First Chemo Treatment

Texan22 Member Posts: 3
Hi Everyone,
I am new to the boards and just had my first treatment on Tuesday of TCH. I felt pretty well until Thursday, but have been miserable since. I know everyone is different, but am just hoping someone can shed some light on when this "flu" will let up some or at least that I am not out of the norm for this to seem to linger longer than most. Thank you for any and all insights!!!


  • SusieP123
    SusieP123 Member Posts: 5
    Side effects
    Hi, I had my first treatment of cytoxan and taxotere thirteen days ago. The first day I was woozy from the Benedryl. The second day I had a shot of Neulasta to build WBCs. The next day, I horrible bone pain that lasted four days. After that I was episodes of nausea and diarrhea and exhaustion. I slept 24 hours straight during that. It took me about a week to feel normal again. I have been reading posts about hair loss. I have very very long hair so I'm traumatized about losing my hair. What has your experience been?
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    SusieP123 said:

    Side effects
    Hi, I had my first treatment of cytoxan and taxotere thirteen days ago. The first day I was woozy from the Benedryl. The second day I had a shot of Neulasta to build WBCs. The next day, I horrible bone pain that lasted four days. After that I was episodes of nausea and diarrhea and exhaustion. I slept 24 hours straight during that. It took me about a week to feel normal again. I have been reading posts about hair loss. I have very very long hair so I'm traumatized about losing my hair. What has your experience been?

    I did nto have a great
    I did nto have a great experience with chemo, so its hard to remember, but I know it took a week at least to feel better. seemed I was just feeling better when I had to go back. However I think someone with a more "normal" experience should weigh in here. People have success taking claritin with the neulasta. to help with the bone pain. some people end up with pain meds. The first treatment is hard as you dont know what to expect. when you figure out how your body reacts then you can anticipate how you will feel and put measures in place to help. also I think with the first one your body feels like it has been blindsided and it needs to adjust.
    hair is a tough issue that many people have written on. I had my hair buzzed when it started to come out. I didnt like it but I didnt cry. I could not deal with it coming out in clumps. people say their scalp gets tingly and hurts and it feels better to buzz their hair. Some shave their heads but I did not do this. what bothered me the most was the eyelashes, that usually happens later, It is hard now but now it seems like a bad dream. My hair came back curly and dark. hang in there. lots of hugs
  • SlowRollin
    SlowRollin Member Posts: 75
    carkris said:

    I did nto have a great
    I did nto have a great experience with chemo, so its hard to remember, but I know it took a week at least to feel better. seemed I was just feeling better when I had to go back. However I think someone with a more "normal" experience should weigh in here. People have success taking claritin with the neulasta. to help with the bone pain. some people end up with pain meds. The first treatment is hard as you dont know what to expect. when you figure out how your body reacts then you can anticipate how you will feel and put measures in place to help. also I think with the first one your body feels like it has been blindsided and it needs to adjust.
    hair is a tough issue that many people have written on. I had my hair buzzed when it started to come out. I didnt like it but I didnt cry. I could not deal with it coming out in clumps. people say their scalp gets tingly and hurts and it feels better to buzz their hair. Some shave their heads but I did not do this. what bothered me the most was the eyelashes, that usually happens later, It is hard now but now it seems like a bad dream. My hair came back curly and dark. hang in there. lots of hugs

    Howdy Texan22,
    It's cold in

    Howdy Texan22,

    It's cold in Houston this morning and I'm sorry you've had to join the Pink Ribbon club; but here you are, like the rest of us. My wife has her treatments on Fridays, is drunk tired right after (pre-med Benadryl causation), then is good for the weekend. But on Monday, she's sick. Nausea, hot flashes, worn out. Next couple of days the symptoms start to subside and she's all better by Friday...then we do again. Everyone is a little different, but our symptoms are the same each time. Good luck and continue to post your concerns.

