Fessing up

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
I've been having some stuff going on with the OTHER breast. About 2 months ago I felt a small lump, about the size of a peppercorn. To me it doesn't feel like what I think a bc lump feels like and I wasn't in a state of panic, but I did know that I'd show it to my pcp when I saw her a couple of weeks later (October 7). She felt it too, called the radiologist, who said let's do an ultrasound. I had both an ultrasound and mammogram a few days later and both showed no abnormalities. Radiologist said we would now just watch it clinically. She could feel what I feel, but thought it was normal. The next day I coincidentally had an appointment with rad onc who did a very thorough exam and said "I think what we're feeling here, folks, is normal breast tissue". My comment is and was that it doesn't feel like the rest of my normal breast tissue.

I had the follow-up with my pcp yesterday. She examined me and ordered an MRI. Her comment was that because of my history and the fact that she could still feel the lump, she would just feel better if we did an MRI. I do, too, but I'm still not very concerned about it. In my mind, this isn't was bc feels like, so it can't possible be bc. The other comment she made was that it feels more spongy to her than previously. I decided that was a good comment, but I'm not sure.

Here's what I feel. An area on the outer quadrant of my left breast about 2 1/2" in diameter that feels like a newly plowed field with some larger dirt clods here and there (all peppercorn size -5 of them). Basically a bumpy area with some larger bumps. I'm not sure what she feels. She says "a lump".

Has anyone had a negative ultrasound and mammogram and a positive MRI? I guess if the MRI is negative we're just going to keep an eye on this area and if anything changes, we'll do a biopsy.

Sound about right? Any words of advice, oh wise ones?



  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    No words of advice for you
    No words of advice for you my friend...just lots of positive thoughts and energy!!

    And no more hiding things from the wise ones young lady! (Using my Mom voice and look now.)


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    What you were hiding stuff from us, oh for shame! I too wish to send love and caring hugs to you! I'm glad your doctor is taking action and not just monitoring it, I think if things seem inconclusive I would want a biopsy just because I need my peace of mind. Please let us know how things go, you will be in my prayers!

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member

    Typically ultrasound is a pretty reliable way to check out a lump. I think it would be rare for the MRI to pick up something an ultrasound missed. (not that it never happens) Good luck and I hope this is all for nothing! But it is always a good idea to err on the side of being over cautious with your health!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I am in the Camp with RE~ I
    I am in the Camp with RE~ I would strongly advise a biopsy~ Of course it is invasive compared to the mammo, feeling it, ultrasound and MRI. I am very glad you are vigilant, {though the secrecy part..ahem! not so good! LOL) But just to know, just to prove yourself right, wouldn't you rather this tiny thing be taken out and patholgy done?

    Love, strength, and benign nothings sent your way! Love you!!!!
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    chenheart said:

    I am in the Camp with RE~ I
    I am in the Camp with RE~ I would strongly advise a biopsy~ Of course it is invasive compared to the mammo, feeling it, ultrasound and MRI. I am very glad you are vigilant, {though the secrecy part..ahem! not so good! LOL) But just to know, just to prove yourself right, wouldn't you rather this tiny thing be taken out and patholgy done?

    Love, strength, and benign nothings sent your way! Love you!!!!

    Sounds like it could be just a fatty fibroid in the breast. I was told because I was big breasted I had very dense breast tissue. When I had my bi-lateral mastectomy the pathology results came stating just that. Mine always felt like a stony washboard under the skin. I agree with the girls though, for peace of mind it wouldn't hurt taking it one step further.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    keep us updated
    You are on the prayer list.
  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    I agree
    I agree with Cindy, the ultra sound would of showed an abnormality ~just had an ultrasound done on a lump under my arm, both surgeon and onco agree that it is probably fluid from the surgery. I remember it being there after surgery, but the surgeon doesn't~so all is good, not doing an MRI yet, and may not, just keeping an eye on the little bugger...breath easy, trust your gut, and enjoy the holidays. I promised myself a worry free holiday this year, even though my partners mamo came back with a "spot" and she is also, haveing it checked out after the holidays even though the doc. said to come back in 6 months, I said oh no you don't...anyway, I guess I was holding out on you all too. Yikes~love you, hugs~stay positive~and keep us posted. Sinee
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    sinee said:

    I agree
    I agree with Cindy, the ultra sound would of showed an abnormality ~just had an ultrasound done on a lump under my arm, both surgeon and onco agree that it is probably fluid from the surgery. I remember it being there after surgery, but the surgeon doesn't~so all is good, not doing an MRI yet, and may not, just keeping an eye on the little bugger...breath easy, trust your gut, and enjoy the holidays. I promised myself a worry free holiday this year, even though my partners mamo came back with a "spot" and she is also, haveing it checked out after the holidays even though the doc. said to come back in 6 months, I said oh no you don't...anyway, I guess I was holding out on you all too. Yikes~love you, hugs~stay positive~and keep us posted. Sinee

    I too am with re and chen
    I would want a biopsy done, but am so glad they are doing the MRI. Just have more faith in it than the mammogram and ultrasound. But I always want to know yesterday!

