Got the anti nausea meds this time

camul Member Posts: 2,537
edited December 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
What a difference. I didn't get sick at all, they said it was unusual to get so sick from this chemo, but I did. This time though the constipation is going to get me. I am not a coffee drinker but am trying it all. Coffee, prune juice, oatmeal, laxative, even suppository. If this doesn't work then I don't know what will. But overall, I feel much better than last week. The anti nausea infusion gave me so much energy I cleaned house until almost 2a on Wed/Thurs am. Finally crashed. Now today I am totally exhausted, but exhausted with a clean house, all gifts wrapped........

Amazing my numbers are staying up, I have not needed one Neulesta shot which is good news, next week is just the Herceptin and bone shot, so I should feel better over Christmas.

Onco said this is the first time he has ever given Herceptin at the tail end of treatments but figured nothing else has worked to slow the progression, I keep praying that this will be what helps!

Thanks for all the support, I can and will tell you how much the prayers and support mean to me. All my life I have learned that when 2 or more gather in his name he hears our prayers, so with this board of support, I am sure that he is hearing screams of prayers.

Love Carol

Boy it got me. I will need to have the nausea infusion next time. I barely made it in the door after chemo and spent Wednesday night and all day yesterday hugging the commode. Don't know if it was just the chemo or a combination of the chemo and the Methadone that I started Tuesday for pain. But it is hard and comes on so fast...

See the pain doctor in an hour, hopefully he will have some answers.



  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Carol, with all you have
    Carol, with all you have been through, you deserve a break. What is your new chemo? If I recall correctly you were taking Abraxane, like I am. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. My fingers are crossed that your pain doctor can get things under control and more manageable for you. I'm thinking about you and continue to be amazed at your strength. Sending love and (((hugs)))!!
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    MyTurnNow said:

    Carol, with all you have
    Carol, with all you have been through, you deserve a break. What is your new chemo? If I recall correctly you were taking Abraxane, like I am. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. My fingers are crossed that your pain doctor can get things under control and more manageable for you. I'm thinking about you and continue to be amazed at your strength. Sending love and (((hugs)))!!

    Im sorry you have to go
    Im sorry you have to go through this again...i'm thinking of you always....stay strong my friend.

    Tons of Love & Hugs
  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    epark said:

    Im sorry you have to go
    Im sorry you have to go through this again...i'm thinking of you always....stay strong my friend.

    Tons of Love & Hugs

    Carol - sure hope your pain
    Carol - sure hope your pain doc can devise a plan to
    relieve your pain. So sorry your new chemo is so harsh
    on you. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    epark said:

    Im sorry you have to go
    Im sorry you have to go through this again...i'm thinking of you always....stay strong my friend.

    Tons of Love & Hugs

    Carol, I am so sorry that
    Carol, I am so sorry that you got so sick. I hope your oncologist can give you something next time so you won't go thru this.


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Kylez said:

    Carol, I am so sorry that
    Carol, I am so sorry that you got so sick. I hope your oncologist can give you something next time so you won't go thru this.



    Carol, so hoping you can find a good remedy
    so that you don't have to go through this again. I hope you feel better soon and can rest and relax.

    Thinking and saying a prayer for you.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    missrenee said:

    Carol, so hoping you can find a good remedy
    so that you don't have to go through this again. I hope you feel better soon and can rest and relax.

    Thinking and saying a prayer for you.

    Hugs, Renee

    So sorry Carol :( Hoping
    So sorry Carol :( Hoping and praying that you won't have to go through this again ever!

    Thinking of you and sending hugs,

    Sue :)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Ritzy said:

    So sorry Carol :( Hoping
    So sorry Carol :( Hoping and praying that you won't have to go through this again ever!

    Thinking of you and sending hugs,

    Sue :)

    Carol .. so so so Sorry ...
    I wish I could give you a hug .. gently.

    Does your Oncologist have any special thoughts regarding this adverse reaction? I have similar reactions to Taxotere/Taxol along with Carboplatin .. Wish I could shed more light on your situation..

