alcohol consumption

madsters1 Member Posts: 120
Anybody here consume any alcohol during chemo? I'm on cytoxan & taxotere 4cyckles every 3 wks. I know dehydration could be an issue, but if that's watched can I have alcohol?


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    No alcohol...
    Hi -- I didn't drink alcohol, but I never do so it didn't bother me. What have the doctors told you? Personally, I would suggest staying away from alcohol while going through chemo as you wouldn't want it to interfere. Not sure if there has been research done about this or not, but I am aware everyone is different, and there is always room for "the exception".

    Wishing well during your treatments. And a smooth recovery.
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Alot of this in the news lately...
    my cancer was also estrogen + so I was told to NOT drink at all. When I talked to my Dr about it he talked to me about quality of life and enjoying a drink now and then. Before my diagnosis I drank red wine every night (with dinner) - so it has been hard not to have as much.
    Alot in the news about this as well, I'm sure others on the board will have much more info on this - when I was having my chemo I did not want to drink at all - I had my chemo 'dense dose' - which was every 2 weeks instead of 3 so I barely started feeling better before I had to go again.
    Talk with your Dr - he'll probably have some advice for you.
    take care - do keep drinking lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I was told absolutely NO alcohol during wasn't a problem for me as I rarely have a drink...It's not just chemo drugs you are receiving...most likely you'll be taking steroids...and the drugs you'll receive right before each infusion....alcohol does indeed increase dehydration....

    You need to discuss this with your oncologist....he needs to know everything...

    Wishing you the best..
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Ask Your Oncologist This Question.
    You are taking strong toxic chemicals to fight your cancer. Why would you want to add another chemical to the mix? Your poor liver is having to deal with cytoxan & taxotere.

    I would check with your oncologist about alcohol consumption during treatment.

    Best wishes,

  • madsters1
    madsters1 Member Posts: 120
    SIROD said:

    Ask Your Oncologist This Question.
    You are taking strong toxic chemicals to fight your cancer. Why would you want to add another chemical to the mix? Your poor liver is having to deal with cytoxan & taxotere.

    I would check with your oncologist about alcohol consumption during treatment.

    Best wishes,


    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    madsters1 said:

    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!

    Nothing about cancer is okay.
    This is a horrible disease that challenges every thing you have...physical, mental, emotional, spiritual...everything.

    And it feels insane that people just go on while you're falling apart. The hair thing is super hard. I live alone and my son happened to be over while my hair decided to fall in clumps and I was trying to act like it was no big deal (being the tough Mom), but I just couldn't hold it in.

    Thank God for this cancer board and all the wonderful people here that understand exactly what we share. We're all in this together.

    As for the alcohol, I think I slipped in one glass at a party between infusions with my Onc knowing, but for the most part, didn't drink alcohol.

    Sending hugs,

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    madsters1 said:

    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!

    No one is "just

    No one is "just going on", we are doing what we have to to survive. We all know how hard this is. I just want my body back. Not just the boobs, but to be able to have the energy to do what I could before. Life will never be normal, but it will be and that is the important thing.
    Please do what you need to to get past chemo, then decide about whether or not you want to start drinking again. When I was first diagnosed I thought, why the hell did I quit smoking! I thought about starting again but didn't. (partly I am cheap)
    This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to face, but I did it and you will to. We don't have a choice. The hair will come back, the taste buds will work again, we will get our energy back but we will never be the same.
    It is not ok! It is not fair! That doesn't change what it is.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    madsters1 said:

    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!

    You haven't had alcohol in 20 years, why the question? We've all been in your shoes..some, including myself, dealing with a sucks big time!!! But I promise you'll get through's no day at the beach but doable....losing your hair is a big deal for all of us...and again, it will grow back...losing your hair, as traumatic as it is, is a small price to pay for trying to save your life! I surprised myself at how quickly I became used to being the big scheme of things it's just part of treatment...and no, right now your life is NOT normal and won't be for quite some time....people who haven't walked this journey can't understand it and there's no use in trying to get them to's human reminds them, it could be them next and it scares them....and quite honestly they will go about their life in spite of what you're dealing with...again human nature.

    I also think you are depressed....again we've all been there! Please ask your doctor for an anti shame in needing help to cope with this....I would bet most on this board have or are taking something for depression...I had never taken anything before my diagnosis...

