For the Record

carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
I am not a victim, or suffering from, or a walking breast cancer and am not disfigured. I am a human being who has been diagnosed with breast cancer (three times) and I am flippin awesome!!!!! and so are all of YOU!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Penny please walk away from insensitive & stupid people
    Please walk way from insensitive people. You are awesome and very feminine You are a hero, and legend.
    It alway shocks me that my plastic surgeon secretary wearing very open, low cut blouses, especially when she is scheduling mastectomies even with reconstruction, looks very inappropriate.
    Sending you a big hug
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    Penny please walk away from insensitive & stupid people
    Please walk way from insensitive people. You are awesome and very feminine You are a hero, and legend.
    It alway shocks me that my plastic surgeon secretary wearing very open, low cut blouses, especially when she is scheduling mastectomies even with reconstruction, looks very inappropriate.
    Sending you a big hug

    Penny,we also think
    Penny,We also think you are awesome and its wonderful you have made it through this beast 3 times. You had to go through alot but you're here and have something to be thankful for. I know at the time it had to be hard but your strength and courage got you through it.

    New Flower.I know what you mean about low cut.I saw a lady in the supermarket with a top so low it actually was cut down in the middle some.I couldn't believe it. Honestly I've never seen a top that provactive.She looked like she just got off work since she was dressed in heels etc. This woman should never be let into a store looking like that.Shameful.

    I've had lumpectomies.I've had a total of 8.One malignant and 7 benign.The benign ones have been since I was 20 till now 64.Fortunatly no scarring that can be seen but a dimpling in one area.

    Lynn Smith
  • GMcD
    GMcD Member Posts: 134

    Penny,we also think
    Penny,We also think you are awesome and its wonderful you have made it through this beast 3 times. You had to go through alot but you're here and have something to be thankful for. I know at the time it had to be hard but your strength and courage got you through it.

    New Flower.I know what you mean about low cut.I saw a lady in the supermarket with a top so low it actually was cut down in the middle some.I couldn't believe it. Honestly I've never seen a top that provactive.She looked like she just got off work since she was dressed in heels etc. This woman should never be let into a store looking like that.Shameful.

    I've had lumpectomies.I've had a total of 8.One malignant and 7 benign.The benign ones have been since I was 20 till now 64.Fortunatly no scarring that can be seen but a dimpling in one area.

    Lynn Smith

    I couldn't agree more. I
    I couldn't agree more. I think we are all awesome. There is a woman in my oncologist's office who wears extremely low cut, short outfits. Since she's about 50 lbs. overweight, I feel better about myself as I would never appear in an office setting ( or anywhere else ) looking like that with or without breast surgery.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    GMcD said:

    I couldn't agree more. I
    I couldn't agree more. I think we are all awesome. There is a woman in my oncologist's office who wears extremely low cut, short outfits. Since she's about 50 lbs. overweight, I feel better about myself as I would never appear in an office setting ( or anywhere else ) looking like that with or without breast surgery.

    We are all great people with
    We are all great people with or without boobs. The choices we make are personal. Anyway, I am usually pretty mellow but every once in a while I get a bee in my bonnet. I miss my boobs, but they were literly killing me. And my husband and I decided against reconstruction for some very good reasons. I applaud people for going after what makes them happy, but remember there are people who make different choices and are not disfigured. they are just boobless. or uniboobers or whatever!!!! Me doesnt = my boobs.
    I also wonder about what people wear, taste has to be utilized!!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Can I Have An Amen!
    Well put Penny, you most certainly are not a victim nor are you disfigured! Folks who think like that are uninformed and insensitive and certainly not worth your time of day. I hope that bee in your bonnet has since been quelled a bit by the love and support here. Our breasts do no make us who we are, you are awesome! Hold your head high my friend and let the ignorance of the insensitive be their own undoing.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I agree....
    And I just look at someone who speaks harshly, or stares (I have big scars from both cancers...) and I think to myself....

    "I will wager that THEY could NOT muster the same courage and attitude that I have! I feel sorry for them!!!"

    Hugs, Kathi
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so sorry...if people do not
    so sorry...if people do not treat you kindly....nothing to do with cancer but years ago a therapist told me to make sure to not put myself in ackward situation and if no choice just smile and walk away from what or whomever! That has helped me often...

    FLIPPIN Awsome!
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    so sorry...if people do not
    so sorry...if people do not treat you kindly....nothing to do with cancer but years ago a therapist told me to make sure to not put myself in ackward situation and if no choice just smile and walk away from what or whomever! That has helped me often...

    FLIPPIN Awsome!

    Well said Penny!
    You ARE awesome :)
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas and you go girl!
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Penny please walk away from insensitive & stupid people
    Please walk way from insensitive people. You are awesome and very feminine You are a hero, and legend.
    It alway shocks me that my plastic surgeon secretary wearing very open, low cut blouses, especially when she is scheduling mastectomies even with reconstruction, looks very inappropriate.
    Sending you a big hug

    Inappropriate in any office setting
    It is kind of inappropriate in any office to wear that sort of clothing. Especially in a place that schedules mastectomies. I would say something to the surgeon about his secretary.


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Hi there, Carkris,

    I have never thought of myself as a victim with any of my medical problems. I never had reconstruction, my choice and know many who have. I believe it is a matter of what is good for you with doing or not doing.

    We are of course all awesome to have gone through what we have with this disease.

    I never thought breast cancer in being the worse of them. I think ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease and Alzheimer's as being the worse.

    One has their mental capacity while watching their body wasting away and the other has a body with the person mentally shutting off. One you loose a body and the other a mind, that has to be the worse possible diagnosis a person can have.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Very well said Penny
    and you are awesome! Some people are just plain rude and insensitive and I love when someone on this board reaffirms us as people with cancer. Not just the cancer lady.

    Made a return to Nordstrom's rack, Tuesday. The manager who came to approve the transaction, openly looked me up and down and then said she would only give me a store credit, I had my cash receipt. I didn't push it as I was doing more shopping. But when she looked me up and down a second time, I called her on it. I flat out asked her if she had a problem with the return or if there was any reason she was rudely looking and judging my look! She stammered then just walked away. The clerk who waited on me apologized and the male clerk next to mine had a huge smile on his face. He said she is always rude and mean and it gave him great pleasure to see someone actually call her on her behavior. He gave me a number to call to report her!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Setting the Record Straight
    You know... there is an INFINITE list of attributes that can describe what constitutes a Woman. How incredibly small and shallow must a person be to boil it down to a pair of breasts. We are so much more than breasts. Sorry to hear someone was rude to you, Penny. You are Stronger( Mind, Body, Spirit) than they will ever know.

    Dust them off your mind as you would a speck of dust that has landed on your shoulder. Hugs to you.

    PS I have never considered myself a victim either. I am a Survivor who happens to be a Muscle Girl, too!
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Grandson said
    Shortly after entering chemo my grandson noted how I kept on doing things as usual (most of the time). He noted that I was still making jokes. He said "Grandma you sure ain't letting this breast cancer thing get you down". I stated I would continue to do as much as I could and laugh a lot. He reminded me of how people should react to a person with bc. He also had his other granmother survive breast cancer so he will probably be able to be rather sensetive on the issue. Out of the mouths of babes (actually a tweener).