Dr update

KitKatKat Member Posts: 27
Well today was a busy day. I had 2 Dr's appointments one with the cancer Dr and on with the plastic surgeon. The cancer dr had some good news the lymph nodes were all negative so no rads for me thank GOD!! Now on the other side the pathologist was not happy with the margins so I may have to go back in to surgery to get better margins. I sure hope not.

All went well at the plastic surgeon he will start filling next week.
I start chemo the Monday after Thanksgiving. I am having a triple dose for 6months. Could of done a weaker dose for 8 months but she said I was strong enough and young enough to do the triple.Not sure what kind she told me.

I will keep you updated as time goes on.....


  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    You did have a busy day!
    You did have a busy day! Congrats on negative nodes! But, mine were negative and I still had rads, but, I had a lumpectomy. I guess that is the difference.

    I hope you don't have to have surgery to get wider margins. I will be praying that you won't.

    Good luck with chemo!

    Hugs and congrats again,

  • Ballerina
    Ballerina Member Posts: 152
    I am happy you got good news
    I am happy you got some good news. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Ballerina said:

    I am happy you got good news
    I am happy you got some good news. I will keep you in my prayers.


    Negative lymph nodes is
    Negative lymph nodes is excellent news! I'm so happy for you!

    Praying for you,

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    DianeBC said:

    Negative lymph nodes is
    Negative lymph nodes is excellent news! I'm so happy for you!

    Praying for you,


    Negative lymph nodes are a really good thing. Hoping they don't have to go back in but better safe than sorry.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Negative lymph nodes are a really good thing. Hoping they don't have to go back in but better safe than sorry.


    Great news about your nodes
    Great news about your nodes being clear! I am glad that you don't have to have rads. Wishing you the best with chemo.

    Thanks for the update,

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Angie2U said:

    Great news about your nodes
    Great news about your nodes being clear! I am glad that you don't have to have rads. Wishing you the best with chemo.

    Thanks for the update,


    You the very best as you start chemo....the first one is always the most scary....we've been there....just be religious in taking your anti nausea meds...whether you feel nauseated or not...easier to prevent it than get it under control should it start....and drink drink drink! Stay well hydrated...I never had the first wave of nausea...I know not all are as fortunate...but those Zofran and Compazine meds became my best friend! Have some extra strength Immodium on hand....just in case...don't let diarrhea (if you get it) go more than 2 days.. Gatorade is also good to have on hand...get yourself a couple of good books, magazines or what ever floats your boat....be kind to yourself...never feel guilty about resting or telling people what you need...and PLEASE don't turn down ANY offers of help...people WANT to do something...it helps them in dealing with their own feelings of helplessness....especially loved one's and good friends...

    Again, wishing you the very best...and remember..."we're" here for you...we care! Keep us posted!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    MAJW said:

    You the very best as you start chemo....the first one is always the most scary....we've been there....just be religious in taking your anti nausea meds...whether you feel nauseated or not...easier to prevent it than get it under control should it start....and drink drink drink! Stay well hydrated...I never had the first wave of nausea...I know not all are as fortunate...but those Zofran and Compazine meds became my best friend! Have some extra strength Immodium on hand....just in case...don't let diarrhea (if you get it) go more than 2 days.. Gatorade is also good to have on hand...get yourself a couple of good books, magazines or what ever floats your boat....be kind to yourself...never feel guilty about resting or telling people what you need...and PLEASE don't turn down ANY offers of help...people WANT to do something...it helps them in dealing with their own feelings of helplessness....especially loved one's and good friends...

    Again, wishing you the very best...and remember..."we're" here for you...we care! Keep us posted!

    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with chemo and like Nancy says, if people offer to help you, let them. I hope you won't need it, but, so many need something to do to show you how much they love you and care.

    Keep posting!

    Hugs, Lex
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with chemo and like Nancy says, if people offer to help you, let them. I hope you won't need it, but, so many need something to do to show you how much they love you and care.

    Keep posting!

    Hugs, Lex

    Great news on the nodes!
    As for chemo. It stinks but you can handle it. As someone else said, drink lots, and lots, and lots. Especially cold stuff during and right after your treatment to keep your mouth cold. Also check with your dentist about a special neutralizing gel to help prevent mouth sores and chemo cavitites.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    skipper54 said:

    Great news on the nodes!
    As for chemo. It stinks but you can handle it. As someone else said, drink lots, and lots, and lots. Especially cold stuff during and right after your treatment to keep your mouth cold. Also check with your dentist about a special neutralizing gel to help prevent mouth sores and chemo cavitites.

    Celebration time for no rads
    Celebration time for no rads and clear nodes! I never had chemo, but, I know you can do it. So many here have gone thru it and can help you with any questions or concerns.

    Good luck!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    susie09 said:

    Celebration time for no rads
    Celebration time for no rads and clear nodes! I never had chemo, but, I know you can do it. So many here have gone thru it and can help you with any questions or concerns.

    Good luck!

    Clean nodes! Congrats!
    Clean nodes! Congrats!

    Hugs, Kylez