new thread for Linda

poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
Let us start a new thread for our dear Linda P. I am glad you are resting and finding relief from the drain. You have helped me so much in the past and I will never forget your kind words. You have many teal family here who love you and pray for you daily. Enjoy your visit with your family..they sound awesome and they adore you,,,,blessings...val


  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    powerful women
    Just goes to show that for powerful women like Linda P, one thread ain't enough! As one of the oldies here, thought you'd want to know that Mom is still with us -- getting frail but what a fighter. With your wit and intelligence, I can only imagine what it's like to have a house full of offspring. Are they all like young versions of you? AAAWWEsome. Hoping for peaceful days ahead.
  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    Great idea Val
    Before my diagnosis I was so bloated. It was not ascites but gas. I kept joking to my husband that I needed a button to push so I could just relieve the pain. Somedays I was besides myself. I did not have ascites, but that cancer related gas was so painful. I can only imagine your reflief at having your "relief button" put in.

    I like that you set boundaries and rest. It is so hard to do. Everyone wants sometime with you. The resting gives you more time and more of you to share.

    I can't offer much but my online support. I am here. Vent, type, if need be use your computer to scream and yell at the world. We are hear and we listen.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member

    Great idea Val
    Before my diagnosis I was so bloated. It was not ascites but gas. I kept joking to my husband that I needed a button to push so I could just relieve the pain. Somedays I was besides myself. I did not have ascites, but that cancer related gas was so painful. I can only imagine your reflief at having your "relief button" put in.

    I like that you set boundaries and rest. It is so hard to do. Everyone wants sometime with you. The resting gives you more time and more of you to share.

    I can't offer much but my online support. I am here. Vent, type, if need be use your computer to scream and yell at the world. We are hear and we listen.

    Hi Linda
    Just to let you know you are also in my thoughts each day. I am glad you are finding some relief. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    kikz said:

    Hi Linda
    Just to let you know you are also in my thoughts each day. I am glad you are finding some relief. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


    So much to say
    Linda, you have been a blessing to me. I remember when my husband found this site and I connected with you and others here. You have provided us with so much valid information, coaching and encouraging us through the rough times, advocating for us, and showing how a full life is lived.

    The words "thank you" don't seem adequate. I wish you love, joy, peace, contentment.

    With prayers and admiration, Mary Ann
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Linda
    So very glad to hear that your "release valve" is making you more comfortable. You are in my thoughts every day and here's a big (((((HUG)))) to tell you how awesome I think you are!

    PS... good thought on the new post, Val.
  • Susan53
    Susan53 Member Posts: 178
    New thread
    So glad to have a new thread to go to. It just shows how loved you are Linda and respected amongst all your teal sisters. Hoping that you have found comfort with your new drain. Thanks to you Val for starting this new thread. Hugs Sharon
  • cfont11
    cfont11 Member Posts: 115
    Although I have not been on
    Although I have not been on this board for long and have been away for awhile, I have always found Linda to be a source of strength for all of us. I am inspired by your fighting spirit and hope that you are getting some relief from your drain. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    Thinking about you Linda!
    Thinking about you Linda! Keep on doing what you do best, honey. Brightening the days of everyone around you. ;) Hugs and Prayers (as always).
