I'm about to have a nervous breakdown!

I just got back from my oncology appt. to review my recent PET scan, Head and Neck is great! NED! But my stupid left ovary has something growing on it. I'm just so tired of it. Have to go in for an MRI to see what it is. I'm just shaking right now, I just don't want to go through this again. I know I'm jumping the gun, but I was feeling so good, dang it!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    It's not Cancer
    It's not cancer until you have a biopsy to confirm. Try to relax. Get the tests done. If it is something, you are getting it early. You can do it if you have to. I just finished my second go around with the beast. Just went back to school Monday, I'm a teacher--the one with the water bottle permanently attached to her hand!
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Don't panic yet.
    I know I have had a few cysts on my ovaries before. It doesn't necessarily mean cancer. Hang in there and I will be thinking about you.
  • kingcole42005
    kingcole42005 Member Posts: 178
    KTeacher said:

    It's not Cancer
    It's not cancer until you have a biopsy to confirm. Try to relax. Get the tests done. If it is something, you are getting it early. You can do it if you have to. I just finished my second go around with the beast. Just went back to school Monday, I'm a teacher--the one with the water bottle permanently attached to her hand!

    Your right.
    We all know how devastating a cancer diagnosis is. I just feel like this cannot possibly happen again. I'm sorry your going through this. My sons Spanish teacher is going through it also. She gave him a nice note and some goodies for helping her out when she left for some treatment. He really feels badly for her, I think it's because he's seen what I have gone through. I hope your students are as helpful and good luck to you!
  • kingcole42005
    kingcole42005 Member Posts: 178

    Don't panic yet.
    I know I have had a few cysts on my ovaries before. It doesn't necessarily mean cancer. Hang in there and I will be thinking about you.

    I'm a panicky kind of gal!
    Unfortunately. My fight or flight response is always in high gear. Wish I could shut it off, I instantaneously go into doom mode. Thinking of the worst possible scenarios. Maybe it's my way of gearing up for it. If its bad then I'm ready and if it's good then I'm uber relieved.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Kingcole

    Sometime we have to look at both the good and bad together; you have a great NED report of the head and neck, for that I say Thanks you Lord. Now let’s look also at the ovary, a lot of things can happen there and it may not be anything. My daughter had problems there and had to get one removed, it was not cancer just something wrong with the ovary. I been through cancer three times and I know how it feels to get a bad report, I learned to just put it in the hands of my Savior and let him take care of it. It is not easy and takes a lot of faith, but you too can do it. Stop worrying and just say Lord takeover the problems in my life. My last PET scan 3 months ago showed Clean in the H&N but showed problems in the lungs. I go next week on the 8th for a follow-up PET to see if there is anything there or not. It is all in the hands on my Lord, I will keep you in my prayers that your MRI shows no cancer.

    Wishing you the best
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Be Strong
    Be strong! you been thru alot and I know you know how to be strong and you can be.

    Hang in there.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hang Tough
    .....I know much easier said, once you've endured the battle that we already have.....

    I can't offer any advice on being calm....but.

    I'd say the odds are much better that it's not cancer, and just a cyst or something non-cancerous than the other.

    Thoughts and Prayers,
  • kingcole42005
    kingcole42005 Member Posts: 178
    fisrpotpe said:

    Be Strong
    Be strong! you been thru alot and I know you know how to be strong and you can be.

    Hang in there.


    Thanks to everyone.
    I have just had so much pain lately, I just went to my PCP yesterday to tell her I can't take it. I told her I was having my PET results that afternoon. She suggested I tell the onco,which I did. But before I could she brings up this ovary thing. The weird thing is most of my pain (which I must say is a good 7 to 8 most of the time) in on the left side where the problem ovary is. Even pain relievers like motrin or tylenol don't touch it. So yeah I'm scared. Just waiting for them to call with my appt. for the MRI. Until I have that, I won't be at peace. Thank you all so much for your support. Shelly
  • akotke
    akotke Member Posts: 37

    Thanks to everyone.
    I have just had so much pain lately, I just went to my PCP yesterday to tell her I can't take it. I told her I was having my PET results that afternoon. She suggested I tell the onco,which I did. But before I could she brings up this ovary thing. The weird thing is most of my pain (which I must say is a good 7 to 8 most of the time) in on the left side where the problem ovary is. Even pain relievers like motrin or tylenol don't touch it. So yeah I'm scared. Just waiting for them to call with my appt. for the MRI. Until I have that, I won't be at peace. Thank you all so much for your support. Shelly

    I know how you feel.....
    I was only about six weeks past radiation when the pet scan showed good results in head and neck but something lit up in my uterus. I thought theres no way its cancer, God wouldnt be that cruel. My doc decided to not take any chances and he scheduled me for a hysterectomy. My husband cried all the way home as he was sure I wouldnt survive the surgery after what id just been through....Im still here and Im happy to say it was a rare type of fibroid. Totally benign. The survery was a breeze and other than being a little depressed about not being able to have anymore kids (which we werent planning on, just didnt like not having the option) I actually feel a lot better. The pain Id always had in my ovaries and lower abdomen is gone for good. Sorry for the long reply. Just want you to know it isnt automatically cancer AND sometimes it works out for the best.
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member

    Thanks to everyone.
    I have just had so much pain lately, I just went to my PCP yesterday to tell her I can't take it. I told her I was having my PET results that afternoon. She suggested I tell the onco,which I did. But before I could she brings up this ovary thing. The weird thing is most of my pain (which I must say is a good 7 to 8 most of the time) in on the left side where the problem ovary is. Even pain relievers like motrin or tylenol don't touch it. So yeah I'm scared. Just waiting for them to call with my appt. for the MRI. Until I have that, I won't be at peace. Thank you all so much for your support. Shelly

    Shelly, I hate you are even going through the stress of thinking this might be cancer. You've been through so much already.

    I agree with you: it needs to be checked. I also agree with everyone else: it isn't cancer until it is cancer.

    With a strong family history of ovarian cancer, I've read bit on the subject, as you can imagine.

    I don't know what one would look like on a PET or CT but an ovarian cyst is very painful. Although it sounds strange to say so, I'm hoping it is something as "simple" as that, Shelly.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Thanks to everyone.
    I have just had so much pain lately, I just went to my PCP yesterday to tell her I can't take it. I told her I was having my PET results that afternoon. She suggested I tell the onco,which I did. But before I could she brings up this ovary thing. The weird thing is most of my pain (which I must say is a good 7 to 8 most of the time) in on the left side where the problem ovary is. Even pain relievers like motrin or tylenol don't touch it. So yeah I'm scared. Just waiting for them to call with my appt. for the MRI. Until I have that, I won't be at peace. Thank you all so much for your support. Shelly

    Hi Shelly

    Keeping you in prayer.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    Thanks to everyone.
    I have just had so much pain lately, I just went to my PCP yesterday to tell her I can't take it. I told her I was having my PET results that afternoon. She suggested I tell the onco,which I did. But before I could she brings up this ovary thing. The weird thing is most of my pain (which I must say is a good 7 to 8 most of the time) in on the left side where the problem ovary is. Even pain relievers like motrin or tylenol don't touch it. So yeah I'm scared. Just waiting for them to call with my appt. for the MRI. Until I have that, I won't be at peace. Thank you all so much for your support. Shelly

    Waiting Sucks
    Hope they got you an MRI ASAP, and you're celebrating as I type. Sorry you have this "cherry" on your sundae.