Having PET scan today

Chris Ptown
Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116
Having PET scan today, planning session with radiation doctor tomorrow and having the chemo port put in me on Friday. I know you guys talked about PET scan before but I am so nervous once again like I was before the CAT scan last week. I am worried things will look worse from PET scan than CAT scan. I wish I could calm down.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi Chris--
    You are only human and to not be anxious about everything happening this week would be impossible! The PET scan will take a little longer than the CT scan, but it's not bad at all. It's good that you are getting a PET prior to the start of treatment so that if there's any other concerns, your treatment can be targeted appropriately. However, my bets are on nothing but the localized tumor showing up on the PET, which would be the very best news.

    Try to breathe from your diaphragm and do a little meditation every day. Visualization can also be very effective in calming nerves. Imagine your favorite and most peaceful place (for me, it's the beach). Put yourself there, close your eyes, and relax.

    When you get your PET results, please let us know what it showed. Once again, I think you're going to get the best possible news that you're just dealing with the anal tumor and nothing else.
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162 Member
    I was like you befor i would have a test i would be so nervous i couldn't sleep or any thing .And i had a lot of test it took 3 Biopsy and PET and CAT scan for my cancer to show up .I had a pic line.You will calm down when you get done with all this .I'll be thinking about you.I'll say a pray for you.
  • Chris Ptown
    Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116
    mp327 said:

    Hi Chris--
    You are only human and to not be anxious about everything happening this week would be impossible! The PET scan will take a little longer than the CT scan, but it's not bad at all. It's good that you are getting a PET prior to the start of treatment so that if there's any other concerns, your treatment can be targeted appropriately. However, my bets are on nothing but the localized tumor showing up on the PET, which would be the very best news.

    Try to breathe from your diaphragm and do a little meditation every day. Visualization can also be very effective in calming nerves. Imagine your favorite and most peaceful place (for me, it's the beach). Put yourself there, close your eyes, and relax.

    When you get your PET results, please let us know what it showed. Once again, I think you're going to get the best possible news that you're just dealing with the anal tumor and nothing else.

    thanks mp327
    thank you so much!
  • Chris Ptown
    Chris Ptown Member Posts: 116

    I was like you befor i would have a test i would be so nervous i couldn't sleep or any thing .And i had a lot of test it took 3 Biopsy and PET and CAT scan for my cancer to show up .I had a pic line.You will calm down when you get done with all this .I'll be thinking about you.I'll say a pray for you.

    thank you shirlann54
    i feel much better today, thank you and for your prayers
  • azgal
    azgal Member Posts: 31

    thank you shirlann54
    i feel much better today, thank you and for your prayers

    That's great that you're
    That's great that you're feeling some better today, Chris. From day to day sometimes it can feel like we're hanging onto a wild roller coaster ride...the good news is that things really calm down once treatment is underway. You're going to do fine.
  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    azgal said:

    That's great that you're
    That's great that you're feeling some better today, Chris. From day to day sometimes it can feel like we're hanging onto a wild roller coaster ride...the good news is that things really calm down once treatment is underway. You're going to do fine.

    Hi Chris,
    Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. This is period of anxiety. Tests, tests and more tests. It all becomes a blur at times. Once you have all your results and you begin your treatment you will feel more in control. This is as much an emotional journey as it is physical. Lots of wonderful people here to help you through it. I found the site in October 2009 after I finished treatment (9/09). I am past 2 years NED and as you have already read there are others even farther out than that. So there is a tremendous amount of hope which sustains us. This is a curable cancer for which we are very fortunate. The journey is tough but this can be beaten. Keep that close to mind and give it all you've got!

    Wishing you strength and healing,
  • 7243
    7243 Member Posts: 249 Member
    Chris .. you sound like I felt this time last year when I was diagnosed. You're so normal. Let yourself be where you are ... try to trust your physicians and let them care for you. Once your treatment begins you'll settle down. I suggest a few things; stop looking at the internet other than sites your physicians recommend, feed yourself well, get daily exercise even if just 15 minutes of walking each day, and take time out to love yourself...pray, meditate or do guided imagery ... whatever heals your soul.

    I suggest you get an ipod or itouch if you don't have one and load some uplifting things on it such as guided meditation for healing, guided imagery for cancer patients. I used Bellruth Napersteks cancer pack throughout my treatment.. you can get it at healthjourneys.com ... there's imagery that I used during radiation therapy and chemo ... just a thought.

    I also used this/listened to this when I could not sleep at night and worry kept me awake.

    Try to be in the moment ... meditation changed my life through this cancer experience. Hang in there. sending love.