Having a off/bad day

I can not stop crying today, I have been sitting up the Christmas stuff and I just don't have the energy for it. I have to stop and just cry and it's bumming me out. I don't know why I am having such a bad day. The only thing I can figure is I am in need of a blood transfusion and haven't had one in a month. My last three weeks of "weekly" treatments have been put on hold due to Thanksgiving, my son being in the hospital so I go in Thursday. I just need to know that it's ok to be tired and I will see my doctor on Thursday. I keep thinking of all the people who didn't know last year was their last Christmas and it's making me so sad. I just don't know what is wrong with me, that's not something I normally do.....ugh.


  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Sometimes a good cry is just what we need. I know I'm having problems with Christmas this year. My granddaughters are now living with their mom for the first time, I lost Bear (my dog) a couple of months ago. Saturday night I put up a small, fiber optic tree and by Sunday morning my cats had knocked it over and broken it. You'd have thought they tried to kill me. I cried all day, between Xanax, and all my poor husband could say was "we'll get another tree".

    It was the other losses I'm feeling and sometimes we all especially at this time feel the losses, of our strength, of our faith in being healthy (not our faith in God), of our ability to cope the way we used to.

    It's so ok to be tired, especially if you've been receiving transfusions, and you're worried about you son -- all stressers under the best of circumstances.

    Don't be hard on yourself. You'll get through this even if you spend the day crying. It may be the stress reliever you need.

    love and hugs

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    It's OK!

    You are having a rough day, good to acknowledge that fact. Your son is in the hospital and when a love one is in that place, worry takes over.

    Give in to a pity party and then go on from there. We all do it, we are all humans and there is a point when a little pressure in steam or water has to go off. Fatigue hits us all too and since we know where it is coming from, we should rest.

    Cut back on the Christmas this year. Don't need all that was up last year. Give your self permission to give yourself a break.

    It is very good that we don't know all the time when it will be the "last". I always think that is a blessing.

    May tomorrow be a day the sun comes out for you.


  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    SIROD said:

    It's OK!

    You are having a rough day, good to acknowledge that fact. Your son is in the hospital and when a love one is in that place, worry takes over.

    Give in to a pity party and then go on from there. We all do it, we are all humans and there is a point when a little pressure in steam or water has to go off. Fatigue hits us all too and since we know where it is coming from, we should rest.

    Cut back on the Christmas this year. Don't need all that was up last year. Give your self permission to give yourself a break.

    It is very good that we don't know all the time when it will be the "last". I always think that is a blessing.

    May tomorrow be a day the sun comes out for you.



    Doris.....like what you said
    Doris.....like what you said " its very good that we dont know when it will be our last day"...
    it is a blessing..

    Sometimes you need to have a good cry to "STAY STRONG FOR TODAY"

    Tons of Hugs
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    epark said:

    Doris.....like what you said
    Doris.....like what you said " its very good that we dont know when it will be our last day"...
    it is a blessing..

    Sometimes you need to have a good cry to "STAY STRONG FOR TODAY"

    Tons of Hugs

    this time of year is
    this time of year is bittersweet. I would be crying and actually have from the season and being tired. After I have a bad day the next one is usually better. HUGS
  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232
    carkris said:

    this time of year is
    this time of year is bittersweet. I would be crying and actually have from the season and being tired. After I have a bad day the next one is usually better. HUGS

    I've had a few crying
    I've had a few crying sessions myself and I attribute it to a lot of things - sadness, frustration, etc - all the reasons that most of us go on a pitty party now and then. I'ts good, it's normal and it's the only place we can put these feelings. You'll move on - I promise. We will all be with you and surround you with light and love.

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Pam5 said:

    I've had a few crying
    I've had a few crying sessions myself and I attribute it to a lot of things - sadness, frustration, etc - all the reasons that most of us go on a pitty party now and then. I'ts good, it's normal and it's the only place we can put these feelings. You'll move on - I promise. We will all be with you and surround you with light and love.


