Libby's Update (Wow! I have missed alot!)

LPack Member Posts: 645
I have not been on here for a few months. I had no idea Linda had died. I am sad. I have had the same problem. Ascites twice now. Terrible, never had it before.

We did go on our Hawaiian Cruise October 17-Nov 1. First week was great but by 3rd day of islands I was starting to feel not quite myself. I had already taken myself off my 2nd clinical trial (4th day into it with reduced dose as first dose I ended up in ER with Blood Pressure 210/107) as I was feeling very weird.

By second week on sea going back to San Diego I was filling up in my abdomen, could not eat and seemed constipated. Needless to say I was miserable. Saw doctor onboard, he looked over side effects of clinical trial and I was experiencing a few. Had IV's for dehydration, xrays showed no perforations, blockages, etc. Not much you can do when surrounded by water.

My husband and I layed on our bed and prayed!

Got home Tuesday late, had CTscan Wednesday and saw my onc/gyn. Scheduled me late afternoon for Paracentesis and filled up 1 and 3/4 liter. Also, scheduled me for chemo (Carboplatin/gemzar) for Monday, Nov. 7th. Monday I found out my CT scan showed of course SEVERE ascites (concerning for peritoneal carcinomatosis) which was new for me in this almost 4 year battle, progression of porta hepatis nodes in retroperitoneal, pelvic cystic structure did measure slightly smaller then before. Also CA 125 was 1445. So I knew for sure that the last trial was not working on the cancer! That is for sure!

Had chemo Monday 7th on the way home got sick. But I did not think it was from the chemo but still from what was going on in my body with trial and ascites coming back, etc. Dr. said chemo would help ascites...................not fast enough for me! Called them back and they called Ohio Valley Medical (close to home) and I was to be drained again Friday, Nov 11th. But before that happened I was vomiting bile so bad by Thursday and dehydrated I ended up at OVMC Thursday in ER and they admitted me to give me IV's (more fluids ☺). Drained almost 3 liters Friday morning and sent me home Saturday. I was sipping clear fluids when I left and still did not think I was "pooping" properly.

By Monday, Nov 14th I was vomiting and vomiting again. Jerry called my doctor at OSU and they said they wanted to admit me to The James Cancer Center, Columbus. That night I had a NG tube put through my nose to keep my stomach drained of all the bile and acid. No fluids except of course more IV's as I was once again dehydrated. But Praise the Lord no ascites! I had lost about 8-10 pounds so far.

Our youngest son, Justin, was to be married that coming Saturday, Nov 19th! I was organizing the rehearsal dinner and decorating the sanctuary! Well, I was...................

Ice chips were allowed as my mouth and throat were so sore. And spray for my throat........they plugged NG tube Wednesday to see how I did with no food and sips of ice. Took out tube Thursday morning and I had chicken broth for breakfast and it tasted good and I could not quit crying. After having all that food on the cruise (which I could not really eat) and then feel so thankful for broth..............

So many many prayers.................I kept the clear fluids down on Thursday and did get mash potatoes for supper.............cried again.................discharged me Friday midmorning! I have a new diet: Gastrointestinal Modified far working.

Did make it to rehearsal dinner! Daughter and daughter-in-law (not bride) took care of both the dinner and the santuary! Did go to wedding and light the candle and see my youngest get married! Did dance the mother/son dance. Went into reception and it was a TEAL RIBBON reception with everyone wearing a teal ribbon as their favor! I cried again!

ONLY GOD can say Libby, get out of your hospital bed (weak and drained as I was and had lost 4 more pounds) and dance! Glorious!

So much to be thankful for.

After those last 3 weeks of misery for not just me but my husband too..........last week we finally decided to finish up what we had been talking about but had put off. I still don't have a Living Will or Medical Power of Attorney so that will be done Thursday. We have our cemetary plots but are going to pick out our stone together. And he got me a handicap sign for the car. Now I really bulked at that, but he said it was not for me as much for him. Trying to get me into the hospital at the James Center and other places is hard when you can't find a place close to park. I forget sometimes in the midst of what I am going through how difficult it can be for the caregiver especially the spouse and it would be easier. So I swallowed my pride and said okay. ☺

Ladies, sorry for not getting on earlier. New names and faces, miss Bonnie and Saundra and the glad I know I will see those who know the Lord as their personal Savior someday....................

