work place cancer? does it mater? maybe for the next guy?

Just reading about a possible cause of kidney cancer being; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) a group of over 100 different chemicals that are formed during the incomplete burning of coal, oi, wood, gas, garbage, or other organic substances like tobacco or charbroiled meat. PAHs are usually found as a mixture containing two or 8more of these compounds, such as soot. I have kidney cancer, I work with soot everyday and have for over a decade. I put out brush fires and trash fires and out of control camp fires for a living. Funny nobody ever brought this up at fire fighter training. It is okay as they will blame my excess weight from grilled meat cooked next to my asbestos shingle house I grew up in. However it is amazing how some jobs have a clear link to cancer and nobody talks about it. You have to read it on wikipedia.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    You are probably right.

    They have already identified smoking as a risk factor for RCC. I have never smoked, but have been exposed to second hand smoke. I agree with your premise. Now all we nead is research. Too bad some people believe they have the right to smoke in Public Places and others believe we dont need the EPA to regulate enviornmental toxins especia;;y where it is not cost effective. So much for politics which gets me in trouble every so often. I do care about the world we live in and I hope my children and grandchildren can look back at our efforts to improve the world instead of being ashamed at the way we left it. Part of curing cancer is prevention and reducing the toxins we are exposed to is part of that.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,044 Member
    icemantoo said:

    You are probably right.

    They have already identified smoking as a risk factor for RCC. I have never smoked, but have been exposed to second hand smoke. I agree with your premise. Now all we nead is research. Too bad some people believe they have the right to smoke in Public Places and others believe we dont need the EPA to regulate enviornmental toxins especia;;y where it is not cost effective. So much for politics which gets me in trouble every so often. I do care about the world we live in and I hope my children and grandchildren can look back at our efforts to improve the world instead of being ashamed at the way we left it. Part of curing cancer is prevention and reducing the toxins we are exposed to is part of that.


    Military and exposure to 2-4-D
    I think we all could come up with something we have been exposed to over the years. Viet Nam veterans are rightly claiming the cause of their cancers are related to Agent Orange (2-4-D).

    In the early 70's, our yard was taken over by an invasive weed. At the recommendation of the Grange Coop and the Extension Agent, I used 2-4-D. It killed the weed, but there were no label warnings and I got it on my gloves while mixing the concentrate with water. I continued to wear the leather gloves for gardening for years until they wore out. Did 2-4-D cause my cancer? Yes-No-Maybe? Can't prove anything. The chemical is now off the market, so guess I'll just go on wondering and live my life.

    Good luck to you.
  • neenee3
    neenee3 Member Posts: 28
    I fit no category for having had this... other then living in the country surrounded by agriculture and chemicals being sprayed continually. I to keep wondering... will be having our well water checked for sure. I was very disturbed last night when my husband came home and told me that a neighbor living less than a half mile away was also just diagnosed with kidney cancer. Her has metastasized, from what I understand she will be going up to Stanford on Friday for her first consultation. Coincidence?
  • flatlander
    flatlander Member Posts: 46
    neenee3 said:

    I fit no category for having had this... other then living in the country surrounded by agriculture and chemicals being sprayed continually. I to keep wondering... will be having our well water checked for sure. I was very disturbed last night when my husband came home and told me that a neighbor living less than a half mile away was also just diagnosed with kidney cancer. Her has metastasized, from what I understand she will be going up to Stanford on Friday for her first consultation. Coincidence?

    i have heard
    About the agent Orange link. In fact I know a guy who had kidney.cancer and had agent Orange problems prior. I don't know but when my small department has about 6 guys in last 2 years with cancers its scarey. However then I heard Yesterday my old Nieghbor younger than a couple, has cancer in his leg. I think its like buying a red car. All the sudden there's red cars all over the place.
  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476

    i have heard
    About the agent Orange link. In fact I know a guy who had kidney.cancer and had agent Orange problems prior. I don't know but when my small department has about 6 guys in last 2 years with cancers its scarey. However then I heard Yesterday my old Nieghbor younger than a couple, has cancer in his leg. I think its like buying a red car. All the sudden there's red cars all over the place.

    How about smoking
    Then again why is it that half the people who smoke never develop any serious Heath issues (only yellow teeth and bad breath) then the other half of people who smoke die at a younger age because of their decision to smoke.
  • flatlander
    flatlander Member Posts: 46

    How about smoking
    Then again why is it that half the people who smoke never develop any serious Heath issues (only yellow teeth and bad breath) then the other half of people who smoke die at a younger age because of their decision to smoke.

    amalgums studied
    Some study I saw out of Singapore? I think it was, feels a lot of kidney cancer is linked to cavity fillings in teeth breaking down and entering our body. Another showed zinc oxide in sun block as a possible metal carcinogen. I don't know if there is one answer or many. Seems like a lot of people with cancer and I guess as happy as I am that mine is very curable it isn't fool proof. Then add on the fact you don't even know how or why, it gets aggrevating. At least if someone hits you they usually explain why. I guess I would feel better if I knew why and could protect my kids from the.same thing.
  • ripper
    ripper Member Posts: 28

    amalgums studied
    Some study I saw out of Singapore? I think it was, feels a lot of kidney cancer is linked to cavity fillings in teeth breaking down and entering our body. Another showed zinc oxide in sun block as a possible metal carcinogen. I don't know if there is one answer or many. Seems like a lot of people with cancer and I guess as happy as I am that mine is very curable it isn't fool proof. Then add on the fact you don't even know how or why, it gets aggrevating. At least if someone hits you they usually explain why. I guess I would feel better if I knew why and could protect my kids from the.same thing.

    Your right Flatlander
    You said it best with the first part of your quote, "I guess as happy as I am that mine is very curable ..." Sometimes, looking for The Answer is not the Answer. Most of us on this site were the fortnuate ones. Many of us don't smoke, haven't been around caustic chemicals, etc... We are the ones that you don't hear about down the road from their friends and family members saying, "He/She died of lung, or liver, or bone, or (you get the picture) and they never smoked, drank, etc..." All because of a lucky CT scan for some other concern by our Dr.

    We do go through major abdominal surgery, pain, worries, stress, and recovery as most other types of cancer, however, the "Mine is very curable" is the key. Thinking no raditation, chemo, dialysis. We are indeed very lucky in my opinion, not to take away that some people do have Job/environmental related concerns. I grew up on the largest EPA Superfund site as my playground (but I'm the only person that I have ever known to be diagnosed with RCC)

    In a strange way, this adventure has actually improved my overall quality of life. I have a better relationship with my wife and kids. I don't sweat the small stuff. Being 38 yrs old and with the same company for 21 yrs, managing a business with 100+ employees, and all of the little things that I would dwell and stress on and bring home, roll off my back like water now. How it changes you is your choice. Mine isn't to wonder why. Mine is to look forward to all of the things that I have looked past....... Sincerly -Rip