Coloring your hair after chemo - did you do it?

BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
My hair is finally starting to grow back after chemo. It's about 2 1/2 inches long. Problem is, it came in almost all grey. I want my old color back (dark blonde). My nurse mentioned she didn't want me to use anything with peroxide or ammonia in it. The only product I found without these two ingredients is "Fanciful" and it does NOT work for me. PLEASE HELP! I look like I aged 20 years. I want my old color back even if it has to come in a bottle.

My questions are: Did anyone color their hair after it grew back and what product brand did you use. Did it contain ammonia or peroxide.

Thanks again Pink Ladies for all your help.



  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    I checked the amounts of the chemicals required to be a danger and stuff and it didn't seem that as often as i would use it it would be a problem, and my docs concurred.
    I use L'Oreal Preference but only about 2x a year. I did wait 6 months though after treatments ended
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    tufi000 said:

    I checked the amounts of the chemicals required to be a danger and stuff and it didn't seem that as often as i would use it it would be a problem, and my docs concurred.
    I use L'Oreal Preference but only about 2x a year. I did wait 6 months though after treatments ended

    I got my hair colored at the
    I got my hair colored at the hairdresser with an organic product when it was shorter. It came in real dark and I had the same color as you before, it was also curly. As it grew we added highlights and low lights. I would say about 8 monts later but that was also because my hair was slow to grow back. I have always had slow growing hair!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Go to a Professional!
    There are permanent colors that do not use H2O2 or 'amonia'. I haven't worked in the field in 20 years so not up to date on the newer products. The effect you will get5 from using any product will depend on your hair and the percentages of dark to 'white' - not something a box can help you with. If you've gotten 3 1/2 inches of hair grown out, from what I was told it shouldn't be a problem though..

    I was so hoping that I'd get some grey when my hair came back - no such luck - it's still as dark as it's always been and I 'm 65 - just inherited from Daady.

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    I did it

    Went to my stylist and she has taken good care of my new much darker, very curly hair. She colored it for me early August after last chemo late April.
    Couldn't stand the color even though I was so glad to have hair.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    grams2jc said:

    I did it

    Went to my stylist and she has taken good care of my new much darker, very curly hair. She colored it for me early August after last chemo late April.
    Couldn't stand the color even though I was so glad to have hair.


    Mine came in so gray too
    so I went to Whole Foods and got a natural hair dye in "chocolate" which I assumed to be brown. Well, I had fire engine red 1" hair until it washed out about 6 weeks later. At first I was a little upset, but then I thought, "what the heck, I have hair, I'm done with the nasty chemo and it will wash out!" Just have to keep these things in perspective I guess.

    Good luck to you in however you chose to handle this.

    Hugs, Renee
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    missrenee said:

    Mine came in so gray too
    so I went to Whole Foods and got a natural hair dye in "chocolate" which I assumed to be brown. Well, I had fire engine red 1" hair until it washed out about 6 weeks later. At first I was a little upset, but then I thought, "what the heck, I have hair, I'm done with the nasty chemo and it will wash out!" Just have to keep these things in perspective I guess.

    Good luck to you in however you chose to handle this.

    Hugs, Renee

    Semi permanent..
    Hair dyes that are semi permanent do not contain peroxide or ammonia...but if you do it yourself, look carefully at the make sure it says washes out in 25 washes or so...I colored mine when it was about 2 inches, too, came in very salt and pepper and very curly...

    Good luck!
    Hugs, Nancy
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    MAJW said:

    Semi permanent..
    Hair dyes that are semi permanent do not contain peroxide or ammonia...but if you do it yourself, look carefully at the make sure it says washes out in 25 washes or so...I colored mine when it was about 2 inches, too, came in very salt and pepper and very curly...

    Good luck!
    Hugs, Nancy

    Betsy please change your picture
    Please change your picture
    Our dear friend Claudia who has been a member since 2003,has the same picture. It is very confusing, especially since she has undergoing chemotherapy and not coming here very often. I tried to PM you but you do not accept messages.

    I did color 6 moths after Chemo.
  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127

    Betsy please change your picture
    Please change your picture
    Our dear friend Claudia who has been a member since 2003,has the same picture. It is very confusing, especially since she has undergoing chemotherapy and not coming here very often. I tried to PM you but you do not accept messages.

    I did color 6 moths after Chemo.

    These are my three dogs so it can't be the same picture
    New Flower,

    Just to let you know, this photo is of "my" three dogs so it can't be the same photo. My dogs are my inspiration and are helping me thru my cancer ordeal. They are by my side thru thick and thin and that's the reason I chose this photo.

    Thank you for answering the question about hair color.

  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    I've decided to go to a Professional
    I've decided not to take a chance the first time around. When my hair is long enough, my husband said he wants to pay for me to go to a professional to have it cut and colored. (What a guy!) Once I am there, I will ask the professional what color and brand she would suggest. I don't plan to keep having a professional dye my hair (just the first time around). My hair is only 2 1/2 inches long so I still have a ways to wait.Thank you pink ladies for all your answers.

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all,

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    BetsyJane said:

    These are my three dogs so it can't be the same picture
    New Flower,

    Just to let you know, this photo is of "my" three dogs so it can't be the same photo. My dogs are my inspiration and are helping me thru my cancer ordeal. They are by my side thru thick and thin and that's the reason I chose this photo.

    Thank you for answering the question about hair color.


    Of course they are your dogs.
    Maybe it was something wired and funky with this website, becuase it did not show your dogs, instead it was a different picture.
    Anyhow, it has been fixed, do not worry about it.