    Please keep yourself well, rested and hydrated.

    Post to let us know any update, please.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    VickiSam said:

    Carol .. so so so Sorry ...
    I wish I could give you a hug .. gently.

    Does your Oncologist have any special thoughts regarding this adverse reaction? I have similar reactions to Taxotere/Taxol along with Carboplatin .. Wish I could shed more light on your situation..

    Please keep yourself well, rested and hydrated.

    Post to let us know any update, please.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.


    Sending cyber hugs and lots
    Sending cyber hugs and lots of prayers!

    Hugs, Lex
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Sending cyber hugs and lots
    Sending cyber hugs and lots of prayers!

    Hugs, Lex

    I never..
    I never had a chemo infusion with out starting anti nausea meds the day BEFORE each infusion per my oncologist's instruction...and I continued them for 3 days they say, easier to prevent nausea and vomiting than get it under control once it starts....I was also given pre meds before each infusion...I was so lucky, I never had the first wave of nausea...even now on my oral chemo...a Zofran 30 minutes before I eat then the Zeloda....Stay really hydrated...real Ginger root grated into hot water, sipped like tea can help also....also eat something that sticks with you before an infusion....!'m probably not telling you anything new...

    I'm sorry you've had to endure this...and hoping you feel better.
    Hugs, Nancy
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    MAJW said:

    I never..
    I never had a chemo infusion with out starting anti nausea meds the day BEFORE each infusion per my oncologist's instruction...and I continued them for 3 days they say, easier to prevent nausea and vomiting than get it under control once it starts....I was also given pre meds before each infusion...I was so lucky, I never had the first wave of nausea...even now on my oral chemo...a Zofran 30 minutes before I eat then the Zeloda....Stay really hydrated...real Ginger root grated into hot water, sipped like tea can help also....also eat something that sticks with you before an infusion....!'m probably not telling you anything new...

    I'm sorry you've had to endure this...and hoping you feel better.
    Hugs, Nancy

    Carol how are you today
    I hope you are feeling better.
    As Nancy said, in my clinic they always give antinausea med before Chemo drugs via IV, hopefully you can request it next time.
    Any promising advice from pain management doc?
    Sending positive thought and energy to your way
    New Flower
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    MAJW said:

    I never..
    I never had a chemo infusion with out starting anti nausea meds the day BEFORE each infusion per my oncologist's instruction...and I continued them for 3 days they say, easier to prevent nausea and vomiting than get it under control once it starts....I was also given pre meds before each infusion...I was so lucky, I never had the first wave of nausea...even now on my oral chemo...a Zofran 30 minutes before I eat then the Zeloda....Stay really hydrated...real Ginger root grated into hot water, sipped like tea can help also....also eat something that sticks with you before an infusion....!'m probably not telling you anything new...

    I'm sorry you've had to endure this...and hoping you feel better.
    Hugs, Nancy

    Me either
    although I had lots of other side effects I did not ever throw up. Had mild nausea, but like you Nancy My doctor had me start taking medicine the day before, again before treatment and for 2 days after. I wish I could remember the name of the drug, Emend, I think.

    Wishing you the best, hope the next one is easier.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    MAJW said:

    I never..
    I never had a chemo infusion with out starting anti nausea meds the day BEFORE each infusion per my oncologist's instruction...and I continued them for 3 days they say, easier to prevent nausea and vomiting than get it under control once it starts....I was also given pre meds before each infusion...I was so lucky, I never had the first wave of nausea...even now on my oral chemo...a Zofran 30 minutes before I eat then the Zeloda....Stay really hydrated...real Ginger root grated into hot water, sipped like tea can help also....also eat something that sticks with you before an infusion....!'m probably not telling you anything new...

    I'm sorry you've had to endure this...and hoping you feel better.
    Hugs, Nancy

    I'm sending prayers and lots
    I'm sending prayers and lots of hugs to you Carol in the hopes that by now, you are feeling better.