    Wishing you the best on this one, and sometimes not telling makes it less of a threat, however.....

    Hugs and prayers,
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I have something similar
    I have something similar going on. In my right breast (the okay one) recently the doctor found 3 small lumps, rice like in shape. I had a mammo and ultrasound. Nothing. Then 3 months later the Breast Surgeon had me have a MRI. Nothing. She said that something is there and she thinks it is lobular hyperplasia/LCIS but because nothing shows up on the ultrasound and MRI they cannot do a biopsy. She said it is precancer and there is only a 20% chance it will develop into cancer. She suggested I either have a mastectomy for that breast or just come in every 3 months to check on it. I chose the later for now.

    Years ago I had a very hard lump in my left breast, also like a peppercorn. The doctor suggested I have it checked out but I never did. I was in my 20s. It just went away. I don't even remember when.

    Suzanne, good luck, I wish you all the best and if nothing else at least whatever it is you are aware of it and catching it early on.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    I have something similar
    I have something similar going on. In my right breast (the okay one) recently the doctor found 3 small lumps, rice like in shape. I had a mammo and ultrasound. Nothing. Then 3 months later the Breast Surgeon had me have a MRI. Nothing. She said that something is there and she thinks it is lobular hyperplasia/LCIS but because nothing shows up on the ultrasound and MRI they cannot do a biopsy. She said it is precancer and there is only a 20% chance it will develop into cancer. She suggested I either have a mastectomy for that breast or just come in every 3 months to check on it. I chose the later for now.

    Years ago I had a very hard lump in my left breast, also like a peppercorn. The doctor suggested I have it checked out but I never did. I was in my 20s. It just went away. I don't even remember when.

    Suzanne, good luck, I wish you all the best and if nothing else at least whatever it is you are aware of it and catching it early on.

    Stony washboard
    Almost fits the landscape of that part of my boob to a T, Lorrie. As I was driving to my doctor appointment there were many newly plowed fields and they reminded me of my terrain, but the washboard thing is also darn close to what I feel.

    Mariam, my self diagnosis has also gone to what you have is going on.

    I didn't post because I really wasn't and am not all that worried and I didn't want anyone else to worry. If it turned out to be bc, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be posting. I've only told a few folks. I almost didn't post at all, but I'm glad I finally did because your responses are more reassuring to me. I see my breast surgeon (actually his NP - he left!) in January. If this is not resolved by then, my plan is to ask about a biopsy then. The radiologist actually said that was a possibility, probably done by a pathologist or surgeon.

    Thank you!
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Stony washboard
    Almost fits the landscape of that part of my boob to a T, Lorrie. As I was driving to my doctor appointment there were many newly plowed fields and they reminded me of my terrain, but the washboard thing is also darn close to what I feel.

    Mariam, my self diagnosis has also gone to what you have is going on.

    I didn't post because I really wasn't and am not all that worried and I didn't want anyone else to worry. If it turned out to be bc, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be posting. I've only told a few folks. I almost didn't post at all, but I'm glad I finally did because your responses are more reassuring to me. I see my breast surgeon (actually his NP - he left!) in January. If this is not resolved by then, my plan is to ask about a biopsy then. The radiologist actually said that was a possibility, probably done by a pathologist or surgeon.

    Thank you!

    Sending hugs & prayers
    Keep us updated. Go with your gut on what you feel needs to be done.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    What About a PET Scan?
    What about a PET scan. An MRI found a large mass in April. A PET scan in May said it wasn't cancer. I am fine with that until further problems develop. The concern was that I had a large tumor in that same area with my first recurrence.

    PET scans are very good on soft tissue which yours is.

    Best wishes to you,

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Stony washboard
    Almost fits the landscape of that part of my boob to a T, Lorrie. As I was driving to my doctor appointment there were many newly plowed fields and they reminded me of my terrain, but the washboard thing is also darn close to what I feel.

    Mariam, my self diagnosis has also gone to what you have is going on.

    I didn't post because I really wasn't and am not all that worried and I didn't want anyone else to worry. If it turned out to be bc, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be posting. I've only told a few folks. I almost didn't post at all, but I'm glad I finally did because your responses are more reassuring to me. I see my breast surgeon (actually his NP - he left!) in January. If this is not resolved by then, my plan is to ask about a biopsy then. The radiologist actually said that was a possibility, probably done by a pathologist or surgeon.

    Thank you!

    Biopsy but PET hurts less
    I had one that was a guided biospy but I can't remember what guided it. Getting old! It was over 12 years ago and lots of water has flowed over that dam since that day. They took samples of the tissue and mine was malignant (bc cells).

    However, a PET scan hurts less, I would go that route first.


  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    How DARE you keep us in the dark lady??
    Please,please, please have it checked out!
    Denial has never been an effective was solve anything,
    and I KNOW, I have tried and proven this theorie.

    Let's hope for the best, let hope it is just some scar
    tissue of some sorts... or anything for that matter.. bUt

    I will be on pins and needles with you till I hear from

    BIIIIIG soothing hug,