Feeling down

Hello everybody,
Just came from the Dr. and I'm going to do another 3 mo. of waiting, even though I'm not doing to well he still wants to wait because of my other condition which I wasn't doing to well in it either. He wants to make sure I'm in excellent condition with my other stuff then he'll see if we can start treatment. He told me that my spleen grew from 14 to 16 I don't if its cm or mm or however they measure those types of things. He also told me that I have a tumor in my liver and bone marrow involvement. I'm trying to stay as positive as I can because I know he's right about the waiting but can't stop feeling down. Today just sucks!



  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    So sorry
    Hi Liz

    I am so sorry that you are feeling so down. It is very hard to wait, especially when you don't feel good. I really understand that feeling all to well.
    I am trying to stay focused on holiday preparations. Although, that also stress me out..

    I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. All we can do is keep moving forward.

    Sending you positive thoughts for happier days ahead.

    Peaceful healing
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Liz,
    Oh my how hard the "waiting" is! I only did the watchful waiting for a month and it was very stressful. I think I was told as long as tumors stay at or below 2CM's they are not considered urgent to treat. With you having the enlarged spleen and bone involvement I'm surprised treatment is being put off, but I'm sure your doctor knows whats best. I'm sorry your feeling down, especially with the holidays here and Christmas just days away. It's hard to stay upbeat and it's ok to have down days...ya know? I'll keep you in my prayers sweetie and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you. Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3a-6/10)
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Feeling Down
    I know exactly how you feel I did the watchful waiting thing for only a short time. It was horrible. The Xmas season does not help when you feel you should be upbeat and do not.If things are not close to perfect at this time of the year you can feel it more and it brings you down. Try to feel more upbeat and know things will be Okay. John
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Cloudy Day
    Dear Liz,

    I really know how hard a day can be when you're feeling down. I usually accept the day and pull the covers over my head. Most times, the next day is better. I think you are worried about the waiting game. Also, this time of year can be sad and stressful.

    Do you have a regular doctor that you see for routine illness? Is it possible to see him, and
    ask him to confer with your oncologist? Do you think you need another opinion? You did say "you know he is right".

    I hope by the time you read all the responses, you are feeling a bit better.

    Prayers Love Maggie
  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Thank You All
    Thank you all for your sincere and kind words, (man) I was feeling like c**p yesterday. I know I can count on you guys to give some words of wisdom and encouragement. Feeling better today...thanks again.

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    Thank You All
    Thank you all for your sincere and kind words, (man) I was feeling like c**p yesterday. I know I can count on you guys to give some words of wisdom and encouragement. Feeling better today...thanks again.


    Glad you're feeling better :)
    We are often stronger than we realize, Liz.
    Thanks for all your comforting words recently regarding my sister.

