We have M D Anderson appt, plus have questions about some things (SUV in PET scan)

Freida Member Posts: 182
We now have appointment scheduled for M D Anderson next week, Tuesday is the first one we know for sure about. They say he may have between 3-5 days of tests.

They have scheduled another CT scan. He had one done here 4 weeks ago. Is it normal to do another one at a new hospital? Will insurance pay for it (Bill is retired and is on medicare plus has the f plan supplement). We will do whatever is necessary even if insurance does not cover it, but I want to be prepared. Don't need to have a stroke on top of everything else!

We picked up the discs and reports today for his PET scan and CT scan to take with us. I know the SUV is to do with metabolizing sugar (or something like that). I'm confused about the actual numbers. One site said the range is 0-15. His is above that (in the 20s) on the esophagus where the lesion is reported. Been scrolling round trying to understand the numbers but every site gives me a different answer.



  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    Pet scans
    Hi Freida:
    .. I do know a little bit about pet scans (my mom had uterine cancer)
    Yes a pet measures abnormal metabolic activity while the cat scan measures abnormal shape/structure. With both tests you can have false negatives/positives. My mother's gyn/onc (a silly little man that I couldn't stand, sorry had to throw that in there) told me the SUV (standard uptake volume) measures how much of the radioactive glucose the cells take up. The theory being that cancer cells are generally more active and will take up more of the solution. He equated it to a geiger counter. Anyhow, he told us anything over 2.7 would indicate malignancy...
    If I were you, I'd balk at another cat scan. There is no reason why the records of your first scan cannot be copied and mailed to them. It's silly for him to have one this soon, esp. when Cat scans have so much radiation.
    Big hugs,
  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182

    Pet scans
    Hi Freida:
    .. I do know a little bit about pet scans (my mom had uterine cancer)
    Yes a pet measures abnormal metabolic activity while the cat scan measures abnormal shape/structure. With both tests you can have false negatives/positives. My mother's gyn/onc (a silly little man that I couldn't stand, sorry had to throw that in there) told me the SUV (standard uptake volume) measures how much of the radioactive glucose the cells take up. The theory being that cancer cells are generally more active and will take up more of the solution. He equated it to a geiger counter. Anyhow, he told us anything over 2.7 would indicate malignancy...
    If I were you, I'd balk at another cat scan. There is no reason why the records of your first scan cannot be copied and mailed to them. It's silly for him to have one this soon, esp. when Cat scans have so much radiation.
    Big hugs,

    Thank you Cindy,
    They know

    Thank you Cindy,
    They know he has had a CT scan and told us to bring the disc with us (we picked it up today). Maybe once they have seen it, they will decide not to do the other. We will at least ask why. the person that called today was a scheduling person and could not answer any of Bill's questions.For instance he had to stop taking one of his meds last time before and for several days after because the stuff they give you for the CT scan and this particular medication are a dangerous mix.

    His SUV was very high (something like 27) which seems much higher than any numbers i am seeing when i try and research on the internet.

    I understand about the oncologist. Our first oncologist (and only so far) visit was awful. We went in gungh ho and came out feeling defeated - he had not reviewed our file and couldn't answer any questions. Someone advised us to run very far if we felt uncomfortable, and that is what we are doing. Guy might be a genius but we just had no confidence in him (plus he was trying to refer us to a general surgeon with little to no experience with this surgery - our family doc said no way)
  • skyhawk
    skyhawk Member Posts: 19
    Frieda, I don't care how
    Frieda, I don't care how many scans you have had prior to going there, they are going to do their own test. I am glad they did as my local Onc had me at stage 4 and told me to go home and die basically.

    They will do it right and you will get the correct staging which is very important in the tx protocol.
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    MD Anderson will want to
    MD Anderson will want to have their tech do the scans on their machines. All techs and machines are not alike and they may want to do a more comprehensive scan to assist in diagnosis and staging. SUVs are indicators of cell activity - over 10 is considered very active so 27 is fairly high but it good have been incorrectly assigned that number so at this point I would try, I know easier said than done, to take a deep breath and wait for all the tests. One nice thing at Anderson is they have a wellness room with recliners and pillows and warm blankets for down time between tests so you can get some rest - for both of you. Good luck.

    I will keep you in my prayers,