I LOVE being alive.....seems to go without saying.....but.....I need to say it!!!! : )

chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
edited December 2011 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Grateful to be here another day......Grateful to be alive and pain-free after taking my meds now and with coffee. I am having a good Friday AM. How about you? Be honest!!
Complain, B*#@ch. Smile, whatever....tell it like it is-- I love to hear. From YOU...



  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    I'm with you, Eric!
    It seems like when I'm feeling the most down and out about Bill's illness, kid issues, money stuff, etc., I hear a story about someone else with whom I would not want to trade places, as they have "real" problems. Remembering what I DO have sure takes the "edge" off the bad stuff! Thanks for your post this morning...it started my day off on a wonderful note! Love to you and Michelle - have a GREAT day! Kim in KC
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Chemosmoker Rockstar!
    We are having a good day also! Only drinking my coffee at the office instead of at home with hubby.

    Looking outside is like looking at a winterwonderland postcard. So pretty, but so cold....

    Hope you and Michelle have a smokin' great day!

  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258
    A good morning to you...
    I too am glad you are alive this morning! God is good, isn't He?
    I am also glad to say that Jr. (Ray) is still with us too.
    I often wonder why one puts themselves into so much torture with continuous chemo treatments, but then again who am I to say. What would I do in the same situation, I truly do not know.
    To have another morning with family, to hear your child's voice, to love on your grandchildren another day who knows what extremes one would go through just to have that one more day.
    This morning Jr is doing well, he ate biscuits and gravy and on thanksgiving he ate mom's dressing, pumpkin pie,sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes and gravy...
    I am talking about a man who was given only a few months to live at diagnosis, stage 4 and inoperable. That has been almost 16 months now!!

    I just had an eye doctor visit with my eye doctor and he shared with me he has a friend that was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer and he is still alive today after 12 years! So like he said, "one never knows."

    I am just so thankful for all of you that are still here with your loved ones!!

    A rough road to travel, but yet so much to be thankful for.

    So Eric, I sing out with you this morning, I am so thankful to be alive myself because not one of us are promised a tomorrow!!

    God's continual blessings to you and Michelle!!

  • sammy123
    sammy123 Member Posts: 65
    rose20 said:

    A good morning to you...
    I too am glad you are alive this morning! God is good, isn't He?
    I am also glad to say that Jr. (Ray) is still with us too.
    I often wonder why one puts themselves into so much torture with continuous chemo treatments, but then again who am I to say. What would I do in the same situation, I truly do not know.
    To have another morning with family, to hear your child's voice, to love on your grandchildren another day who knows what extremes one would go through just to have that one more day.
    This morning Jr is doing well, he ate biscuits and gravy and on thanksgiving he ate mom's dressing, pumpkin pie,sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes and gravy...
    I am talking about a man who was given only a few months to live at diagnosis, stage 4 and inoperable. That has been almost 16 months now!!

    I just had an eye doctor visit with my eye doctor and he shared with me he has a friend that was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer and he is still alive today after 12 years! So like he said, "one never knows."

    I am just so thankful for all of you that are still here with your loved ones!!

    A rough road to travel, but yet so much to be thankful for.

    So Eric, I sing out with you this morning, I am so thankful to be alive myself because not one of us are promised a tomorrow!!

    God's continual blessings to you and Michelle!!


    I love you chemosmoker aka
    I love you chemosmoker aka Eric. You are an inspiration to us all and you TOTALLY live in the moment. Cheers to you with my coffee tomorrow morning. xox Kathy
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Hi Eric and Michelle
    You are right! It is good to be alive! I had to chuckle at Loretta's "chilly" comment about it being 46 degrees because it was 14 here this morning. Now THAT'S chilly! But the was shining all day and that makes a difference for me.
    I pray you have many many more days, weeks, months of enjoying every day.
  • megmacmd
    megmacmd Member Posts: 85
    Another great sunrise
    Another great sunrise over the bridge here at VA Beach alittle nippy this am at 5:45am the stars were beautifuland all the christmas lights walking my little CC very calming and reasurring the rest of the world getting ready for christmas.Must get myself pyched 2 of my children coming home for christmas(hopefully not the last) my son will be home from college after exams next week managed to keep all his turtles alive(2 water turtles and speedy the tortois he has had since he was 5 he is the kind that lives until 200 and willbe huge got him when he was the size of a quarter now he is the size of a salad plate)Pet scan 28th of december to see where things are headed but feeling pretty good except twinges here and there andno appettite. But all is good with the world today.Busy day at the hospital lots of healthy december babies.My eldest daughters 28th birthday today So I feel very blessed all and all. Glad your hanging in there Eric hope your enjoying good weather. Prayers for both you and Michelle that you have a wonderful holiday season. Keep on posting BEst wishes Meg Mac
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Good for you!