    For the dye, ask for natural, less agressive chemicals. Sometime those can be more expensive, but it will pay off.
  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    BetsyJane said:

    I've decided to go to a Professional
    I've decided not to take a chance the first time around. When my hair is long enough, my husband said he wants to pay for me to go to a professional to have it cut and colored. (What a guy!) Once I am there, I will ask the professional what color and brand she would suggest. I don't plan to keep having a professional dye my hair (just the first time around). My hair is only 2 1/2 inches long so I still have a ways to wait.Thank you pink ladies for all your answers.

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all,


    Thank you for asking this
    Thank you for asking this question Betsy. My hair is just starting to come back as well, and it is all salt & pepper!! My boyfriend loves it ( whatever...not me ;) )....I want my dark Italian hair back and everyone says not to dye it any longer as it could be what caused the cancer.....GRRRR!! Good to know there are some less harsh options!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    SueRelays said:

    Thank you for asking this
    Thank you for asking this question Betsy. My hair is just starting to come back as well, and it is all salt & pepper!! My boyfriend loves it ( whatever...not me ;) )....I want my dark Italian hair back and everyone says not to dye it any longer as it could be what caused the cancer.....GRRRR!! Good to know there are some less harsh options!

    I did mine myself. Went to
    I did mine myself. Went to Sallys. Used Age Beautiful. Its great stuff. It does have all the chems in it, but it did no harm to my hair. My hairdresser said she could not believe how well this stuff works. I am Blonde to. My hair came in just about all gray and nothing would really cover. This did.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Kat11 said:

    I did mine myself. Went to
    I did mine myself. Went to Sallys. Used Age Beautiful. Its great stuff. It does have all the chems in it, but it did no harm to my hair. My hairdresser said she could not believe how well this stuff works. I am Blonde to. My hair came in just about all gray and nothing would really cover. This did.

    Kudos .. to all you Sisters in PINK who
    had a success story in dying your hair yourself .. I searched, and thought I finally found a great match (my professional stylist, refused to color my hair) ... so I did it myself .. what a mistake ... I ended up looking like bozo the clown -- red!!!! dirty blond was my goal -- so I ended up with red tendencies after all my chemo ... It took time, lots of money to get me back to my original goal... ugh... oh, the memories.

    Good luck ..

    Vicki Sam
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    VickiSam said:

    Kudos .. to all you Sisters in PINK who
    had a success story in dying your hair yourself .. I searched, and thought I finally found a great match (my professional stylist, refused to color my hair) ... so I did it myself .. what a mistake ... I ended up looking like bozo the clown -- red!!!! dirty blond was my goal -- so I ended up with red tendencies after all my chemo ... It took time, lots of money to get me back to my original goal... ugh... oh, the memories.

    Good luck ..

    Vicki Sam

    Vickie Sam Your
    Your the reason I never attempted it!
    still two years out of chemo and Ive had one hair cut and it is long and everyone likes the gray in it.
    I'm not to sure if I do, however I will never forget your post back when, thats why my hair is the way it is to this day...LOL
    I think I might just get a fancy HIP cut and leave it at that.
    Take Care Sisters
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    weazer said:

    Vickie Sam Your
    Your the reason I never attempted it!
    still two years out of chemo and Ive had one hair cut and it is long and everyone likes the gray in it.
    I'm not to sure if I do, however I will never forget your post back when, thats why my hair is the way it is to this day...LOL
    I think I might just get a fancy HIP cut and leave it at that.
    Take Care Sisters

    Karie ---
    I still shake in my boots thinking about the weeks, upon months that it took to grow out. Nothing worst than a terrible hair cut, or hair color ..... UGH .. UGH UGH...

    Looking better now .. LOL

    Vicki Sam
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    Yes I did. Herbatint. No
    Yes I did. Herbatint. No peroxides, no ammonia, no smell, no bad, all good. And it colors my grey completely. No problems when I used it on my newby fuzz. Comes in lots of colors. I get it at the health food store or beauty supply store.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Nope, hair came back in salt
    Nope, hair came back in salt and pepper. Before I had high lights and low lights and no idea what the real color would be. I have gotten gobs of sompliments on it.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Nope, hair came back in salt
    Nope, hair came back in salt and pepper. Before I had high lights and low lights and no idea what the real color would be. I have gotten gobs of sompliments on it.

    I have been doing my own
    I have been doing my own hair for years. I have screwed up to. There is stuff you can now buy at walmart that will remove any dye from your hair. Never tried it, but I understand it works True reds are hard to work with. Never go to many shade different than what you had. Stay with neutrals. Anything that says golden has red in it. Ash has green in. Start building your color, or have it done, then do it yourself if you want. You can buy the same stuff they use at Sally's. All you do is mix the bottle of color with 2 oz of cream developer. I use this stuff call age beautiful. Its for aged hair and it has left my hair in great shape. Its not dry or anything and I had chemo hair. I have had a haircut every 8 weeks to get rid of the frizz. Will see if its gone for good come summer,LOL Hope this helps some of you. Hope I did not bore you to death.
  • cctiz
    cctiz Member Posts: 47
    nature tint and tints of nature brands
    no parabens, no amonia, very natural, you can get them in natural stores or online they come in beautiful shades and are permanent - worth every penny
  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    cctiz said:

    nature tint and tints of nature brands
    no parabens, no amonia, very natural, you can get them in natural stores or online they come in beautiful shades and are permanent - worth every penny

    Who makes this hair color
    Just wondering who makes this hair color/dye?