes many cancer patients experience these aches and pains in a major way and many feel it is due to cancer treatment side effects. In fact I have noticed in the last few years doctors have started to acknowledge these issues and other side effects from cancer treatments in days gone by. I have heart damage from a certain chemo drug and not long ago I heard my cardiologist acknowledge that. As well I have had contact with neurology specialists who have said they have seen cognitive and memory issues as a result of treatment too. Of course everyone is different in their treatments and affects, depends on what kind of treatment you had etc. You should be able to find many instances of that on this board.

    There is a number in the states for information from cancer specialists through the American Cancer Society National Cancer Information Centre. It is 1-800-227-2345. Also there is a late effects clinic - The Lance Armstrong Clinic at Dana Farber where you might be able to get more information as well. I think your best bet though is to find the name of a good late effects specialist in the U.S. in my opinion. All the best. Blessings, Blueroses

    Hi, I have achy joints and
    Hi, I have achy joints and weak muscles, infact I think it's a normal side effect of chemo. I am not worried. - calories in a banana
  • klukos
    klukos Member Posts: 5

    Try herbal meds

    Try herbal meds

    joint pain
    Hi BuzzyBee,

    I'm taking Immuplex to help boost my system over all. It's by Standard Process and I get it from my Chiropractor in Chicago. I've only been on it for two weeks and can see some improvement in my energy. But my biggest issue is this joint pain, even when I try to sleep. I'm still getting Hercepton every three weeks and have started on Aromasin too. I've been reading all the posts and it sure sounds like it will get worse. I walk everyday even if I hobble along. I had a double mastectomy June 2011, stage 2, HER2 positive. So what do you take? I would be very interested in hearing what has helped you. Blessings, K
  • klukos
    klukos Member Posts: 5

    Try herbal meds

    Try herbal meds

    joint pain
    Hi BuzzyBee,

    I'm taking Immuplex to help boost my system over all. It's by Standard Process and I get it from my Chiropractor in Chicago. I've only been on it for two weeks and can see some improvement in my energy. But my biggest issue is this joint pain, even when I try to sleep. I'm still getting Hercepton every three weeks and have started on Aromasin too. I've been reading all the posts and it sure sounds like it will get worse. I walk everyday even if I hobble along. I had a double mastectomy June 2011, stage 2, HER2 positive. So what do you take? I would be very interested in hearing what has helped you. Blessings, K


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