    Stayingstrong as others have
    Stayingstrong as others have said "It is Ok" to cry. 2 years ago at this time I was going thru chemo, had absolute 0 energy, no hair, nausea, needed a wheelchair for any activity but I got thru it. I'm exhausted today because I did some cooking in advance for Christmas dinner. Your post reminds me that I've come a long way from 2 years ago even tho I'm not what I used to be. I'm slowly learning to deal with this new normal which for me is being tired, exhausted and unable to do the things I once did pre cancer. I cooked today and had to take a rest. Previous to cancer I worked, cooked and cleaned. Not so today. I have to tell myself daily that this is what it is, and it is ok. I'm slowly learning to take care of myself as I adjust to this new normal. It aint what is used to be, but at least I'm here to complain. Hang in there and remember sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. We understand, cry if you must, because you are allowed to cry. Hugs to you. Tomorrow you will probaby enjoy and appreciate the energy you exerted today to make it look like Christmas.
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    It's that time of year when
    It's that time of year when we get more emotional i started crying just reading your post lack of hormones doesn't help we have our good days and our bad, i didn't put up all my decorations ether inside and out i just get too tired.I lost one of my sons 3 years ago Jan.11 so the holidays get pretty bad but we do what we can and move on, it to shall pass.Just let it all come out we all need to cry now and then. Hugs Frankie
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry you are feeling this
    sorry you are feeling this way...DONT" get stressed from decorating...just put as much as you can do..TINY tree, just some garland...nothing says YOU have to have it all each year...

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    sorry you are feeling this
    sorry you are feeling this way...DONT" get stressed from decorating...just put as much as you can do..TINY tree, just some garland...nothing says YOU have to have it all each year...


    ....as stated by my Sisters in PINK in the
    above posts ... stress, anxiety, 'the what ifs', what we've lost, may lose and the uncertainty of our future -- all add to the stress and fatigue our bodies are burden with .. going thru chemo therapy, or radiation - the multiple surgeries - endless office visits, along with traveling to scans, or procedures -- did I mention the endless waiting for a call back from our health care professional.

    Personally, I was in the fight of my life -- while the rest of world 'lived', played and made plans-- without a care in the world.

    Take smaller steps, when fatigued -- rest up, and start again -- never give up, or give in .. If you need assistance -- ask for it. You can not be 'Super Woman' or Super Mom right now -- and that is OKAY -- its your time to concentrate on your disease for while -- normalacy will return in time --

    Time heals ---

    Prayers and gentle hugs to you ..

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Nothing about any of this is normal.
    Sorry about your son being in the hospital, hoping he is doing well. Sometimes we just reach a point where everything becomes overwhelming. I know I have been and surely will be there again. Then i just cry until I can only sleep. Then I can wake up and start the day over! Sounds silly but it replenishes my spirit.

    Hugs to you and best wishes for your family,
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    It's that time of year when
    It's that time of year when we get more emotional i started crying just reading your post lack of hormones doesn't help we have our good days and our bad, i didn't put up all my decorations ether inside and out i just get too tired.I lost one of my sons 3 years ago Jan.11 so the holidays get pretty bad but we do what we can and move on, it to shall pass.Just let it all come out we all need to cry now and then. Hugs Frankie

    Everyone has bad days and
    Everyone has bad days and even cry, so, you aren't alone. And we all get so tired to where we don't know if we can put one foot in front of the other at times. The reason I say that is to let you know that you are not alone, we do understand.

    Try to be easy on yourself and if you feel like crying, cry, if you are tired, try to take naps. I hope that soon you will be feeling much better.

    Hugs, Megan
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    know that you (we) are allowed to cry for just the reason of having cancer with all it's treatments! That's enough to wear anyone down at some point. You are going through a lot and I know how depressing it can be when your body is just hurting and tired. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you feel better soon.

    Warm hugs,

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    epark said:

    Doris.....like what you said
    Doris.....like what you said " its very good that we dont know when it will be our last day"...
    it is a blessing..

    Sometimes you need to have a good cry to "STAY STRONG FOR TODAY"

    Tons of Hugs

    Wish I could wrap my arms
    Wish I could wrap my arms around you to comfort you. I am sending prayers to you and for your son. We are all entitled to feel bad and even to have a pity party. From what you've been through, you sure deserve it.

    Huge hugs,
