Missing my good friend and fellow insomniac....

Eric, of course it's not in
Eric, of course it's not in bad taste and I know that Chantal will understand you more than anyone. It's only natural that you will miss Lee in your "hour of need" or any other hour for that matter. You were a source of comfort for one another, fighting the same battle. You both wrote so eloquently the words just flowed. Hope you are feeling 'human' again now. God bless.0 -
Am always up at 5am got towalk the dog before going to work.Used to call my dad every morning at 5am before he passed of bladder cancer4 years ago. Then used to be up with my late husband who got up or came home at430am from his retirement job after the merchant marine as an engineer for the Maryland Pilots association( that ships not planes)Still trying to work as a pediatric hospitalist as long as possible Am still grappling with stopping chemo as stage 4 I really want to go for quality and 11 flofox treatments were really getting to me numb feet and fingers no appetite. Been off 2 months now feet no better but at least I can eat and feel like eating some of the time.Sunrises are the best here in Va Beach lots of critters out early in the am as well foxes and birds.Glad you can feel like normal dont know if I will ever feel normal again Seems like this disease consumes my mind when Im not at work.Trying to get the last child through college year and a half to go not sure Ill make it. At least all 3 children will be home for thanksgiving first time in about 3 years all of us will be together still not the same without their dad but glad they are making th effort with their busy lives Hope you have a great day the weather here has been great for the beach but cold front coming through Meg0 -
Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
Jo-Ann0 -
Jo-Ann,jojoshort said:Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
I was reading Eric's post and bawling my eyes out..... then I got to your's and started laughing, literally out loud. That is the funniest thing I've heard in days!!!!!! You can bet that Lee's eyeballs are spinning too. Thanks for the laugh Jo-Ann.
Eric, that is not in poor taste, in fact I totally agree. Lee used to call me his coffee-mate, as we were both early risers and had 'coffee party' every morning before work. We would sit and talk for an hour or so, every morning, without fail. Once the nasty chemo kicked in, cancer stole my coffee mate, and the smell of coffee made him sick. ( I hate you cancer ) People always asked me why I got up so much earlier than strictly necessary, and it was totally because that was our time together, no rushing, no busy schedule. It was just us, sharing our coffee and laughs, conversation and dreams.
Eric, I know that Lee cherished his early morning chats with you, and he so admired your positive attitude and will to live each day to the fullest.
Chantal0 -
Missing your friend
Hi Eric,
I hope that by now you are feeling like "Eric" again.
As far as sleep goes, I think it's over rated. I have a terrible time sleeping and am awake into the wee hours.
I hope your afternoon is sky blue and warm. I miss the warmth of the Florida sun. We have a business there, but my health has kept me away this past year. Hoping and needing to get back there as soon as I can..
Go and enjoy your day with Michelle.
Thinking of you
Lisha0 -
Not at all in bad taste....
We all miss Lee, Eric. His posts were intelligent, witty, and full of life. My husband is an insomniac so we are also up at "odd hours". There were times I considered "crashing your party" just because you and Lee had such excellent conversations going. It doesn't surprise me a bit that you miss him deeply. You had really developed a "kinship", an understanding of one another.....
Hope things are getting better for you. I'm certain by now you have reach "full on Eric" potential. Go build a sand castle for us!
Love & Hugs. Wishing you & Michelle the best day possible.....
Terry0 -
STOPmegmacmd said:Insomnia
Am always up at 5am got towalk the dog before going to work.Used to call my dad every morning at 5am before he passed of bladder cancer4 years ago. Then used to be up with my late husband who got up or came home at430am from his retirement job after the merchant marine as an engineer for the Maryland Pilots association( that ships not planes)Still trying to work as a pediatric hospitalist as long as possible Am still grappling with stopping chemo as stage 4 I really want to go for quality and 11 flofox treatments were really getting to me numb feet and fingers no appetite. Been off 2 months now feet no better but at least I can eat and feel like eating some of the time.Sunrises are the best here in Va Beach lots of critters out early in the am as well foxes and birds.Glad you can feel like normal dont know if I will ever feel normal again Seems like this disease consumes my mind when Im not at work.Trying to get the last child through college year and a half to go not sure Ill make it. At least all 3 children will be home for thanksgiving first time in about 3 years all of us will be together still not the same without their dad but glad they are making th effort with their busy lives Hope you have a great day the weather here has been great for the beach but cold front coming through Meg
Hope I am not out of line here, but STOP the chemo. Stop.
Eric0 -
THANK YOU FOR A LAUGH!!!!jojoshort said:Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
You have me ROLLING on the floor.