    Prayers your way.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Hi Texan22,
    I did 6 rounds

    Hi Texan22,

    I did 6 rounds of TAC, my treatments were on Thursdays. Treatment would put me in a medicated fog through the weekend. I usually started feeling a little better on Mondays, but each round brought a new side effect on Tuesdays. Once I got that figured out, I would start feeling better Wednesday or so.

    Be sure you are drinking lots of water. I liked smart water for the added electrolytes, and vitamin water for the added vitamins. Eat in small amounts frequently, it will help keep the nausea at bay. I liked bland foods...plain noodles, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc. I was told in chemo class to focus on proteins and calories. Carnation instant breakfast (now breakfast essentials) worked for me too, and was recommended in my chemo class.

    I hope this helps and that you are feeling better. Be sure to come back if you have any other questions.


  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    Chemo side effects for me were
    My chemo ended in May. I had my chemo on Tuesday and my Neulasta shot on Thursday. I started feeling tired and funny on Friday and it lasted thru Sunday. Monday I started getting better. Here are some suggestions:

    1) If you feel sick, make sure to take the medication they gave you for it.
    2) Also, take a laxative to help you go to the bathroom if you feel you need to. There were times when if I didn't take a laxative, I would get so constipated I wanted to die.
    3) Make sure to take Clariton a day or two before your Neulasta injection, the day of the injection and two days after it. It does help.

    I think everyone loses their hair. That was one of the most upsetting side effects of chemo for me. I bought a wig well in advance and cut my hair real short so I didn't have to see it fall out in clumps. Some girls state that their scalp tingles before the hair starts to fall out. My scalp never did tingle. My hair is now starting to grow back but still extremely short and I still have to wear a wig.....but the good news is I am finally finished with chemo and my hair is growing back (unfortunately it grew back "GREY"!!! (not my normal color of blonde.

    Hang in there. We'll be with you every step of the way. The pink ladies on this board are the best and are always here to help in any way they can. I learned more from them then from my own oncologist.

    God Bless you.

  • Texan22
    Texan22 Member Posts: 3
    BetsyJane said:

    Chemo side effects for me were
    My chemo ended in May. I had my chemo on Tuesday and my Neulasta shot on Thursday. I started feeling tired and funny on Friday and it lasted thru Sunday. Monday I started getting better. Here are some suggestions:

    1) If you feel sick, make sure to take the medication they gave you for it.
    2) Also, take a laxative to help you go to the bathroom if you feel you need to. There were times when if I didn't take a laxative, I would get so constipated I wanted to die.
    3) Make sure to take Clariton a day or two before your Neulasta injection, the day of the injection and two days after it. It does help.

    I think everyone loses their hair. That was one of the most upsetting side effects of chemo for me. I bought a wig well in advance and cut my hair real short so I didn't have to see it fall out in clumps. Some girls state that their scalp tingles before the hair starts to fall out. My scalp never did tingle. My hair is now starting to grow back but still extremely short and I still have to wear a wig.....but the good news is I am finally finished with chemo and my hair is growing back (unfortunately it grew back "GREY"!!! (not my normal color of blonde.

    Hang in there. We'll be with you every step of the way. The pink ladies on this board are the best and are always here to help in any way they can. I learned more from them then from my own oncologist.

    God Bless you.


    Dearest SusieP, Carkris, SlowRollin, Linda and Betsy,

    I just don't think I can tell you how much I appreciate your responses and feel much better just "hearing" your thoughts and kind words.

    Y'ALL ROCK!!!
  • aklahn
    aklahn Member Posts: 3
    Texan22 said:

    Dearest SusieP, Carkris, SlowRollin, Linda and Betsy,

    I just don't think I can tell you how much I appreciate your responses and feel much better just "hearing" your thoughts and kind words.

    Y'ALL ROCK!!!

