HOORAY! I can log on to CSN for a change! Not that I don't think of all of my Kindreds daily~ I do!!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
What is it with the Internet!? I have been a loyal family member of CSN for eons~ 2003 and I actually used to post multiple times daily to catch up and say hello and regale us with the fun life getting past Beast Battling! But the ineternet is just being ornery and I can rarely log on! After 8+ years I don't want to have to introduce myself to all of you! LOL

The holidays were kind to Reggie and me~ I planned on a quiet, simple celebration~and for the most part, it was! I did end up decorating more than I thought, but from the decadron-fired energy I was up to the challenge! So inside and outside were decorated beautifully, and of course Reggie was by my side helping, which was wonderful! Siobhan and I always had "tree duty"; it is our tradition. I am not sure why Reggie's girls are not into that, who knows what they did or did not do as kids, so they show up ( or not) and hang an ornament or two and they are done. But Siobhan and I LOVE it! I have collected so many ornaments over the years from the Kindreds( over 30!!) that for the first time, I had too many to showcase on my special wreath~ they had to be attached to the tree itself. BEAUTIFUL as they looked ( and they were gorgeous!! and oh so meaningful!)next year they will have their own TREE! I was blessed to have a poem published with another CSNer a few years back...it is called The Cancer Tree~ next year, I have decided I will show all of the loving ornaments on a special tree. And I am thinking of printing out a copy of the poem to attach to it as well. Thank you all for helping me and being such an intergral part of my life. I love you!
Christmas was so simple and easy~ Reggie's girls had their mom in town, so I "relinquished" the day to her, as she had traveled from Arizona. I invited the kids for breakfast ( Siobhan, her g/f, Reggie's 2 girls and the grandbaby) for my traditional and now requested fruit filled crepe breakfast, and gift opening. They were all here early and stayed till about 10AM, after which their day was free to visit other family, friends and neighbors without having to clock watch! I was rather tired from chemo side effects, so it was perfect. On Tuesday the 27th, I had the "official" Christmas dinner. I made baked brie with cranberry wrapped in puff-pastry and sliced granny smith apples for appetizers, and for the main course I made a standing rib roast, with au jus, yorkshire pudding, fresh roasted baby carrots, mashed potatoes, mixed green salad, sparkling cider, and the Trader Joe recipe (courtesy of Traci!)for pumpkin chocolate swirl cake with pumpkin ice cream! YUM!!!!! We had 10 here for dinner ( small and manageable) and except for Reggie, the grandbaby and me) the crowd was all in their 20's...the energy was so great!!!! And they washed, dried and put the dishes away! yes! Yes! yes!
I had chemo the 30th, so aside from the decadron high, we made NO plans...Saturday night and NY Eve, not a good combo! I didn't even make it to midnight! LOL Reggie took me Happy New Year shopping on NY Eve~ he bought me a wedding ring set to signify Past , Present, Future...it was a surprise and a lovely one at that!!

We took all of the decorations down yeterday...and then I shampooed the carpeting in the house..again, steroids, anyone?! Siobhan and her g/f are coming over this evening...they are spending the night. I go in for a neupogen shot early in the AM tomorrow, and then we are headed to Los Angeles. The girls are going to NYC for a week and Reggie and I taking them to the airport. They are taking the red-eye, so Reggie and I will be getting a hotel in LA rather than driving back home. Thankfully, my WED neupogen shot can be given late in the afternoon so we don't have to hit the road too early!

I have yet another new oncologist...more on that at another time. Too much rambling! Let me just say it is another GREAT match and Reggie and I are happy and hopeful for 2012.
I love you all, new ones and "long timers" alike. May we all grow old, happy and healthy together, with the ups and downs the road to Life After Cancer brings us. We are forever connected by heartstrings and I love and think of you so often.

Thank you to all of my Secret Santas and helpful elves who so lovingly sent me ornaments. And of course to Jean who so lovingly took the responsibilty from me this year and helped make this a happy holiday for all of us. ((((((hugs))) and a special thank you!!!

And, no, I am not going to go back and fix the typos! LOL Just now I love you all!


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Hooray, indeed!
    Happy Holidays, Chen. I miss you when you can't get on the internet.