I LOVE the lack of punctuation and hope MEG doesn't take it one BIT WRONG!!
It would NOT be a post from meg with it any different!!! It IS MEG like Lee and our silly capitals!
Thank you SO much for a great belly laugh, I SO needed that!!
I actually FEEL better!
THANKS!!!TerryV said:Not at all in bad taste....
We all miss Lee, Eric. His posts were intelligent, witty, and full of life. My husband is an insomniac so we are also up at "odd hours". There were times I considered "crashing your party" just because you and Lee had such excellent conversations going. It doesn't surprise me a bit that you miss him deeply. You had really developed a "kinship", an understanding of one another.....
Hope things are getting better for you. I'm certain by now you have reach "full on Eric" potential. Go build a sand castle for us!
Love & Hugs. Wishing you & Michelle the best day possible.....
Thanks Terry, and thanks to EVERYONE who responded.
I feel SO much better. It is afternoon now, and I very much feel like Eric now.
I just miss Lee terribly. Not like Chantal but I do.
I have my coffee buddy with Michelle even if she hates coffee (says for years she has had her "obligatory" coffee with me to make me happy) what a wife! I DO so understand and I HATE cancer, too Chantal. We ALL do of course.
it is 85 degrees here right now, I just dosed up, the steroids and others they started me on the other day REALLY help with the pain! I started RAGLAN and Dexomethizone and Neurotin or gabapintin, and one other. Anyway, I have my coffee and it is making me SWEAT! I LOVE it!
I LOVE it here it was the RIGHT thing to do and the right time. Michelle and I are BOTH very happy here now.
Thank you all for the love and understanding.
Eric0 -
You made me LOLjojoshort said:Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
Thanks for the giggle, Jo-Ann! Much appreciated.
I read your comment
"I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning"
first thing this morning. About blew coffee into my monitor....
Have a good day!
Terry0 -
Happychemosmoker said:THANKS!!!
Thanks Terry, and thanks to EVERYONE who responded.
I feel SO much better. It is afternoon now, and I very much feel like Eric now.
I just miss Lee terribly. Not like Chantal but I do.
I have my coffee buddy with Michelle even if she hates coffee (says for years she has had her "obligatory" coffee with me to make me happy) what a wife! I DO so understand and I HATE cancer, too Chantal. We ALL do of course.
it is 85 degrees here right now, I just dosed up, the steroids and others they started me on the other day REALLY help with the pain! I started RAGLAN and Dexomethizone and Neurotin or gabapintin, and one other. Anyway, I have my coffee and it is making me SWEAT! I LOVE it!
I LOVE it here it was the RIGHT thing to do and the right time. Michelle and I are BOTH very happy here now.
Thank you all for the love and understanding.
So happy to read your post. Glad that you and Michelle made the right choice at the right time.
Enjoy your 85 degree weather. I wish we had some...
Lisha0 -
yup, still funny....forme said:Happy
So happy to read your post. Glad that you and Michelle made the right choice at the right time.
Enjoy your 85 degree weather. I wish we had some...
I just re-read the thread, and I had a giggle again......
Anyways, Eric and Michelle, coffee ChEeRs to you both, I'll think of you as I sip my coffee in the morning. I'm heading back to work for the first time tomorrow, hopefully I'll have a good day, and hope you both enjoy a sunny beach filled weekend!
hugs from snowy London (yes I did say snowy!!!!)
Chantal0 -
GOOD FOR YOU!Daisylin said:yup, still funny....
I just re-read the thread, and I had a giggle again......
Anyways, Eric and Michelle, coffee ChEeRs to you both, I'll think of you as I sip my coffee in the morning. I'm heading back to work for the first time tomorrow, hopefully I'll have a good day, and hope you both enjoy a sunny beach filled weekend!
hugs from snowy London (yes I did say snowy!!!!)
I hope you have a GREAT first day back. Make the most of it and breathe. We are here with you and I will be thinking about you all day.
Let us know how you do and how it goes for you tomorrow.
Get some rest.
God bless and we love you,
Eric and Michelle0 -
Laughing and crying at the same time
Do not ever feel bad about being honest, Bad taste please, this site is what your posts are all about. Reaching out in the middle of the night or the wee hours of the morning or anytime and one of your friends responds. You and LEE responded to each other and developed a bond and friendship and that is a good thing! I was up until 1AM last night working a something for work and have been busy all day. I have only been home for a little while and wanted to check in and your post was the first one I looked at, I first started reading and I started crying then I got to Jo-Ann's post and started laughing and when I got to Terry's post (about blew her coffee out) I was literally LOL!
