Severe Atypia result from biopsy

APetree Member Posts: 1
Hi all! I've recently had a number of moles removed and I'm really concerned about the results.

I had 2 moles removed in Aug and one came back with a report of severe atypia. My Dr did a re-excision of the area and removed two more suspicious moles at the same time. One was an 8mm mole on my chest. I received a copy of the pathology report and I'm confused and concerned. It says:

"At least compound dysplastic nevus with regression and severe atypia extending to the peripheral specimen edges. Both cytologic and architechtural atypia are highly concerning in this lesion to the point that melanoma was considered in the differential diagnosis. Though the features in this biopsy fall just short of a difinitive melanoma, definitive treatment to ensure complete removal of this lesion is recommended."

The result of the 2nd mole removed that day was reported as " HMB45 immunohistochemical stain shows appropriate loss of stainging in nevus cells with descent into the dermis."

I have since had a re-excision on both areas (this past Friday) and had an additional 3 moles removed. I should have the pathology results within the week and I'm praying for positive results. So far I've had 3 atypical moles out of 4. 3 more to go.

I guess my question is this: If a melanoma diagnosis was considered, why was it thrown out? Is melanoma that irregular that it can be an iffy diagnosis?

I'm just scared. I've never been afriad of my own skin before and these results are just a little too close for comfort. Thanks in advance for any advice...
