Scared beyond words...

I posted about having an off/bad day which followed by me getting super dizzy. Well lying in hospital at 1am with 8 am surgery scheduled to take some cancer out of my brain. I am terrified. I just felt I had to purge that so I can sleep. I know I am lucky they caught it!! Not out of woods yet. Pray please!


  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    praying for you
    Praying for you for sure lady. What a whirlwind experience.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Hoping for a good outcome!
    Hi Again,

    It is a terrific that they found the source of dizziness. Having surgery to remove the problem is great
    Who wouldn't be terrified with having surgery in their brain? In a few more hours this will be over and recovery will hopefully be quick.

    I've known many with bc brain lesions that did have many, many years. May this be the case for you. No wonder you were having a bad day, you were having the worse kind!

    Let us know when your up to posting how things went. Sending positive thoughts your way for a good and speedy outcome and recovery.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Thinking of you..

    Thinking of you..

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Thinking of you..

    Thinking of you..


    God bless....
    Sending my best wishes for a great outcome and a speedy recovery....

    Let us know when you feel up to know, we care deeply...

    Hugs and prayers,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Wow, I think any one of us
    Wow, I think any one of us would be scared. I'm sending positive energy and strength. I'll be looking for your next post with the "great" news that the cancer is GONE! Sending love, (((hugs))) and strength! Take care.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I am right with you. You should be in surgery now and you are not alone, we are all along side you with prayers and hugs.

    Please post when you are able.

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    You will be in my thoughts
    You will be in my thoughts and im my heart
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    ^j^ ^j^ angels and all of
    ^j^ ^j^ angels and all of the Kindreds lifting you up in prayer, positive thoughts, strength, and courage as you stand up to the Beast. Know that you are scared~ who of us wouldn't be? But as you said, you are where you need to be, taking care of this important turn in your life. We love you...we are with you, envision you surrounding us when you feel alone and afraid. You are never alone. Feel the love. It is strong and real.

    Healing hugs,
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    chenheart said:

    ^j^ ^j^ angels and all of
    ^j^ ^j^ angels and all of the Kindreds lifting you up in prayer, positive thoughts, strength, and courage as you stand up to the Beast. Know that you are scared~ who of us wouldn't be? But as you said, you are where you need to be, taking care of this important turn in your life. We love you...we are with you, envision you surrounding us when you feel alone and afraid. You are never alone. Feel the love. It is strong and real.

    Healing hugs,

    Sending you hugs and hope.
    Hope it brings you comfort to know you are in our prayers.

  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    roseann4 said:

    Sending you hugs and hope.
    Hope it brings you comfort to know you are in our prayers.


    Surrounding you with
    Surrounding you with positive thoughts, love and prayers
    for a good outcome of your surgery and a smooth recovery.
    Will watch for your update when able.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    roseann4 said:

    Sending you hugs and hope.
    Hope it brings you comfort to know you are in our prayers.


    I'm praying for a speedy and
    I'm praying for a speedy and healthy recovery...

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    epark said:

    I'm praying for a speedy and
    I'm praying for a speedy and healthy recovery...


    Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery for you. Please keep us posted as you feel up to it.

    love and hugs

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery for you. Please keep us posted as you feel up to it.

    love and hugs


    Please know that I am also with you in spirit and
    in prayer. May God protect you in His loving arms and bring you a quick and uneventful recovery.

    Many hugs, Renee
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    missrenee said:

    Please know that I am also with you in spirit and
    in prayer. May God protect you in His loving arms and bring you a quick and uneventful recovery.

    Many hugs, Renee

    Sending my pink love and
    Sending my pink love and prayers your way my dear, please keep us posted on how you are doing. ♥
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Oh sweet sister, very sorry
    Oh sweet sister, very sorry you're going through this. But glad it was caught and will be removed. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers. May you have a smooth recovery.

    Sending you hugs and love.
  • beachmom
    beachmom Member Posts: 50
    Prayers to you
    I am so sorry to hear of this. I am sending you and your family prayers for peace. Also prayers that your medical team will do what they need to do.
    Love to you,
  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332
    prayers, meditations, good
    prayers, meditations, good thoughts, good juju all coming your way!
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    JuJuBeez said:

    prayers, meditations, good
    prayers, meditations, good thoughts, good juju all coming your way!

    Of course
    you're scared!!

    Count me as one of the crowd surrounding you with love and warm wishes. Feel that? That's all of us in the room with you.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Your in my thoughts and
    Your in my thoughts and prayers darlin. I met a man when I was having rads. He was a volunteer and he had breast cancer that metastasized to his brain and they told him he only had a few weeks. That was 12 years ago...I know he had surgery I don't remember what other treatment he had. But he is still cancer free to this day. I'm praying for you. Kay
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    I can't even imagine.......
    I can't even imagine....... of course prayers. And hugs and a hand to hold. You are never alone so draw all the strength you need.