What a wonderful place this board is. I was feeling a little blue about work (just a little) but now I am smiling ear-to-ear and getting tears in my eyes at the same time. Life is complicated and complex but really it comes down to love and friendship. Drinking coffee in the morning reaching out in the middle of the night across cyber space and someone reaching back, PRICELESS (as the MasterCard commercial says)
Chantal –I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow hoping you have a good day. I am so glad you are still posting.
I am so glad you are all out here
I wish I could post more often but it’s the working that gets in my way and takes so much time, LOL
Erica0 -
This thread is really soEricalynn said:Laughing and crying at the same time
Do not ever feel bad about being honest, Bad taste please, this site is what your posts are all about. Reaching out in the middle of the night or the wee hours of the morning or anytime and one of your friends responds. You and LEE responded to each other and developed a bond and friendship and that is a good thing! I was up until 1AM last night working a something for work and have been busy all day. I have only been home for a little while and wanted to check in and your post was the first one I looked at, I first started reading and I started crying then I got to Jo-Ann's post and started laughing and when I got to Terry's post (about blew her coffee out) I was literally LOL!
What a wonderful place this board is. I was feeling a little blue about work (just a little) but now I am smiling ear-to-ear and getting tears in my eyes at the same time. Life is complicated and complex but really it comes down to love and friendship. Drinking coffee in the morning reaching out in the middle of the night across cyber space and someone reaching back, PRICELESS (as the MasterCard commercial says)
Chantal –I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow hoping you have a good day. I am so glad you are still posting.
I am so glad you are all out here
I wish I could post more often but it’s the working that gets in my way and takes so much time, LOL
This thread is really so beautifully human. What I love about this stie. I'll be on the road in a couple of hours for surgery and I'll hold you all close. Seriously, this thread just shows how connected we all our on this site... and the beautiful support and friendships that come from being open, honest, silly, funny, sarcastic, witty... angry... all of it.
Cora0 -
Late night heavy sighschemosmoker said:GOOD FOR YOU!
I hope you have a GREAT first day back. Make the most of it and breathe. We are here with you and I will be thinking about you all day.
Let us know how you do and how it goes for you tomorrow.
Get some rest.
God bless and we love you,
Eric and Michelle
Oh dear. I... I feel like the biggest **** for letting life sweep me away these last several weeks. I... oh, Chantal. If love were like sunshine you would be filled with so much light, girl. I am so sorry, from the depths of my insides and as it gets harder to see the screen I'm not sure I'm capable of expressing more sympathy than I feel at this very moment. I hope you all know how much I love you, the strangers who I've never felt so close to...and Lee, in his infinite charm...my gateway to this place-- godspeed friend. Never have I met anyone with such compassion to a lost stranger. ... I feel so selfish. ... and now a bit empty.all my love.
0 -
No punctuationjojoshort said:Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
never professed to be a great literary genius like my mother the English college proffesor I cant spell worth beans and my spell check doesnt work.Guess I could go for punctuation but the peripheral neuropathy makes it really hard to type fast with any profiency besides we dont use much puntuation on the hospital computer charts everthing is electronic and corrects everything automatically,My mother would roll over in her grave I for one found it quite hysterical just stumbled across your post.I will attempt punctuation but always find it bothersome (am missing afew keys on my computer and it doesnt always type whats in my mind(Im always hitting the wrong keys these days).How is that for excuses?Anyway enjoyed your post still laughing Meg Mac0 -
No punctuationjojoshort said:Eric, hope you got to feel human again--I remember Steve having that same "window" of 30-45 minutes to feel human again. Anytime you remember a good friend it is a gift.
Annalan said it so well I can't add much, but this:
It should be illegal for Eric (who often posts in capitals) and Meg (who never uses punctuation) to post in the same thread. My eyeballs are spinning
Have a great day all,
never professed to be a great literary genius like my mother the English college proffesor I cant spell worth beans and my spell check doesnt work.Guess I could go for punctuation but the peripheral neuropathy makes it really hard to type fast with any profiency besides we dont use much puntuation on the hospital computer charts everthing is electronic and corrects everything automatically,My mother would roll over in her grave I for one found it quite hysterical just stumbled across your post.I will attempt punctuation but always find it bothersome (am missing afew keys on my computer and it doesnt always type whats in my mind(Im always hitting the wrong keys these days).How is that for excuses?Anyway enjoyed your post still laughing Meg Mac0
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