
Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
Asking for thoughts/experiences I can pass on to Son's Lady. I have no experience with cysts - my IBC just appeared one day. About 5 - 6 weeks ago she had pain and found a lump. She saw a Dr and was given antibiotics. 2 weeks later it had shrunk some but still there and still painful. Dr refused a mammo as said she's to young (she's 36) but did order a sonogram. She had it and was told that it was just fluid filled cysts - just keep taking 'script pain meds. They did tell her that they could be drained but it sounds to me that they were just trying to scare her about the procedure as as she understand it they would go in with HUGE needles with no. pain killers in the area but it would probably come back. I asked about were they going to remove - no just cysts so they don't get removed.

Like I said I have no experience with cysts but to me it seems like they are not doing what they should. Son is definately worried about her big time. So thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.



  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Susan....I've had two cysts in my left breast ( the good girl) for 13years....they have been checked change, then breast cancer showed up in my right breast (the bad girl) ...go figure! But I think your friend SHOULD have a we all sadly know no one is "to young for bc and any doctor that tells a woman that, obviously isn't well informed!). if this particular doctor won't order one, she can call an imaging center on her own and make an appointment herself....I did just that when I found my lump...

    Keep us posted
    Hugs, Nancy
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Cyst do sometimes return
    Hi Susan,

    Cyst do tend to return and fill up again. I have had that happen and they had to fix the cyst in order for it not to come back. I wanted it fix and that was down but mine was not in the breast.

    An ultra sound should be able to tell a cyst from a tumor. Cyst will have the sound go through it were as a tumor is solid and sound can't go through. I had this type of procedure once for what the ct scan found on my liver.

    The pain should be minimal as they will numb the area before inserting a needle to remove the liquid. The size of the needle is not important, she just needs to look away. When they remove liquids, I had it down on my knee last summer, the needle has to be big enough to remove liquid.

    One is never to young to have breast cancer! Mammo might not be good due to density in breast. I would ask for a CT scan which is cheaper than an MRI or PET.