    I'm sorry, but you can't just say you have another new oncologist, and not make me wonder what the heck is going on. Thought the last new one was so wonderful?

    It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday inspite of the chemo and associated tiredness. Sometimes the decadon high is good . . .

    Please keep trying to connect.

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Yay Chen!
    So glad you made it on today, you are an inspiration to me with all you do and how you LIVE!!

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Ah Chen, I'm happy to see
    Ah Chen, I'm happy to see you here! Thank you for sharing your joy, and thank you for showing us all about 'doing what you have to do, so you can do what you want to.'

    I don't know how you feel about it, but when I did neupogin with my original chemo they let me do the injections myself. They taught me how. And it saved me MANY trips (my neupogin was for seven consecutive days).

    Happy New Year!


  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Ah Chen, I'm happy to see
    Ah Chen, I'm happy to see you here! Thank you for sharing your joy, and thank you for showing us all about 'doing what you have to do, so you can do what you want to.'

    I don't know how you feel about it, but when I did neupogin with my original chemo they let me do the injections myself. They taught me how. And it saved me MANY trips (my neupogin was for seven consecutive days).

    Happy New Year!



    I'm tired just from reading all that you accomplished....and hungry from all the food you described....sounds delicious! Supper happy to see you posting, you always bring a smile to my face.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    debi.18 said:

    I'm tired just from reading all that you accomplished....and hungry from all the food you described....sounds delicious! Supper happy to see you posting, you always bring a smile to my face.


    So good to hear from you Chen! I miss your posts....and words of encouragement and support.....you are an inspiration to me as I battle the beast again and to us all.....

    So happy you had a lovely holiday....like Deb said, my mouth was watering just reading about your holiday feast! Steroids do come in handy at times...lol.

    Hopefully when you feel up to and the Internet complies, we'll get to hear more from you...

    Take good care and I send my love...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    MAJW said:

    So good to hear from you Chen! I miss your posts....and words of encouragement and support.....you are an inspiration to me as I battle the beast again and to us all.....

    So happy you had a lovely holiday....like Deb said, my mouth was watering just reading about your holiday feast! Steroids do come in handy at times...lol.

    Hopefully when you feel up to and the Internet complies, we'll get to hear more from you...

    Take good care and I send my love...
    Hugs, Nancy

    So good to hear from you
    Wow Chen, I'm exhausted from all of the things you have been doing :) you are such an inspiration to us all. I'm glad that your holiday was wonderful & relaxing. I hope 2012 brings only good things for you.



    Ps: I love love love your daughters name
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    MAJW said:

    So good to hear from you Chen! I miss your posts....and words of encouragement and support.....you are an inspiration to me as I battle the beast again and to us all.....

    So happy you had a lovely holiday....like Deb said, my mouth was watering just reading about your holiday feast! Steroids do come in handy at times...lol.

    Hopefully when you feel up to and the Internet complies, we'll get to hear more from you...

    Take good care and I send my love...
    Hugs, Nancy

    Good to see your post
    Happy to see that you are feeling well to post. Please take it easy, especially when you are of steroids.
    Hugs and positive energy to you
    New Flower
  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    Glad to see you back on the board. I missed reading your posts. The ring set sounds so lovely.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Hooray, indeed!
    Happy Holidays, Chen. I miss you when you can't get on the internet.

    I'm sorry, but you can't just say you have another new oncologist, and not make me wonder what the heck is going on. Thought the last new one was so wonderful?

    It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday inspite of the chemo and associated tiredness. Sometimes the decadon high is good . . .

    Please keep trying to connect.