    I haven't posted to you in awhile, but I've been reading daily, keeping up with you. So glad that you are doing well for now.
    And, yes, I've had a great day! Every day that I'm alive and well is a great day, but I'll also admit that my students were wonderful today and worked hard, which always makes my day great!

  • Mazj
    Mazj Member Posts: 42
    megmacmd said:

    Another great sunrise
    Another great sunrise over the bridge here at VA Beach alittle nippy this am at 5:45am the stars were beautifuland all the christmas lights walking my little CC very calming and reasurring the rest of the world getting ready for christmas.Must get myself pyched 2 of my children coming home for christmas(hopefully not the last) my son will be home from college after exams next week managed to keep all his turtles alive(2 water turtles and speedy the tortois he has had since he was 5 he is the kind that lives until 200 and willbe huge got him when he was the size of a quarter now he is the size of a salad plate)Pet scan 28th of december to see where things are headed but feeling pretty good except twinges here and there andno appettite. But all is good with the world today.Busy day at the hospital lots of healthy december babies.My eldest daughters 28th birthday today So I feel very blessed all and all. Glad your hanging in there Eric hope your enjoying good weather. Prayers for both you and Michelle that you have a wonderful holiday season. Keep on posting BEst wishes Meg Mac

    Thinking of you all
    Best wishes and lots of positive thoughts to all of you who responded to this thread. Always a pleasure to check this board first thing every morning and hear Eric is doing so well. Go Rock Star- we are all with you!
  • Heeran
    Heeran Member Posts: 171
    I'm feeling exhausted, relieved that my mom is a candidate for sugary, scared about the surgery going well, happy because I've been able to see my kids more lately, stressed because housework has really piled up, thankful that my husband is so loving and helpful, sad because I saw a Dr. OZ show that stated that many children eat at schools but starve when they go home, and hopeful that 2012 brings relief, happiness, and health for everyone I know including people on this site.
  • Cora11
    Cora11 Member Posts: 173
    Heeran said:

    I'm feeling exhausted, relieved that my mom is a candidate for sugary, scared about the surgery going well, happy because I've been able to see my kids more lately, stressed because housework has really piled up, thankful that my husband is so loving and helpful, sad because I saw a Dr. OZ show that stated that many children eat at schools but starve when they go home, and hopeful that 2012 brings relief, happiness, and health for everyone I know including people on this site.

    Eric and Michelle ( and friends)
    Just calling it a night and posted a little poem and saw your thread from this morning pop up and just had to stop and breathe and smile for your joy in each day! A lesson. Indeed.

    Each day is different you know ? Each one with all sorts of emotions....tender, scary, joyous, precarious, some anger, some fear, some worry, some humor, doubt, courage, wonder, awe, frustration, tears, no tears, where are they ?....

    as a dear friend once said...
    Visit the fear, just don't stay there!" Such wise words. I look forward to tomorrow morning and will stop and take notice- true notice of the gift of the day.... because of you Eric and other amazingly brave people with EC and those who care for their loved ones on this site.

    Ok. No matter what.

  • Aren’t you a chipper one in the am!
    Eric, glad to hear you and Michelle are settle in. Hope you guys are enjoying the warmth. It’s fri##*cold over here. We used to drive down to San Carlos Mexico, usually October, for our diving and fishing escapades. However, with the current killing sprees ..No. Dan has spent a considerable amount of time diving the Keys and is anxious … ………...at…. some ….point to provide me with new diving adventures.
    Eric, I am relieved.. your pain meds are effective. So glad you were able to spend time with your son! I bet you and Michelle’s Christmas tree will be amazing…the love ….. warmth… and…. good old fashion Christmas spirit …. !
    Do you remember one of my first responses to one of your posts? “I think you are truly amazing”…… Still stands! Please say hi to Michelle & give her my best wishes. I think of both of you often.
    Enjoy the Sunshine and Warmth!
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Late to write - but a GREAT day nonetheless
    Eric & All :)

    Friday was a lovely day! and I'm with you, Rita - cold as H here in sunny, windy Iowa.

    Spent a lovely night out and about the kids and am now sitting on the couch next to my #1. How does it get better than this?

    Thanks for helping us shake out the smiles, Eric. Hope you and Michelle smile often!

    Love & Hugs to everyone!


    LOL @ "Rockstar" ;)