Mammogram - I've got dense breasts~

Completed my yearly mammogram a week ago and today spoke with RN at docs office. She informed me of my results --- have dense breasts and need diagnostic testing to look at the left side image closer. Didn't mention anything about mass or lumps, but after reading about dense breasts this opens up more reading on my part. The RN told me she has same issue, small and dense breasts and every year has to come in for further testing after initial first mammogram.

After reading more on dense breasts, understanding many things can show up, so off we go to further testing. I'm great with self exams and not felt any lumps or new spots....thankfully!

Anyone have any insight you can throw my way. Scheduled the exam for Monday. One thing I notice, once our health history on charts reads the word "CANCER", I'm finding more routine testing comes back with more intensive testing. I'm sure it's very good -- better to be safe vs. sorry -- but truly upsetting. Part of our "new normal" life hum?



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Jan:
    I had some breast

    Hi Jan:

    I had some breast issues in the past and even had a biopsy (all good). But I still sometimes have to repeat a test or so. I don't know if they do this where you are, but whenever I get my mammogram and if I think it is something or a retest, I try to make sure that I schedule it when the doctor is there and that way I can get my results on that day instead of having to wait for the results. Also, if the image wasnt good and you need another take you can do it then and there. This really cuts down on the stress levels!

    Like you said, it is better to be safe than sorry. Just another little bump in the road!

    Thank you for the wishes and may you and your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  • laura25
    laura25 Member Posts: 181 Member
    Me too!
    After I finished chemo I went in for my yearly mamo... same story dense tissue. I had a sonogram but since the word "cancer" is in my chart the doctor sent me in for a breast MRI. Had that done and I'm glad I did for the peace of mind..everything was fine.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    laura25 said:

    Me too!
    After I finished chemo I went in for my yearly mamo... same story dense tissue. I had a sonogram but since the word "cancer" is in my chart the doctor sent me in for a breast MRI. Had that done and I'm glad I did for the peace of mind..everything was fine.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Thanks Kathy & Laura~
    That really helps to hear others side of the story with more testing after the initial mammogram. I guess now as I research more and more of us go to further scans or tests after the first yearly mammogram results. Most times docs are suggesting with dense breasts to not even get mammogram, but ultrasounds. Unfortunately insurance won't cover without having mammo done does that make sense.

    Feeling better about it, just realizing another step on this path and just need to buck up and get used to my NEW NORMAL. Those good old days of regular doc appts and normal testing aren't here anymore...boohoo! Happy my docs and hospital are very thorough as rather find something early then put my head in the sand.


    P.S. This is time of year to be I'm thankful to everyone on these boards who has given me strength and knowledge to endure my cancer journey. xoxox
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Thanks Kathy & Laura~
    That really helps to hear others side of the story with more testing after the initial mammogram. I guess now as I research more and more of us go to further scans or tests after the first yearly mammogram results. Most times docs are suggesting with dense breasts to not even get mammogram, but ultrasounds. Unfortunately insurance won't cover without having mammo done does that make sense.

    Feeling better about it, just realizing another step on this path and just need to buck up and get used to my NEW NORMAL. Those good old days of regular doc appts and normal testing aren't here anymore...boohoo! Happy my docs and hospital are very thorough as rather find something early then put my head in the sand.


    P.S. This is time of year to be I'm thankful to everyone on these boards who has given me strength and knowledge to endure my cancer journey. xoxox

    i'm thankful for everyone here, too!
    About the breast thing. You are so right, once we have a dx of cancer, everything is taken more seriously - and this is a good thing. Except if they actually find something, of course.

    My breast cancer was in my right breast. I now have something palpable in my left breast. I had ultrasound and mammogram and exams by 4 different docs over the past 6 weeks or so. The conclusion is "normal breast tissue". But - because of my history, my primary care physician said she'd never forgive herself if she didn't order an MRI and this turned out not to be normal breast tissue. I'm waiting for an appointment for an MRI now. I didn't ask for one, it was her decision. It worries me that it acutally could be cancer in spite of the negative ultrasound and mammogram. I see my breast surgeon in January and if the MRI is normal and I still feel this thing or it's changed, I'm going to ask about a biopsy.

