sinai Member Posts: 24
So I'm done with my chemo treatments now the mastectomy. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 8th, any advice, suggestions?? Is there something I should do before or after?


  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    Be kind to yourself. Have
    Be kind to yourself. Have help for the first few days, if possible. You will be sore and stiff. The first time you see yourself you are likely to be kind of stunned; its a hard thing to look at, but know that you are not your breast(s) and you are battling a disease that is life-threatening. Mastectomy is hard, but well worth it to live a long, healthy life.

    Know that those of us on this Board are rooting for you. You can always come here for advice/comfort/support. You have my best wishes and prayers for your surgery.

  • Melaniedoingwell
    Melaniedoingwell Member Posts: 80
    post mastectomy
    Ask for and accept help!!

    What feelings you MAY have about your post procedure appearance - will change. You are in a transition phase and you are still beautiful - just in a phase.

    You are so much more than your physical self.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I had lumpectomy so no
    I had lumpectomy so no advice...Just wanted to say thinking of you..

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    I know you have a million
    I know you have a million things going through your mind right now.Do you have the support of your family as you will need some one there to help after surgery.I had a Bi-lateral Mastectomy with no reconstruction i am 69 was 67 when i had surgery i figured at my age losing them didn't make any difference because i was small my scaring doesn't look to bad and only had two lymph nodes removed from each side so know lymphodema in my arms and it had not spread.Most insurances will pay for 2 bras and prostices i know it's spelled wrong anyway i don't where them as i have some scare tissue under the arm where the bra hits and it irritates so i go with out, are you having just one side or both.On a lighter note take a good long shower before you go as it will be a few days before you can take another one.You will have a drain tube in so you will need someone to drain it for you just don't get embarrassed remember this is your life my son and daughter took turns doing mine.The best for you and here from you soon.Hugs Frankie
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Someone mentioned that you
    Someone mentioned that you have to have someone else drain your drains - for some maybe but definately not all. It's a very simple procedure to do yourself.

    I had a single mod. rad. mast. and was strapped down so I looked like a boy even though one was still there. I saw my surgeon a week after surgery which was when the dressings were removed. I was very surprised at how great the scar looked - no external stitches just a thin line. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised as when he put my port in 2 1/2 mths before there were no external stitches.

    Don't push to get the drains out too soon - seromas may happen. My first drain was taken out at 2 weeks but the other was still draining a bit more than idea at 4 weeks. Dr G decided to take it then as he though it was causing irritation and would heal better with it out - WRONG - I dealt with a fairly large seroma for several months.

    The local ACS called me the day after surgery and sent me a "care box" that included a "soft puff" that I used for a few months before I got my pros. Don't be in too big of a hurry to see a CERTIFIED fitter as your body will be changing for a while.

    Remember we are all different as are our experiences. Luck tomorrow.

  • MNGirlyGirl
    MNGirlyGirl Member Posts: 14
    Sinai, wishing you good luck
    Sinai, wishing you good luck on your surgery and a fast and speedy recovery.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Sinai, wishing you good luck
    Sinai, wishing you good luck on your surgery and a fast and speedy recovery.


    No advice...
    Had a lumpectomy....but want to wish you well....with prayers headed your way...also wishing you a speedy recovery....if you listen carefully, you'll hear your pink sisters cheering you on...we'll use our indoor voices...

    The best to you...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • patacz
    patacz Member Posts: 64
    When I had mine, I had no
    When I had mine, I had no idea I was going to need help to get in and out of bed, to sit down, to stand up. I was just lucky a friend of mine was off for 4 days after my surgery and stayed with me. I hope you have someone to stay and care for you for a few days because it's hard at first. I'll be praying for success on your surgery and quick recovery, God Bless!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    post mastectomy
    Ask for and accept help!!

    What feelings you MAY have about your post procedure appearance - will change. You are in a transition phase and you are still beautiful - just in a phase.

    You are so much more than your physical self.

    Wishing you good luck
    Wishing you good luck tomorrow!
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    It would be helpful to have
    It would be helpful to have things you will need at counter level height. Lots of women found it helpful to sleep in a recliner until the bed is more comfortable. When in bed, lots of used pillows to prop us up for more comfort, some even went out and bought wedges that they slept on.

    You will have drains coming out.If they pin them to your gown in the hospital, make sure they pin them high enough so they don't tug at the drain sight and maybe hold them from swinging while you walk.

    I had two camisoles after my BMX. I loved them. I liked the feel of them and the little pouches attach by velcro to be placed where ever it is the most comfortable for the person. Insurance pays for them. Other women are fine with just pinning them up in their clothes.

    I had a "pain pump" inserted at surgery. It basically was a ball of anesthetic with tubes connected to two large needles/catheters to the upper middle of the chest to help with pain. The ball sat in a sort of bag, and emptied at like five days post op, I think. My partner took off the tape, catheters,etc and sometimes I used the bags for drains.

    As for showering, I was in tremendous amounts of pain and used a shower chair and had to have help for a month or more. My surgeon told me to use a bathrobe belt to hold the drains in place. However, you have to be careful because the cotton/material can loosen up. So I had my partner always help me in the shower to make sure they don't fall. They do make shower camisoles, but I just didn't have the extra money for them and really didn't see the point for that for such a short period of time in the tub.

    You will need to milk and drain your tubes several times of day, keep totals and report to your surgeon regarding amounts because that is how they determine when they come out. The nursing staff will show you how to do it. I never did mine own, I always had my mom or my partner, Brian do it. The more you move around, the more output you will have, at first (if things are going normally). My surgeon told me it was not good to try to limit movement to get my totals down, as she has seen some women do. She said it was better to have all that extra fluid come out in the drain than take a chance on it pooling up in the body after the drains are removed.