If I don't get back on again until after Christmas.......may you and yours have a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year. And if I never get back on I want to say, Ladies I too dislike this ravaging disease, don't like what it does to our bodies, our families, etc. But do not give up Hope. And if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord please please ask Him into your heart. He will help bear your burden and lessen your load. He is a Merciful Father and loves your more then anyone else could ever love you.

The best is yet to come!

Libby ♥


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    so good to hear from you
    I am so sorry your cruise was interrupted by your illness. I hope you got to enjoy some of it. I am glad to hear you went to the wedding and danced. We have missed you as so much has happened as you said many new faces and very young at that. yes losing Linda knocked us all down and we were is shock. I hope you can post again and let us know how we are,,we worry when we don't hear from you and other teal family. Have yourself a Merry little Christmas and by God be by your side always..val
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    So good to hear from you, but so sorry you're going through so much. Nonetheless, I am extraordinarily blessed by your words of faith, hope, encouragement and strength! Most importantly, I'm so happy to read your message to everyone about our Heavenly Father and His Saving Grace. It brings great comfort to me to know that YOU know the Love that is beyond all words and explanation. Isn't it wonderful that you can share that with your husband? I am so blessed and grateful that my husband and I can also come together in prayer, and we do as often as possible.

    When everyone was talking about their 'bucket list', it didn't take me long to decide what would be No. 1: that ALL would accept Jesus as their personal Savior, and know His love everlasting.

    You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, Libby. I was actually born and raised in Columbus, OH, but now reside in Michigan. So we're really not too far from eachother. But even though we may never physically meet, I now know that we will meet eventually!

    (((HUGS))) and Prayers,
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    mopar said:

    So good to hear from you, but so sorry you're going through so much. Nonetheless, I am extraordinarily blessed by your words of faith, hope, encouragement and strength! Most importantly, I'm so happy to read your message to everyone about our Heavenly Father and His Saving Grace. It brings great comfort to me to know that YOU know the Love that is beyond all words and explanation. Isn't it wonderful that you can share that with your husband? I am so blessed and grateful that my husband and I can also come together in prayer, and we do as often as possible.

    When everyone was talking about their 'bucket list', it didn't take me long to decide what would be No. 1: that ALL would accept Jesus as their personal Savior, and know His love everlasting.

    You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, Libby. I was actually born and raised in Columbus, OH, but now reside in Michigan. So we're really not too far from eachother. But even though we may never physically meet, I now know that we will meet eventually!

    (((HUGS))) and Prayers,

    So good to hear from you Libby
    Hi Libby, you were one of the first freinds i made here. I am praying for you my dear. I am sorry you have been so ill. I am glad that you got to go to the wedding. God bless you hon and I love you
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    I am so sorry to hear you've been so ill. I am glad you were able to enjoy some of your cruise and I love the picture. You are a study in courage and strength and dignity. Linda's passing has filled us all with great sadness. It's still hard to believe she's gone.
    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed holiday and are able to check in from time to time so we know how you're doing.

  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Thanks Libby,
    for the update! I love your courage and love love lov your profile picture. So blessed for you that you made it to the wedding. You are an inspiration.
    Many many blessings and enjoy the holidays,
  • Susan53
    Susan53 Member Posts: 178
    Courage and Grace
    Hi Libby I respect your courage and grace. You are a true teal warrior with many teal sisters on this board. I was sorry you didn't get to enjoy your cruise. I will be hoping and praying for the best. Glad to see you got to dance at the wedding. Fight with all your might Libby. Hugs Sharon
  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    Only with Christ
    I truely believe that only with Christ could I walk this walk on my own I would be dead. I am glad you are donig better and oh how it must have felt walking into that room and seeing the room filed with teal ribbons. To know that you are loved and supported by so many people I wish I could have been there. Keep the faith and hopefully you will live to see grandchildren married.

  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676

    Only with Christ
    I truely believe that only with Christ could I walk this walk on my own I would be dead. I am glad you are donig better and oh how it must have felt walking into that room and seeing the room filed with teal ribbons. To know that you are loved and supported by so many people I wish I could have been there. Keep the faith and hopefully you will live to see grandchildren married.


    What next?
    Libby: Sorry the clinical trials have not benefitted you. After all you've been thru, what chemo are you on now--Toptecan?

    May the Lord continue to watch over you.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member

    What next?
    Libby: Sorry the clinical trials have not benefitted you. After all you've been thru, what chemo are you on now--Toptecan?

    May the Lord continue to watch over you.

    So sorry
    for what you are going through. I am happy that even in the midst of your illness you had some beautiful moments. God bless you and yours.
