gerson diet

rlridings Member Posts: 42
what do people say or know about the gerson diet and its coffee enemas and curative powers?


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Know nothing about this "diet"... But nothing good can come from coffee enemas.....technically speaking, one's body " cleanses" itself....hopefully you don't think this could cure cancer or any disease...sadly, there is no cure for cancer....

    If you want a " diet" I would suggest just healthier eating habits...

    This is just my 2 cents!
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I think if curing cancer and
    I think if curing cancer and other diseases was as simple as sticking coffee up "there" we would have had a cure a long time ago.
    (pretty sure that one's gonna get flagged but it was worth it ;)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    My auntie did this enema
    My auntie did this enema cleaning YEARS ago~ not for cancer, just because it was a popular ( ewwwww, really?) way to balance ones body. Don't know what it did for her, and I am not going to ask!
    When I got cancer, I said I would do just about enything to keep myself healthy, cancer free and alive. This included, only half jokingly at the time, hanging from chandeliers, while orangutans administered coffee enemas, the beans collected by pygmies in the rain forests, etc etc etc. Right....."Chen♥, here's your sign"!!!

    I was pretty heath conscious as it was~ love any and all veggies, and salads, fish often, red meat once in a while, and mostly that would be a bite from someone elses plate! I was a walker, 5 miles a day, non smoker, water drinker, though YES, I dmit I LOVED my glasses of Pinot Noir! I was raised in Germany where wine is King, and I live in California wine country and my Reggie is a wine maker. But I have given that up...not so much the cancer exactly, but because of the many meds I take for pain control. As soon as I see a warning label saying Do Not Mix With Alcohol...I freak out and my drink of choice in now club soda with lime, splash of cranberry. I would be sooo pissed if I had surgery, lost my hair, my muscle mass and am taking part in a Clinical Trial only to overdoes and die from mixing meds and alcohol! Oh that would be so so bad!
    So, that being said...I still drink water by the gallon, I drink a glass of tart cherry juice a day, and even found ( sigh) beet and carrot juice blend in Trader Joe's which I also drink to keep my red count healthy while I am on chemo.

    Coffee up the thanks! With everything else cancer is trying to take away from me~ I think what is keeping my sense of humor, mixed with feistiness is that we all know that I am also, on occsion fulla s**t! And I'm keeping it and me that way!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I have heard about the
    I have heard about the Gerson Diet but was not real knowledgeable about the "allowed" foods and "restricted" foods. I just googled it and like one of my sisters have said, eating a more healthy diet is key alaong with exercise. It seems that there are a lot of "restricted" foods on the list and it could be difficult to follow. I am speaking from experience here as I began a "new" diet as I am currently dealing with my 2nd recurrence with the beast. I am basically following the Plant Programme that is based on information and research by Dr. Jane Plante who battled this disease 8 different times. She has been cancer free for quite a number of years. I am not fooling myself into thinking that just changing my diet will rid it of the cancer BUT I am seeing positive results with my current chemo (Abraxane) and my diet of no dairy and no meat. I actually feel healthier and have lost 10 pounds due to the fats that I am no longer consuming all the fats that can be found in a "Western" diet. It was difficult at first to avoid the dairy because it seems that dairy is in almost everything purchased in a traditional grocery store. I purchased several cookbooks and did a lot of research on the internet and can now say that I have discovered some very delicious and healthy alternatives. I tend to prefer the "health food" stores, but, luckily today even our local Publix has quite a few choices for me.

    So, if you feel that there are benefits for you in this diet, then I say go for it. I have done everything I can to assist my body in fighting this disease. I felt the time was right to see if perhaps a change in diet could have a positive effect. Like I said earlier, I have seen very positive results...the tumor that was in my breast was no longer detectable on my last scan and the liver tumors were half the size. I have another scan on the 21st and I am hoping to see the positive results continue.

    The best of luck to you!! Take care.

    P.S. I, personally, do believe that there is plenty of evidence available that confirms that diet and lifestyle can be risk factors for breast cancer.
  • DebbyB
    DebbyB Member Posts: 86

    I think if curing cancer and
    I think if curing cancer and other diseases was as simple as sticking coffee up "there" we would have had a cure a long time ago.
    (pretty sure that one's gonna get flagged but it was worth it ;)

    you just said what most of us were already thinking :)
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    rlridings... you don't
    rlridings... you don't mention if you are a survivor or caregiver. as for myself, i mainly eat veggies, fruits, chicken and fish. i have red meat about once or twice a month. i also drink tons of water.

    i have not heart of the gerson diet, nor would i ever consider doing coffee enemas. i'll pass on that one. have you tried it?
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    rlridings... you don't
    rlridings... you don't mention if you are a survivor or caregiver. as for myself, i mainly eat veggies, fruits, chicken and fish. i have red meat about once or twice a month. i also drink tons of water.

    i have not heart of the gerson diet, nor would i ever consider doing coffee enemas. i'll pass on that one. have you tried it?

    Never heard of this
    Never heard of this. Doesn't sound healthy and disgusting IMO. I am not a good eater. Some of the things that are healthy I eat are broccoli, brussel sprouts,creme of wheat for breakfast or eggs but my drink is V8 Fusion.I drink about 3 glasses of this juice a day.It give me all the vitamins I needed equal to 3 fruits and vegetables.I love this drink more than pop.Refreshing and good for me.

    I don't eat alot of meat.

    Lynn Smith