    The reason I have a nother
    The reason I have a nother new oncologist ( and yes, we loved the old -new one!) is that there was a personal/business difference between my dr and the practice, and evidently, no meeting of the minds. It was difficult for all involved, and not what anyone wanted to have happen, but such things do occur, don't they? I felt abandoned and afraid right in the middle of my clinical trial to not have even met ( much less having to chose a new Dr!) but we did it and are so happy! Turns out the Dr I chose had been the director of the clinical trial trial for 15 years ( to my previous Drs 4 years with the team) and the new cancer center which is opening in a few months is also his baby! Even his wife was my chemo RN on Friday! He spent over 30 minutes before chemo talking with Reggie and me, knowing just how difficult this is for so many. He is caring, knowledgeable and wants me to LIVE! The old Dr called me and expressed his sadness at the turn of events but also said I absolutley made the right decison to stay where I am. He gave me his new practice number and his cell number, and said I can always call him about anything! He can be my 2nd opion, as he knows the protocol and is invested in my heath...and he likes Reggie and me personally.
    So, from feeling a bit frazzled, and actually worried about not having a good personal connection with yet another oncologist, I feel I am in good, caring hands and it is indeed a good match. A new years blessing, being as it happened on the 30th...I ended the year in a good place.
    Hope this answered some questions!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    So great to hear from you!
    So great to hear from you! Your description of your breakfast and dinner had me drooling over my keyboard! Wow, you are a chef! Glad to hear the sparkle in your voice and I have great hopes and wishes for you, me and all of us in the coming new year! (((Hugs)))
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Wow you've been a busy lady
    Wow you've been a busy lady but glad to here everything has worked out for you with the DR. strength,courage and hope and sounds like you have all.Hugs Frankie
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896

    Wow you've been a busy lady
    Wow you've been a busy lady but glad to here everything has worked out for you with the DR. strength,courage and hope and sounds like you have all.Hugs Frankie

    Sounds like you had
    a wonderful holiday time - with those you love and wonderful surprises!
    So glad the treatment is going well and that you like your new Dr - that's so important to have a good connection and alot of trust! Sounds like you are doing well and have lots of energy - all that yummy food you made - how lucky all your guests were!
    Take good care and keep us posted - I think of you daily and keep you in my prayers always!
    much love,
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Hooray, indeed!
    Happy Holidays, Chen. I miss you when you can't get on the internet.

    I'm sorry, but you can't just say you have another new oncologist, and not make me wonder what the heck is going on. Thought the last new one was so wonderful?

    It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday inspite of the chemo and associated tiredness. Sometimes the decadon high is good . . .

    Please keep trying to connect.


    Double Post Once More!
    How hilarious! From not being able to log on at all to having almost everyplace I post do so in multiples! LOL LOL
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    chenheart said:

    Double Post Once More!
    How hilarious! From not being able to log on at all to having almost everyplace I post do so in multiples! LOL LOL

    Great post Chen
    although you didn't have to be quite so graphic on the menu:)) I am smiling, it really made me hungry and it is 1230 in the morning. But so glad to hear the lift in your voice and so glad your holiday was so fun.

    It seems sometimes that when a door closes on one doctor, the right door is opened!

    Great New Year to you and Reggie, it sounds like it is starting on a high note.

    Prayers and hugs,
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Good to hear from you.
    Good to hear from you. You really know how to do the holidays. Yes the steroids help us get things done. Just remember though, no acrobatics.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    You don't need no introduction, Lady you are a legend

    I missed you and am glad to hear that you had a good time
    spending your holidays with family. Hot da** that dinner
    sounded good, maybe I should moved to CA instead?

    Lady, you never cease to amaze me and 2012 is just mile
    stone for us survivors with many, many more to come!!

    Sending you lots and lotsa Loooouve!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    aysemari said:

    You don't need no introduction, Lady you are a legend

    I missed you and am glad to hear that you had a good time
    spending your holidays with family. Hot da** that dinner
    sounded good, maybe I should moved to CA instead?

    Lady, you never cease to amaze me and 2012 is just mile
    stone for us survivors with many, many more to come!!

    Sending you lots and lotsa Loooouve!


    My hummingbird aka Chen ...
    Great to hear that you have been busy 'living' life, enjoying the Holidays --
    and continuing with family traditions - so near and dear to you, and your
    family. Wow, the tree trimming, and food festivities -- sounds lovely.

    New Doctor, new treatment -- just what ya needed. Change is difficult at best,
    especially when we have to say goodbye to a trusted Doctor - I am so happy that
    your treatments are going well - and your health is good.

    I miss you Sooooooooooooo much. Think of you daily, and continue to send
    positive hope and prayers your way.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    It's just wonderful to hear from you!!

    And yes, you are exhausting me too!