    Nice comfortable bottoms and button up soft roomy shirts are wonderful. Your arm range of motion is limited at first and the button ups come in really handy.

    Your surgeon, hopefully, has already gone over dos and dont's for post op. Mine did before and after, seeing as I was still out of it afterwards. I couldn't put my arms more than I think 45 degrees up at first. She let me know what movements/exercises/weight restrictions I had at each appt. She had told me that the ACS had a print out of arm exercies, but some clearly were for a stage past I was at at the point, so I didn't do the ones that broke her rules and brought the packet in to show her.

    At some point after surgery, the surgeon had me rub Vitamin E creme on my chest to the node dissection. I guess that helps loosen up/lighten the scars. It is also good for massaging the scar tissue. But if your surgeon recommends that, do it when they say it's ok. My scars were still cherry red a few months later so my surgeon had me buy some gel like strips to put over them to reduce the redness. They are called Cimeosil strips. It comes in gel like strips that I put on while I was sleeping (but after lots of uses, they lose the stickiness so it was a gel strip check every morning). It also comes in a creme, but my surgeon preferred the gel strips.

    Keep up with any pain meds you need. I hear so often that it is easier to control pain before it gets out of hand.

    I can't really think of anything else right now.

    I wish you good surgeon skills and good recovery.
  • sinai
    sinai Member Posts: 24
    thankyou all for your good
    thankyou all for your good wishes and advice, I'm getting more nervous as each hour passes by.... My husband and my mom and dad will be going with me to the surgery and my husband will be staying with me at the hospital that day. My mother-in-law will be staying at home watching my kids and helping me while I recover, I feel so lucky and thankful she came all the way from Chiapas in Mexico just to help me! Oh I forgot to mention I'm having a single mastectomy
  • madsters1
    madsters1 Member Posts: 120
    God bless you
    You seem to have so much more courage than I can imagine having if facing what you're facing. God bless you!
  • carsun48
    carsun48 Member Posts: 3
    take time to rest
    take time to rest afterwards and do all the exercies they tell you to do no matter how they hurt at first. I found that tave me back my arm strength...but at first I found them to be uncomfortable to do
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Thinking of you
    Thinking of you today..

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Sinai, wishing you good luck
    Sinai, wishing you good luck on your surgery and a fast and speedy recovery.


    Wishing you good luck today
    Wishing you good luck today and a fast recovery!

    Hugs, Jan
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    sinai said:

    thankyou all for your good
    thankyou all for your good wishes and advice, I'm getting more nervous as each hour passes by.... My husband and my mom and dad will be going with me to the surgery and my husband will be staying with me at the hospital that day. My mother-in-law will be staying at home watching my kids and helping me while I recover, I feel so lucky and thankful she came all the way from Chiapas in Mexico just to help me! Oh I forgot to mention I'm having a single mastectomy

    Praying your surgery was
    Praying your surgery was successful and that you are resting comfortably.

    Healing thoughts,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    patacz said:

    When I had mine, I had no
    When I had mine, I had no idea I was going to need help to get in and out of bed, to sit down, to stand up. I was just lucky a friend of mine was off for 4 days after my surgery and stayed with me. I hope you have someone to stay and care for you for a few days because it's hard at first. I'll be praying for success on your surgery and quick recovery, God Bless!

    Praying that all went well
    Praying that all went well with you and hoping for a speedy recovery.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    Thinking of you
    Thinking of you today..


    Sorry to be joining in late
    Sorry to be joining in late on the well wishes. Your surgery was yesterday, I hope all went well and you are resting comfortably. I had my double mastectomy back in February and haven't regretted my decision one bit. I see our beautiful sisters gave you great advice, I just wanted to chime in with a little extra love. ♥

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Sorry to be joining in late
    Sorry to be joining in late on the well wishes. Your surgery was yesterday, I hope all went well and you are resting comfortably. I had my double mastectomy back in February and haven't regretted my decision one bit. I see our beautiful sisters gave you great advice, I just wanted to chime in with a little extra love. ♥


    Congrats on being done with
    Congrats on being done with chemo! And I am late also, but, I hope all went well with the surgery and that you are resting and relaxing now.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Congrats on being done with
    Congrats on being done with chemo! And I am late also, but, I hope all went well with the surgery and that you are resting and relaxing now.


    Congratulatiions on completing the Chemo (I think, the
    most difficult part of our journey). I will now add your name to our Sorority list of Chemo Queens - as I refer to us!

    take pain medication when necessary. Multiple pillows in various, sizes help with sleeping on your back.

    Please have your Surgeon's staff show you how to 'milk' your drains - it is important t.o keep drains - clear.

    Please have cups, saucers, plates at arm level - as well as re-arranging your fridge for more commonly used items at arm levels. Tide/Downy small container sizes - also at arm level. Reaching up and grabbing heavy items -- will tear your stitches, as well as hurt your arms. Muscles and tissue in breast, as well as arm areas will be cut, moved and sewn back together.

    I tried to take a bath ..but hence could not pull myself out of the our spa tub, no muscles or strength in my arms after bilateral mastectomy.. It took my husband, and daughter some time to pull me out of the tub == without hurting me. Not a pretty time, or sight to say the least. So I opted to shower ...My husband removed our shower head, and replaced it with a flex hose type so I could shower maneuvering the flex hose from waist down, as well as place shower water under my arms.

    Lastly, please make sure you do your exercises as prescribed by Plastic Surgeon, and Physical Therapist.

    Good luck, prayers and gentle hugs.

    Strength, Courage, Hope and Speedy recovery.

    Vicki Sam