Can the pink bus come to Texas please?

Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
I see my onc for my 3 month follow up on Friday the 23rd. I'm sure he's going to say everything is good, but I'm just so nervous. Now don't get me wrong, I love my onc & think he's awesome, but my nerves are frazzled about this appt. I guess it's just knowing that he could tell me the cancer
has reared it's ugly head again.

I've been through a lot of stress on top of fighting this battle in the past 6 months & I really think the outside stress is getting the best of me now. And I know how fast IBC comes & I just keep remembering Heide & Meena. I'm very scared today & can't shake the feeling.

Hugs & God Bless,



  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Texas here I come!!!
    Dawne - You better believe I'm coming to TX! Although I no longer eat meat, I will make one exception this time and eat some nice bbq ribs over there. I'm sure a lot of people here would be happy to join us too! So count me in!

    It's always stressful when going to see onco. The fear is always there. But I have faith you are OK. So I am sending you my positive thoughts and good energy.

    How could we not think about those we've lost, especially now during the holidays. It's sad, but think about this: they wouldn't want you to be sad, right? And I'm sure they are watching over us. And I'm sure they'll be on that bus too although we can't see them. Supporting you.

    Here praying for a good ride and excellent test results.

  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Texas here I come!!!
    Dawne - You better believe I'm coming to TX! Although I no longer eat meat, I will make one exception this time and eat some nice bbq ribs over there. I'm sure a lot of people here would be happy to join us too! So count me in!

    It's always stressful when going to see onco. The fear is always there. But I have faith you are OK. So I am sending you my positive thoughts and good energy.

    How could we not think about those we've lost, especially now during the holidays. It's sad, but think about this: they wouldn't want you to be sad, right? And I'm sure they are watching over us. And I'm sure they'll be on that bus too although we can't see them. Supporting you.

    Here praying for a good ride and excellent test results.


    You are so right
    You are very right, I don't think they would want us to be sad. Both Heide & Meena were strong warriors & fought with every ounce they had. I believe they are watching over us :)

    I love ribs & good ol Texas brisket, so after my appt we will all have to go chow down :)

    Thank you for your prayers & I will let you know what the dr says.


  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    pink bus
    I'll be on the pink bus Fri! Hope everything goes well---let us know!
    Best wishes!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Tux said:

    pink bus
    I'll be on the pink bus Fri! Hope everything goes well---let us know!
    Best wishes!

    Dawne .. I am shaking and freaked out, as well
    Went this am at 9:30 a.m. for my quarterly -- Oncology appointment -- poking, blood pressure, blood work up -- general physical check up. Everything looked good, however, we now play the wait and see == game .. which in my case is the blood results ... hate hate this waiting game.

    So .. I am here holding your hand, pacing back and forth -- jumping everything the phone rings .. Positive results for you, and for me....

    Prayers coming for you ..

    Please note that I am available for ribs ... yum yum ... LOL

    Vicki Sam
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    VickiSam said:

    Dawne .. I am shaking and freaked out, as well
    Went this am at 9:30 a.m. for my quarterly -- Oncology appointment -- poking, blood pressure, blood work up -- general physical check up. Everything looked good, however, we now play the wait and see == game .. which in my case is the blood results ... hate hate this waiting game.

    So .. I am here holding your hand, pacing back and forth -- jumping everything the phone rings .. Positive results for you, and for me....

    Prayers coming for you ..

    Please note that I am available for ribs ... yum yum ... LOL

    Vicki Sam

    Keeping my fingers crossed
    I will keep my fingers crossed that the blood work comes back perfect. Let us know as soon as you find out.

    Thanks for going with me this Friday, I'm a nervous wreck.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Dawne .. I am shaking and freaked out, as well
    Went this am at 9:30 a.m. for my quarterly -- Oncology appointment -- poking, blood pressure, blood work up -- general physical check up. Everything looked good, however, we now play the wait and see == game .. which in my case is the blood results ... hate hate this waiting game.

    So .. I am here holding your hand, pacing back and forth -- jumping everything the phone rings .. Positive results for you, and for me....

    Prayers coming for you ..

    Please note that I am available for ribs ... yum yum ... LOL

    Vicki Sam

    Count me in...
    I'll be on the bus! Let me know if your in the part of Texas that is expecting quite a snow storm so I can bring my boots....
    The waiting game is sooooo and Vicki Sam have my prayers and best wishes for good results! I always have the blood work done the week before my oncology visit, so my oncologist has my results when I see him...

    Keep us posted, both of you.....
    Hugs and Merry Christmas
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    MAJW said:

    Count me in...
    I'll be on the bus! Let me know if your in the part of Texas that is expecting quite a snow storm so I can bring my boots....
    The waiting game is sooooo and Vicki Sam have my prayers and best wishes for good results! I always have the blood work done the week before my oncology visit, so my oncologist has my results when I see him...

    Keep us posted, both of you.....
    Hugs and Merry Christmas

    Lots of rain here
    Nancy, I'm in Central Tx & all we"re getting is much needed rain. We usually get an ice storm in January or February, and everything shuts down & the news channels go crazy with it lol

    Thank you for coming along on Friday. And a big thank you for you prayers for both me & Vicki.

