how freaked out should I be about ovarian cysts?

lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
today they discovered 3 ovarian cysts on my right ovary and my kidney stone now lodged in my dilated ureter. just waiting for the "plan".....


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    When it rains...
    I'm so sorry about the kidney stone...ouch! I've never had one but had gallstones that lodged in the bile duct...that was really ouch, too! I had cysts on my ovaries more than once...a long, long time ago....I know they can cause worry and anxiety but if your doctor is comfortable that they are just cysts, hopefully that will bring you peace of mind....ovarian cysts can come and go without us even being aware of them...

    Keep us posted...
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Cyst and Stone
    Hi Lizzie,

    When on Tamoxifen (a long time ago) they always noted that I had ovarian cysts. I had ultra-sounds to make certain they were cysts and not tumors. Sound goes through cysts but not tumors are solids. My doctors told me to leave well enough alone and it's been years, so they must have taken care of themselves.

    What does your gynecologist say about your cysts?

    My ct scan does state every time by noting that there is a stable renal stone in the upper pole. As long as it doesn't move, I figure I'm ok. I know that those who do have kidney stones are in a lot of pain. Are you in pain?

    I hope they have a plan for you very quickly.


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    I know it's difficult, but
    I know it's difficult, but try not to freak out till they tell you it's time to freak out. According to my first mother in law, kidney stones are worse than child birth! She had 4 boys. Hopefully they can break yours up and get it moving. As to the cysts, they are very common and I think the ultrasound is a pretty reliable way to monitor them. My daughter has had a couple they seem to come and go with her cycle.

    After this you are on a issue free pass!


    Yeah I know, like I have any say, just trying to help!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    mamolady said:

    I know it's difficult, but
    I know it's difficult, but try not to freak out till they tell you it's time to freak out. According to my first mother in law, kidney stones are worse than child birth! She had 4 boys. Hopefully they can break yours up and get it moving. As to the cysts, they are very common and I think the ultrasound is a pretty reliable way to monitor them. My daughter has had a couple they seem to come and go with her cycle.

    After this you are on a issue free pass!


    Yeah I know, like I have any say, just trying to help!

    Lizzie .. So sorry our dear Sister in PINK
    Kidney stones are awful -- the pain is intense -- some professions state, when passing its like giving birth (I agree -- so very very painful) -- I had a flare up of kidney stones last year, so I hope your stones pass rapidly, without any discomfort. Cranberry juice did help with pushing my stones out, as did my pain medication! Ouch, so sorry ...

    Kidney stones first, then tackle your cysts -- Stay strong, and focus -- Best of luck to you, Lizzie --

    Hope, prayers and Love

    Vicki Sam
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow....ONLY Time I know of
    wow....ONLY Time I know of having Ovarian Cyst was same time as tubular pregnancy-My dr told me I was imagining feeling pregnant..NEEDLESS to say surgery for both at same time.

    Feel better..keep us updated..

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I wouldn't freak out
    I wouldn't freak out yet...My daughters have had and they burst (per say) on their own much of the time...


    I'[ll check back for update...feel better
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    I didn't hear anything today
    For me this is an "emergency", but for my word on a plan yet.

    thanks for the positive thoughts and the sympathetic ones, too!!

    sometimes that is the medicine I need at the moment. :)
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    lizzie17 said:

    I didn't hear anything today
    For me this is an "emergency", but for my word on a plan yet.

    thanks for the positive thoughts and the sympathetic ones, too!!

    sometimes that is the medicine I need at the moment. :)

    Ovarian systs
    If you are still menstrating, you will have eggs developing every month on one side or the other. Some women can feel the burst when the egg is released on its travels. Sometimes the ovaries develop stubborn cysts that continue swelling and really hurt when they burst. If they are just fluid filled (can be determined with an ultrasound but it is a rather private place that they put the wand to get the picture) they are normal. If they are solid it could be cancer. The only way to tell for sure what's going on is surgery, but they don't put them back after checking them. I developed very stubborn recurrent cysts on tamoxifen. They didn't bother me particularly, but my periods were off and on and the doctors were freaked. After two years of ultrasounds--did I mention the tests were rather embarassing--I finally caved and had the surgery. Everything was normal, but gone. I survived the surgery and maybe it was a good idea. I quit having PMS headaches. The flashes were all the books said they would be. I was able to go on the aromatase meds. My chance of getting ovarian cancer is now extremely low. But it still grips me that I had surgery when really everything was normal. So don't panic, do see the doctor, and consider what the pros and cons are before you do anything. Sometimes time will take care of the problem. Sometimes it doesn't and you should consider tests or even surgery. In my experience the doctors will panic earlier rather than later if they suspect cancer problems. And sometimes, like in my case, it still turns out that everything was fine.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    VickiSam said:

    Lizzie .. So sorry our dear Sister in PINK
    Kidney stones are awful -- the pain is intense -- some professions state, when passing its like giving birth (I agree -- so very very painful) -- I had a flare up of kidney stones last year, so I hope your stones pass rapidly, without any discomfort. Cranberry juice did help with pushing my stones out, as did my pain medication! Ouch, so sorry ...

    Kidney stones first, then tackle your cysts -- Stay strong, and focus -- Best of luck to you, Lizzie --

    Hope, prayers and Love

    Vicki Sam

    I know kidney stones are
    I know kidney stones are very painful Lizzie. I hope you can pass this on your own. Drink lots of water and cranberry juice like VickiSam said.

    Good luck,

  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    no plan for the kidney stone, ...
    but Monday I have bloodwork --
    CA 125 and FSH regarding the cysts.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    lizzie17 said:

    no plan for the kidney stone, ...
    but Monday I have bloodwork --
    CA 125 and FSH regarding the cysts.

    prayers, and positive thoughts
    for a rapid conclusion -- on both issues.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    lizzie17 said:

    no plan for the kidney stone, ...
    but Monday I have bloodwork --
    CA 125 and FSH regarding the cysts.

    prayers, and positive thoughts
    .. double post
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    VickiSam said:

    prayers, and positive thoughts
    .. double post

    My friend
    My friend was dx with breast cancer 16 years ago.She doesn't like unusual anything in her body.She had a breast cyst after her dx and had it taken out.BUT recently she was dx with a fibroid ovarian tumor.She said they are watching it.Usually fibroids aren't cancer and don't turn into cancer. If they grow they may need to be removed.Same with ovarian cysts if they grow they should be taken out.I had a breast cyst for years.It didn't grow for a long time.Then suddenly with one of my doctor exams he said it grew.It was aspirated and tested.No cancer.Years later I was dx.

    Talk it over with your doctor and if you feel it should be removed they would probably do it.I have a fibroid breast tumor now.Benign.They said no need to have it removed.

    Lynn Smith
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi - I am 33, and started
    Hi - I am 33, and started developing ovarian cysts in my teens. I've been monitored closely, but they go away (all less then 3cmm), and sometimes they come back. I was put on birth control for 6 years because I had ovarian pains during ovulation. My had had endometrosis so they wanted to make sure they could control my ovaries so I won't develop it too. With the birth control pills I felt so much better and no other cysts were detected. I stopped the pills 6 years later at te age of 25. I then got dx with bc this year, at 32. I will go for my sono next month to make sure all looks OK. No period since April (stopped with first chemo). however, I also harvested my eggs, and was given sonograms daily. No cysts were detected...well, not harmful ones. I had the regular ovulating cysts which are supposed to go away.

    Women go through so much with their bodies, right? It's a constant issue, but praying we will never face another journey like this.

    Wishing you good luck with everything, please keep us posted.