    Wishing you the best and keep posting...we truly care!
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    madsters1 said:

    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!

    Ugh - that is just the worst
    Ugh - that is just the worst feeling. I dont think i've EVER felt as out of control as when my hair started falling out. I personally wasn't told NO ALCOHOL, i really don't think it was ever brought up. But during chemo, there were a few times where I did have a couple of drinks. Mostly I just didn't have a taste for it, but we had a night out for my 35th birthday with friends and family, and one night we went to a drag show/fundraiser for breast cancer, and I had a few beers.
    If you ever feel like you need to vent or need someone to talk on here, please know that you can message me on here. I just hate that you have to feel that icky, scared, out of control feeling right now in your life :(
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member

    Ugh - that is just the worst
    Ugh - that is just the worst feeling. I dont think i've EVER felt as out of control as when my hair started falling out. I personally wasn't told NO ALCOHOL, i really don't think it was ever brought up. But during chemo, there were a few times where I did have a couple of drinks. Mostly I just didn't have a taste for it, but we had a night out for my 35th birthday with friends and family, and one night we went to a drag show/fundraiser for breast cancer, and I had a few beers.
    If you ever feel like you need to vent or need someone to talk on here, please know that you can message me on here. I just hate that you have to feel that icky, scared, out of control feeling right now in your life :(

    I also had

    I also had cytoxan and taxotere, along with andriamycin, every 2 weeks.
  • Barb A
    Barb A Member Posts: 123
    It's tough, but you can make it through!
    This is a very tough road and we all wonder how we'll make it through, but we do. My husband and I have a "thirsty Thursday" where we have two brandy old fashions. I didn't feel like drinking alcohol, so my husband made them without the brandy for me. We used bitters, cherry juice and the cola. It was more physcological as we didn't want to change our routine just because of cancer. It was one way of not letting it take over.

    Try to embrace your hair loss. I know that sounds strange, but take control of it and find the special hat, scarf or wig that you feel comfortable with. Mine was a combination of four different style and color wigs. I also enjoyed the ease of getting ready for work in the morning as the wigs were already styled and I just popped them on and was ready to go. Yes, I hated wearing them after awhile, but then I had the joy of getting rid of them when my hair started growing back.

    Keep coming here to vent if you need to. If it doesn't help, talk to your doctor about your feelings. Maybe s/he could prescribe something for you or recommend someone to talk to.

    Best of luck,

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    madsters1 said:

    Why? Because all of my hair is now in the sink!! I haven't drank alcohol in twenty years! Literally. So, you come home one afternoon and pull all your hair out into the sink, just like that. Then what? Pretend that life is normal. Go watch a movie or something while wearing that beautiful scarf for the next year?! How do you go from your hair just fell out to living as if nothing happened? Everyone else around me doesn't know how to do this cancer thing so they're just going on. Having a problem "just going on" with the smiley face that says "I'm okay". I'm not okay and this is definately NOT ok!!!

    I specifically asked about
    I specifically asked about alcohol, and was told one or two drinks once in a while was acceptable, however, on the chemo it just didn't taste so good! I have been off chemo for 8 weeks and had 2 drinks but they didn't taste much better so I will stick to diet Pepsi. Not much of a drinker anyways, but I sure do like a cold beer on a hot day!

    You don't go on living as if nothing is happening, but you will find a way to go on living and enjoying your life as much as you possibly can. My hair is coming back in I just got it trimmed and styled and I look pretty good, but the day after this big new do, I found out I am starting chemo again either this week or next. So, I will deal with the hair loss for the third time, but I will look really good until that happens and wear my hats and scarves again to keep my head warm.

    Those around you are trying to figure all of this **it out right along with you, they don't know what to say or do themselves but with some time and you letting them know what you need and want, it will all fall into place, not the same place as things were before, however it does work out.

    Screw the smiley face, sometimes you are just going to have to be you and that may be tears, or humor, or just some time to say this is not ok and feel sorry for yourself. We have all been here and it does get better, and you will be amazed as you progress in the treatment that you can do it, you did do it, and you are stronger for all that you have been through.

    Prayers and hugs,
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry NO advice on this..I
    sorry NO advice on this..I have never tasted alcohol...odd I KNOW...

    I am sure you'll get some helpful responses..
