Our daughter at the age of 22 diagnosed with GBM at the Chinese General Hospital here in Manila, Philippines on 1st October 2011 based on the results of CTSCAN & MRI. A combination of Linear Accelerator and Oral Chemotherapy (Temozolomide / Temozam)have been given by the Neurologist & Oncology. For an estimated 33 therapy sessions. The therapy session is still ongoing and we are now at the 27th session. The condition of our daughter is continuously improving regaining her balances, eye sights and menstrual period. She can now walk and perform warm up exercises/stretching without feeling of dizziness / nausea. Hopefully and by the power of constantly praying / thanking to God and good help from her doctors, our daughter will be back to her normal life. I will keep posting on the recovery of our daughter.


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  • cindysuetoyou
    cindysuetoyou Member Posts: 513
    Welcome to CSN! I hope that you can find encouragement and support here on this site. It's been a huge help to me. I am the support person for my 28 year old son who is currently battling a recurrence of anaplastic (grade 3) oligodendroglioma. He was diagnosed in May of 2009.

    I found a helpful website while I was googling the internet when David was first diagnosed. The ongoing posts on that website have been a real encouragement to me, and I hope you are encouraged by them too. Here's the address:

    I will pray for your daughter to beat this cancer. Please keep us updated.

    Love and blessings,
    Cindy in Salem, OR
  • Wife Pregnant DX with GBM

    Hi..From Philippines here.My wife ( 31 years old) was DX with GBM on December 10, 2011 and now 5 mos pregnant. She had 80% resection on 12.23. 2011 of her 7 cm tumor mass and will start 6 weeks radiation this week. What makes the situation difficult is her pregnancy. We cannot start a low dose temodar with radiation as it will cause fetal defect.Therapeutic abortion is illegal here. Our Radiation Oncologist works with her OB to minimize the effect of radiation to the baby in her womb. Radiation will buy us time so that she can deliver the baby via caesarian section by 28 weeks. Then we will start her chemo.

    She regained her strength now, can walk, go the comfort room take care of herself which she cannot do prior to surgery. GBM is really a life changing experience but we are not giving up because she is still young. She is taking every supplement we can afford on top of the western treatment to boost her immune system with the hope of being a long term survivor. Above all, there is God.
  • Rory1987
    Rory1987 Member Posts: 120
    Welcome to CSN kabayan. Im from the Philippines too and I also have a tumor inside my brain (frontal lobe region to be specific) w/c originated from my maxillary sinus. Prayers can really help as it can give us miracles keep praying and wishing your daughter healing and recovery.



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