    Love, Leeza
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    MyTurnNow said:

    Carol, with all you have
    Carol, with all you have been through, you deserve a break. What is your new chemo? If I recall correctly you were taking Abraxane, like I am. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. My fingers are crossed that your pain doctor can get things under control and more manageable for you. I'm thinking about you and continue to be amazed at your strength. Sending love and (((hugs)))!!

    Hi Debbie
    I just started this one 2 weeks ago. It is the first time that I haven't gotten the anti nausea infusion. Today I am nauseated but have not lost the cookies. I was on the Abraxane from January through April. Then it was no longer effective. But it was the mildest of any of the chemo's to date!

    The pain management doctor has me on Methadone for the pain and Haloperidol (low dose for the nausea) which I just started yesterday. The pharmacy had to order it in. I cant remember the name of the new chemo but I posted it when I first got it. They said that nausea was not all that common with this one. I forgot to let them know before I got the chemo how sick I got with the first treatment. It wasn't until I left the office and got so nauseated that it hit me that I didn't tell the nurse.

    I can guarantee that I won't forget this next week! And I am also getting Herceptin! I feel like a pharmacy, God only knows I am supporting the drug companies!

    Thank you to everyone for all of your support.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    on the list
    You are on the prayer list. Gee hugging the camode and you didn't even party. What a bummer.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    on the list
    You are on the prayer list. Gee hugging the camode and you didn't even party. What a bummer.

    Praying for you too Carol
    Praying for you too Carol and hoping you get relief from your pain. Keep us updated!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    camul said:

    Hi Debbie
    I just started this one 2 weeks ago. It is the first time that I haven't gotten the anti nausea infusion. Today I am nauseated but have not lost the cookies. I was on the Abraxane from January through April. Then it was no longer effective. But it was the mildest of any of the chemo's to date!

    The pain management doctor has me on Methadone for the pain and Haloperidol (low dose for the nausea) which I just started yesterday. The pharmacy had to order it in. I cant remember the name of the new chemo but I posted it when I first got it. They said that nausea was not all that common with this one. I forgot to let them know before I got the chemo how sick I got with the first treatment. It wasn't until I left the office and got so nauseated that it hit me that I didn't tell the nurse.

    I can guarantee that I won't forget this next week! And I am also getting Herceptin! I feel like a pharmacy, God only knows I am supporting the drug companies!

    Thank you to everyone for all of your support.


    Can you take something for
    Can you take something for the nausea Carol? I am so sorry that this chemo is making you so sick. I hope the pain medicine helps you too. Keep posting!

    Hugs, Noel
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Megan M said:

    Praying for you too Carol
    Praying for you too Carol and hoping you get relief from your pain. Keep us updated!

    Hugs, Megan

    I am adding you to our
    I am adding you to our prayer list at church Carol. Prayers do work!

    Hugs, Debby
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    DebbyM said:

    I am adding you to our
    I am adding you to our prayer list at church Carol. Prayers do work!

    Hugs, Debby

    Oh I odnt like tohear that
    Oh I odnt like tohear that you are having this side effect. Get those docs to control this, with all the drugs we have something should help. hugS AND not the bowl type.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    carkris said:

    Oh I odnt like tohear that
    Oh I odnt like tohear that you are having this side effect. Get those docs to control this, with all the drugs we have something should help. hugS AND not the bowl type.

    I wish chemo had no side
    I wish chemo had no side effects! So sorry that you are so sick and still in pain Carol.

    Sending hugs, prayers and support,

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    I wish chemo had no side
    I wish chemo had no side effects! So sorry that you are so sick and still in pain Carol.

    Sending hugs, prayers and support,


    Don't forget to tell them next time
    If there's anything I hate (besides cancer) it's throwing up. I hope the next infusion goes much better. Maybe it is the combination of everything. You are definitely a pharmacy.

    Sending hugs and prayers,