Just wondering

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
Just wondering if any of you didn't loose all your hair during chemo. I didn't have chemo but when my friend did she lost her hair in patches.Not bald.She wore a scarf while working with the public.Could barely tell it.Did her treatments etc through it all.I just wonder because I hear of others that have all their hair and the next day they are completely bald.I guess it varies.With my thin hair I would probably be bald the first treatment.

Lynn Smith


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I had a few patches left
    at first... But I had to shave a few areas as there were wisps of hair. But I lost all my other hair, brows, eyelashes, etc. I have hair that grew back it is just over an inch long, and started on a new chemo, had my 3rd infusion last Wednesday. My hair is thinning again, but so far not completely out, but if it goes back to patches, I will pull out the clippers. I am hoping to keep what I have now as my head is much warmer with a little hair!

    Really want to keep the eyebrows and eyelashes, but the eyelashes have really thinned again and they were only about a quarter inch long.... I can work without the hair as long as I am still here:))
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Head hair started coming out
    Head hair started coming out in small clumps then after 2nd A/C there were a few very thin clumps left. Son ran the clippers over it and then he and 'other sons' (his friends) all used the clippers on themselves.

    For me - with A/C all head hair left, 1/2 of eyelashes and brows also left. Then along came Taxolm and ALL hair that survived that long left.

    We are each unique!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Head hair started coming out
    Head hair started coming out in small clumps then after 2nd A/C there were a few very thin clumps left. Son ran the clippers over it and then he and 'other sons' (his friends) all used the clippers on themselves.

    For me - with A/C all head hair left, 1/2 of eyelashes and brows also left. Then along came Taxolm and ALL hair that survived that long left.

    We are each unique!

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Rague said:

    Head hair started coming out
    Head hair started coming out in small clumps then after 2nd A/C there were a few very thin clumps left. Son ran the clippers over it and then he and 'other sons' (his friends) all used the clippers on themselves.

    For me - with A/C all head hair left, 1/2 of eyelashes and brows also left. Then along came Taxolm and ALL hair that survived that long left.

    We are each unique!


    Totally bald here
    All my hair fell out. My mom who went through chemo this past Febuary didn't loose her hair. Her dr. was amazed, very unusual. My hair has grown back, and I love it. It's softer, thicker, pretty color, and more managable.
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    didn't have chemo so it wasn't an issue. But when my mom had chemo she said *she* knew she was loosing hair because it came out all over the house but to look at her, I would never have known.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    lost so much
    Once you loose so much hair you might just as well shave it anyway as it would be so totally uneven when the new stuff grew back. I do think my hair took turns dying off though.
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    lost so much
    Once you loose so much hair you might just as well shave it anyway as it would be so totally uneven when the new stuff grew back. I do think my hair took turns dying off though.

    I lost all of my hair
    Mr Clean & kojack didn't have anything on me! My head was totally bald. I never had it come out in little strands, it started coming out by the handfuls & in clumps on Dec 23 last year, exactly 14 days after my 1st chemo treatment. The good news is its finally coming back. It's very curly & my natural hair color. I love the curls & I hope I keep them.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 17
    loosing your hair
    I think it could be the different chemo's. Mine did and as soon as it started I went ahead and had my girlfriend shave it for me. I wore scarfs for awhile to hide, but after awhile I just went commando and felt free. It is what it is and when I would go in the hospital for a visit people would look at me as if saying to themselves, "man I thought this visit to the dr. for my back was bad and then see her". I'd smile knowing I gave them a second thought of complaining. Halloween it was good to go as fester, had fun with that.
  • jne66
    jne66 Member Posts: 26
    hair fell out in big clumps
    hair fell out in big clumps had enough for a bad combover look so I had it all shaved off. i never lost it all i had a little fuzz on top. But of course all the hair that stayed was gray. My eyelashes and eyebrows got thin but enough stayed. I just finished last chemo!
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    jne66 said:

    hair fell out in big clumps
    hair fell out in big clumps had enough for a bad combover look so I had it all shaved off. i never lost it all i had a little fuzz on top. But of course all the hair that stayed was gray. My eyelashes and eyebrows got thin but enough stayed. I just finished last chemo!

    my hair
    My hair didn't fall out all at once, but got super thin. Every time I ran my hand through it, quite a bit came out. It looked really bad, especially on the top - my side part got pretty wide. While joking about it with one of my chemo nurses, she said just shave it off, you'll look great. I shaved it that weekend.

    Didn't think I would loose my eyelashes and eyebrows since I was only on Taxol & Herceptin, but a couple of weeks after I finished Taxol, they also fell out.
  • SlowRollin
    SlowRollin Member Posts: 75
    debi.18 said:

    my hair
    My hair didn't fall out all at once, but got super thin. Every time I ran my hand through it, quite a bit came out. It looked really bad, especially on the top - my side part got pretty wide. While joking about it with one of my chemo nurses, she said just shave it off, you'll look great. I shaved it that weekend.

    Didn't think I would loose my eyelashes and eyebrows since I was only on Taxol & Herceptin, but a couple of weeks after I finished Taxol, they also fell out.

    Losing hair
    Different meds have different side effects. Taxol takes the hair. We started to thin out on the 14th day after our first treatment and were cutting what was left on the 17th day. My wife has a thin layer of stubble left with the front getting smoother with each treatment. After our 6th treatment, she noticed a few eye lashes gone. Eyebrows are hanging in there. F/A/C isn't suppost to take the hair; we'll be on that cocktail next. Oh joy!