    So yes, we all worry - and we do cause some worry to our physcians.

  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379

    i'm thankful for everyone here, too!
    About the breast thing. You are so right, once we have a dx of cancer, everything is taken more seriously - and this is a good thing. Except if they actually find something, of course.

    My breast cancer was in my right breast. I now have something palpable in my left breast. I had ultrasound and mammogram and exams by 4 different docs over the past 6 weeks or so. The conclusion is "normal breast tissue". But - because of my history, my primary care physician said she'd never forgive herself if she didn't order an MRI and this turned out not to be normal breast tissue. I'm waiting for an appointment for an MRI now. I didn't ask for one, it was her decision. It worries me that it acutally could be cancer in spite of the negative ultrasound and mammogram. I see my breast surgeon in January and if the MRI is normal and I still feel this thing or it's changed, I'm going to ask about a biopsy.

    So yes, we all worry - and we do cause some worry to our physcians.


    Thanks Ladies~
    Appreciate all your input as it did help my psychi! I made it thru the extensive mammogram and all was fine. Apparently they found something white on the digital screen and weren't sure what it was. By redoing the mammo they squished my breast (mind you I'm small to begin with) in between the paddles and it showed up mashed and not solid. When it spreads it's possibly calcium, etc, but if it were "hard" that's possibly cancer.

    Did inquire about my breasts being dense, and she did mention a very small amount. Next year with my mammo if they see the same spot, which hasn't changed in size, not request me to come in for a redo...yeah!

    Learned something new, but happy it's over.

    Thanks so much for everyone's all really helped!! Glad we're all sisters and we can lean on each other for support.

  • kkstef
    kkstef Member Posts: 688 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Thanks Ladies~
    Appreciate all your input as it did help my psychi! I made it thru the extensive mammogram and all was fine. Apparently they found something white on the digital screen and weren't sure what it was. By redoing the mammo they squished my breast (mind you I'm small to begin with) in between the paddles and it showed up mashed and not solid. When it spreads it's possibly calcium, etc, but if it were "hard" that's possibly cancer.

    Did inquire about my breasts being dense, and she did mention a very small amount. Next year with my mammo if they see the same spot, which hasn't changed in size, not request me to come in for a redo...yeah!

    Learned something new, but happy it's over.

    Thanks so much for everyone's all really helped!! Glad we're all sisters and we can lean on each other for support.


    Hi Jan,

    Now you can put that blip behind you and live life! Enjoy it to the fullest!

    Such good news!

    Hugs, Karen
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Thanks Ladies~
    Appreciate all your input as it did help my psychi! I made it thru the extensive mammogram and all was fine. Apparently they found something white on the digital screen and weren't sure what it was. By redoing the mammo they squished my breast (mind you I'm small to begin with) in between the paddles and it showed up mashed and not solid. When it spreads it's possibly calcium, etc, but if it were "hard" that's possibly cancer.

    Did inquire about my breasts being dense, and she did mention a very small amount. Next year with my mammo if they see the same spot, which hasn't changed in size, not request me to come in for a redo...yeah!

    Learned something new, but happy it's over.

    Thanks so much for everyone's all really helped!! Glad we're all sisters and we can lean on each other for support.


    Jan glad you got good news
    Glad the new mammogram was fine. That is quite a relief for you. My sister has dense breasts and always has to have an ultrasound after her mammogram. Not sure why they do not just do the ultrasound. In peace and caring.
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Ro10 said:

    Jan glad you got good news
    Glad the new mammogram was fine. That is quite a relief for you. My sister has dense breasts and always has to have an ultrasound after her mammogram. Not sure why they do not just do the ultrasound. In peace and caring.

