Vitamin C...

What do you guys know about massive infusions of Vitamin C. A good friend of mine has brain cancer, and was given 9 months to live, of course, this WAS 3 years ago. His folks told me today that he's been taking massive doses of Vitamin C (8000mg) and his cancer is doing some shrinking instead of spreading.

Worth looking into??



  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    High Doses
    I've had 2 oncologist tell me to be careful about taking high doses of Vit.C during chemo because the Vit C's antioxident effect will flush out the chemo drugs like any other negative substance, thus lowering the effect of the chemo. As far as high doses are concerned in general, Vit C is a water soluble vit meaning it is not stored in the body. Therefore, once you take in as much as your body needs, the remaining amount simply passes thru the urine as waste so I am not sure what extra benefit the body would get from such a high dose. Sam
  • ChaadMN
    ChaadMN Member Posts: 32
    I agree with Sam. Check with your oncologist before taking high doeses of anything. We all know from experience that what seems to work for one person doesn't always work for another.
  • jss2011
    jss2011 Member Posts: 132
    vit c
    Hi Jerry,
    I read an article on the internet, can't remember where, but they are doing vit c using iv.
    I don't know if it helps with the cancer per se but the healthier you are the better you will do in this fight. But I agree, always talk to onc first and see what he thinks or if this is being offered where you are receiving treatment. Some things MAY interfere with chemo. Curious, is your friend having chemo?

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Just to echo the other comments

    I guess I would like to add my thoughts to the comments above. I would be very careful about taking any supplements or vitamins without clearing it with your oncologists. I general, I have heard that many supplements and vitamins have cell "protective" effects that can interfere with some chemotherapy drugs.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    paul61 said:

    Just to echo the other comments

    I guess I would like to add my thoughts to the comments above. I would be very careful about taking any supplements or vitamins without clearing it with your oncologists. I general, I have heard that many supplements and vitamins have cell "protective" effects that can interfere with some chemotherapy drugs.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    I'm agreeing with the
    I'm agreeing with the others. Check with your oncologist. I've read that vitamin and mineral supplements, especially the antioxidant ones, can actually PROTECT the cancer cells from the chemo!?!! And I'd always been a believer in supplements. My husband's oncologist says he should only take a senior multivitamin, Osteo-Biflex, and a low dose aspirin.
  • jgwright
    jgwright Member Posts: 242
    paul61 said:

    Just to echo the other comments

    I guess I would like to add my thoughts to the comments above. I would be very careful about taking any supplements or vitamins without clearing it with your oncologists. I general, I have heard that many supplements and vitamins have cell "protective" effects that can interfere with some chemotherapy drugs.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    My Research
    Tells me that this is one of those things NOT to mess around with. First off, Joel was OUT of chemo, so that makes a difference, he has BRAIN cancer, that makes a difference, and he was, as far as the Docs were concerned, terminal.

    Y'know... None of THAT applies to me.

    I wouldn't start on ANY sort of regimen without clearing it with Dr. Lin, my primary oncologist. And Vitamin C is just too easy a cure.

  • jss2011
    jss2011 Member Posts: 132
    jgwright said:

    My Research
    Tells me that this is one of those things NOT to mess around with. First off, Joel was OUT of chemo, so that makes a difference, he has BRAIN cancer, that makes a difference, and he was, as far as the Docs were concerned, terminal.

    Y'know... None of THAT applies to me.

    I wouldn't start on ANY sort of regimen without clearing it with Dr. Lin, my primary oncologist. And Vitamin C is just too easy a cure.


    there is no easy cure. If only! We all pray that day will come.
    My hubby is not into vitamins or holistics but I am hoping to get him on something after all the surgery chemo is done. All these bad chemicals affect liver/kidneys/heart. So my hope is to re-nurish to hopefully undo any damage that may be occuring now.