    Hugs & Merry Christmas,

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Lots of rain here
    Nancy, I'm in Central Tx & all we"re getting is much needed rain. We usually get an ice storm in January or February, and everything shuts down & the news channels go crazy with it lol

    Thank you for coming along on Friday. And a big thank you for you prayers for both me & Vicki.

    Hugs & Merry Christmas,


    I'm free Friday
    so I'll be onboard to Texas. What will happen at your appointment?

    We'll be on the bus will be singing Christmas caroles and drinking - eggnog.

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Never been to Texas but love
    Never been to Texas but love me some bbr Texas ribs, will be on pink bus with you strength,courage & hope.Hugs Frankie
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    I will be there.
    Am praying for you and Vicki. For Christmas shall we change the silly string to red and green? NAH still hot pink for our brave fighting warriors and dear pink sisters.

    I am betting that Santa is bringing a good report for your stocking, anyway that old coot had better be. Or he may get stomped on by some pink Texas cowboy boots!

    Try to hang on!

  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281

    Never been to Texas but love
    Never been to Texas but love me some bbr Texas ribs, will be on pink bus with you strength,courage & hope.Hugs Frankie

    I'm on my way - stop & pick
    I'm on my way - stop & pick me up. I'll have positive energy
    and prayers for a great checkup for you and good bloodwork
    for Vicki.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    grams2jc said:

    I will be there.
    Am praying for you and Vicki. For Christmas shall we change the silly string to red and green? NAH still hot pink for our brave fighting warriors and dear pink sisters.

    I am betting that Santa is bringing a good report for your stocking, anyway that old coot had better be. Or he may get stomped on by some pink Texas cowboy boots!

    Try to hang on!


    Jennifer I almost spit out my Dr Pepper when I read that he'll get stomped on by pink Texas cowboy boots :) thank you do much for coming with me & for praying.

    Suzanne, I really don't know what he's going to do. This is the first time I've seen him since he told me I'm in remission in August. Hopefully he says I'm doing great & ready for reconstruction. I'll let you know ASAP on Friday.


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    You got it Dawn!
    I'm praying for good health, comfort and peace.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    You bet I'll be there! I
    You bet I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it, I'll be happy to hold your hand the whole time.

    Calm, soothing hugs,

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    You are so right
    You are very right, I don't think they would want us to be sad. Both Heide & Meena were strong warriors & fought with every ounce they had. I believe they are watching over us :)

    I love ribs & good ol Texas brisket, so after my appt we will all have to go chow down :)

    Thank you for your prayers & I will let you know what the dr says.



    Prayers and positive
    Prayers and positive thoughts for you Dawne!

    Hugs, Angie
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I will be there with my boots on, snow or no snow (with my luck there would be snow). I was clear for 8 1/2 years b4 the beast decided to make a return visit and then he had the balls to decide to put his feet up and stay a while, but I am still trying to boot his fat a++ right out the door!

    What I am saying is that I still feel your stress and everyone here with each and every test, dr visit, cold, etc. Even though you know in your heart that you are good, there is always that nagging what if. I can honestly say though, that when it did come back, I knew b4 I even went to the doctor (and it was not a scheduled check up), that there was something drastically wrong, it and I felt so different (not in a good way) than I had ever felt before.

    I am looking forward to some ribs, music and line dancing! So fire up the bus, sounds like it will be a full load, and we will have to celebrate Christmas and good test results!

    Prayers and hugs,
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    on the bus.
    Heading your way. Long time since I've been to Texas.
  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    I'm on the pink bus
    I've never been to Texas. Lookin' forward to going. Fire up the grill - I LOVE BBQ ribs. Can we do some horseback riding after the BBQ?

    I look forward to hearing that your report is a good one!

    Sending prayers your way.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    BetsyJane said:

    I'm on the pink bus
    I've never been to Texas. Lookin' forward to going. Fire up the grill - I LOVE BBQ ribs. Can we do some horseback riding after the BBQ?

    I look forward to hearing that your report is a good one!

    Sending prayers your way.


    I'll come back to Texas to be with you, Dawne!
    I lived in San Antonio for 3 years back in the 80s and loved it. I'm right back there with you in spirit for that appointment. I know just how you feel--I have one coming up in Jan. with onc. and surgeon and am having pain in one of my vertebra, so, of course, I'm super-scared about that. So scared that I've made an appt. tomorrow with the onc. I hate having to worry about every little ache and pain now--things that I would have passed off before as a pulled muscle or just one of those things that would go away.

    Anyway--I'm sending all positive energy and heartful prayers your way for a great visit for you and the docs. Try to relax and leave it in God's hands. He'll take care of you.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    BetsyJane said:

    I'm on the pink bus
    I've never been to Texas. Lookin' forward to going. Fire up the grill - I LOVE BBQ ribs. Can we do some horseback riding after the BBQ?

    I look forward to hearing that your report is a good one!

    Sending prayers your way.


    German Shepherds
    Hi Betsy, I love your dogs!!! I have a German Shepherd named Schaztie & she is a spoiled brat :) I love shepherds, they are so beautiful & loyal.

    Thanks for coming to Texas & oh yes we will for sure eat lots of BBQ. & 2 step across the Lone Star state with NED :)