    You asked why they won't do just the won't pay. First must have the mammogram and show issues, then they'll allow the ultrasound and pay (or partially pay however your insurance is setup). Crazy hum?

    Some states have setup that if woman has "dense breasts" (certain scoring) insurance must initially do the ultrasound or MRI....over-riding the mammogram altogether. Not in my state, Missouri~

    Thanks for the kudos ladies!
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Ro10 said:

    Jan glad you got good news
    Glad the new mammogram was fine. That is quite a relief for you. My sister has dense breasts and always has to have an ultrasound after her mammogram. Not sure why they do not just do the ultrasound. In peace and caring.

    You asked why they won't do just the won't pay. First must have the mammogram and show issues, then they'll allow the ultrasound and pay (or partially pay however your insurance is setup). Crazy hum?

    Some states have setup that if woman has "dense breasts" (certain scoring) insurance must initially do the ultrasound or MRI....over-riding the mammogram altogether. Not in my state, Missouri~

    Thanks for the kudos ladies!
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    You asked why they won't do just the won't pay. First must have the mammogram and show issues, then they'll allow the ultrasound and pay (or partially pay however your insurance is setup). Crazy hum?

    Some states have setup that if woman has "dense breasts" (certain scoring) insurance must initially do the ultrasound or MRI....over-riding the mammogram altogether. Not in my state, Missouri~

    Thanks for the kudos ladies!

    Jan thanks for the explanation.
    My sister also lives in Missouri. Dealing with insurance is such fun!!!!!!
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Ro10 said:

    Jan thanks for the explanation.
    My sister also lives in Missouri. Dealing with insurance is such fun!!!!!!

    Where does your sister live in MO? I'm in St Louis - west county area.

    Insurance sucks!!! We need it, but when want higher level testing and not insurance policy to cover, we have to go to bat and fight. I don't mind doing it, but it's stressful and surely don't need more stress in our lives.

    Hope you're doing well...
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Where does your sister live in MO? I'm in St Louis - west county area.

    Insurance sucks!!! We need it, but when want higher level testing and not insurance policy to cover, we have to go to bat and fight. I don't mind doing it, but it's stressful and surely don't need more stress in our lives.

    Hope you're doing well...

    I am from St. Louis originally
    The sister I was talking about lives in St. Charles. I have two more sisters that live in Bridgeton. I live in Quincy, Il in the summer.
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Ro10 said:

    I am from St. Louis originally
    The sister I was talking about lives in St. Charles. I have two more sisters that live in Bridgeton. I live in Quincy, Il in the summer.

    Oh my Ro, your family is so close to me. I live in Ballwin/Manchester area and grew up in Hazelwood which is close to Bridgeton. Small world and now cancer has crossed our paths and brought us together.

    In Winter you live in Florida...correct? If so, what part? We're huge FL people...beach lovers big time. Hoping to purchase a 2nd home in FL, but with 2 mom's here in retirement centers, we're needed more here vs. out of state. Some day...

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Oh my Ro, your family is so close to me. I live in Ballwin/Manchester area and grew up in Hazelwood which is close to Bridgeton. Small world and now cancer has crossed our paths and brought us together.

    In Winter you live in Florida...correct? If so, what part? We're huge FL people...beach lovers big time. Hoping to purchase a 2nd home in FL, but with 2 mom's here in retirement centers, we're needed more here vs. out of state. Some day...


    We do winter in Florida
    We come about Nov 1 and stay until sometime in April. We stay in Treasure Island. It is south of Tampa, in the St. Petersburg area. We are two blocks from the Gulf, so I love the beach too. It was always my husband's dream to spend the winters someplace warm. So I followed his dream. That is my relaxation to walk the beach. I love the sand between my toes, and listening to the waves. The sun and wind inmy face is wonderful. Hope you get to enjoy it someday, too. In peace and caring.