    Going in for first Cytoxan and Taxotere treatments
    I am going in to start my first of four treatments this Wednesday. I will be taking the CT cocktail. I have not heard yet if I will be taking the shot for WBC. I hope I will not need that as I have heard it causes much muscle and bone aches. Thank you so much to everyone for their comments. This really helps someone who has no idea what to expect. I am really scared. I am hoping to return to work. I will see what side effects I have first.
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    aklahn said:

    Going in for first Cytoxan and Taxotere treatments
    I am going in to start my first of four treatments this Wednesday. I will be taking the CT cocktail. I have not heard yet if I will be taking the shot for WBC. I hope I will not need that as I have heard it causes much muscle and bone aches. Thank you so much to everyone for their comments. This really helps someone who has no idea what to expect. I am really scared. I am hoping to return to work. I will see what side effects I have first.

    Hey Texan22
    I had 6 rounds of TAC. My treatments were always on Thursdays with the neulasta shot on Friday. I always felt ok on Thursday, then on Friday I would notice I would start to have a horrible taste in my mouth. Saturday I would feel tired, but was still able to be active, but on Sunday I could hardly get out of my bed. I would feel pretty rough for 2 weeks, then about 5 days before my next treatment I would start to feel better. I never had any problems with vomiting or diarrhea though.. ( Compazine is a wonderful med )

    Please make sure that you are drinking lots of water. I'm a big Dr Pepper fan & the only thing I could drink for 4 months was ice cold water due to the mouth sores & rusted metal taste. Needless to say, when I finally had a taste of Dr Pepper again I thought I was in heaven :) i ate a lot of baked potatoes, rice, & pasta. If your having problems with the rusted metal taste try using plastic silverware. I still have to use it as I haven't been out of chemo that long. Also, biotin toothpaste & mouthwash is great.

    Please get lots of rest & stay strong.

    Hugs & God Bless,

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Hey Texan22
    I had 6 rounds of TAC. My treatments were always on Thursdays with the neulasta shot on Friday. I always felt ok on Thursday, then on Friday I would notice I would start to have a horrible taste in my mouth. Saturday I would feel tired, but was still able to be active, but on Sunday I could hardly get out of my bed. I would feel pretty rough for 2 weeks, then about 5 days before my next treatment I would start to feel better. I never had any problems with vomiting or diarrhea though.. ( Compazine is a wonderful med )

    Please make sure that you are drinking lots of water. I'm a big Dr Pepper fan & the only thing I could drink for 4 months was ice cold water due to the mouth sores & rusted metal taste. Needless to say, when I finally had a taste of Dr Pepper again I thought I was in heaven :) i ate a lot of baked potatoes, rice, & pasta. If your having problems with the rusted metal taste try using plastic silverware. I still have to use it as I haven't been out of chemo that long. Also, biotin toothpaste & mouthwash is great.

    Please get lots of rest & stay strong.

    Hugs & God Bless,


    Chemo Queen -- here, been there
    done that .. and let me say that I had many many side efforts .. However, the information provided by my equally qualified Sisters in PINK .. regarding hydration,
    neulasta shot and benadryl -- as well as prescribed medication for vomiting, and
    diarrhea .. is SPOT ON!

    Plastic silverware is a must ---
    biotin toothpaste and mouthwash is a daily essential
    (available at most Target's or Wal-Mart's)

    Food is subjective -- depending on your personal needs and taste buds .. What taste good or was tolerable 1 week -- changed for me, the very next. I could not tolerate any foods with sugar, i.e. ketchup, or cola's.

    To help prevent mouth sores -- suck on ice chips during all chemo treatments.

    Rest when you can, as some chemo queens have bouts of insomnia ---

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    Dear Texan22,
    I never read

    Dear Texan22,
    I never read two sisters who had the same effects from chemo; it varies SO much from person to person. Personally, I got fearful when I started chemo and read 'bad news' from people, which mostly didn't pan out for me. But do drink lots of water. My nurse also suggested cranberry juice to keep bladder infections at bay so I added it to my water. Also the small snacks - that's the other 'cure.' I had it in for oatmeal and a hard boiled egg, every single morning. And I'm not the routine type! But I got protein from the egg - you need lots of protein. They say, just eat what you crave - if it's milk shakes, go for it!
    Best wishes on your journey...