I am newly diagnosed

I was diagnosed last week and my doctor ordered an MRI to rule out the left breast and lymph nodes. Left is clear but lymph node is suspicious. Dr. called me yesterday to do a nother biopsy on Monday. If lymphs are involved he wants to do chemo first. if not surgury Dec. 30, 2011. I feel like I woke up in a dream and waiting for someone to yell Psych. I am shocked.
I haven't told anyone.


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    to the discussion board, but sorry you had to find us.

    At first, yes, it's like living in a bad dream hoping to wake up. It's shocking. And scary. And then there's all the waiting for results of this and that and the waiting is very difficult. Me, and this is just me, I like to get educated, read up, kind of know what questions to ask the doctors. Other people are the opposite. You'll find your rhythm, what works for you, and chances are, whatever question you have, one of us will have an answer.

    Try to rest. We're here and we care what happens to you.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yeah it's like a nightmare
    Yeah it's like a nightmare when you first get the news. You mentioned that you had not told anyone yet. I had to figure out how to tell my grandchildren. I am a believer in giving them the truth of a situation so that they can cope rather than wondering why there is a perverbial elephant in the living room that no one will talk about. Once I told them they came up with a few questions and I answered them in language that was appropriate to thier age. I did get educated on the kind of cancer I had first though.

    There are some excellent videos on this site that will help you get started in your understanding of bc. It is in the blue section of this website under Cancer information. They will give you a chance to name the cancer and just choose breast cancer. There are at least 6 videos and none of them is longer than 15 minutes.

    Welcome to the site and I hope you can get a good grasp on what you will be going through.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Yeah it's like a nightmare
    Yeah it's like a nightmare when you first get the news. You mentioned that you had not told anyone yet. I had to figure out how to tell my grandchildren. I am a believer in giving them the truth of a situation so that they can cope rather than wondering why there is a perverbial elephant in the living room that no one will talk about. Once I told them they came up with a few questions and I answered them in language that was appropriate to thier age. I did get educated on the kind of cancer I had first though.

    There are some excellent videos on this site that will help you get started in your understanding of bc. It is in the blue section of this website under Cancer information. They will give you a chance to name the cancer and just choose breast cancer. There are at least 6 videos and none of them is longer than 15 minutes.

    Welcome to the site and I hope you can get a good grasp on what you will be going through.

    Been there .. and it SUCKS!
    I am so very sorry -- Breast cancer knows no boundaries, gender or age doesn't factor into the equation as well.

    You may feel like ground beneath your feet is crumbling, you are falling and there are -- no branches or ledges to grab onto. Take heart, we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week .. We do not vacate during Holiday's, Birthday's or Summer months. LOL

    don't let the disease define you .. you are NOT "your" disease -.

    life has stages, hold on for the long haul -- we will be here to support, pray and offering positive thoughts.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Thinking of you..

    Thinking of you..

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    When i was first diagnosed i
    When i was first diagnosed i didn't tell my family for a few days and then it just got overwhelming so i finally told them and they were so support-if, they decided who would be with me at all times before and after surgery it was much easier to deal with it mentally.There was always some one with me for all Dr.Appt.before and after,tell your family you will need there support and we are always here for you.So sorry you need this site but welcome. Hugs Frankie