Been gone along while

impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
5.5 yars now...3 lung resections, liver resection, chemo, colon surgery...lots... Had to take a break but now Im back and so is the cancer...

Well it could be worse and it could be a lot better....The word important constantly gets redefined and expanded when you meet with your oncologist. At work it is important to get this done or important to remember to pick up the cleaning...but important and those importants really would help me if you would, or your responsibility is, or I will have less work if you....

But when the onc says that the cancer has come back in your lung and we will decide on a treatment plan after I meet with the radiation oncologist regarding cyberknife ( that sounds cool ) because preserving lung tissue is precious and important to you.... that use of important just slid the continium far to the right...

Basically cancer is back in one small spot in left lung. I really loved this conversation when my regular thoracic surgeon ( how is that for a statement) said.. "Well it is too small to see for surgery so I'd like to wait three months, let it grow and then go after it"....What the Heck? It is obviously more complex than that and I do not think he is waiting until after the new year for tax purposes...( Yes, Tom Petty...the Waiting is the hardest part....)

Next step is to meet with radiation guys and then if you stop by my house over Christmas, that nice little glow around the tree will be me... I'm fine and good as I have been here before. Sending this to you all because you are important...far end of the spectrum to me and my family...lots of thanks and love



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Chip
    Sorry to hear about the recurrance, but glad that you are on top of your health and caught it early.

    Here's hoping for an 'easy' fix and a long period of NED again.


    Marie who loves kitties
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Man, here you go again. Your docs are so good I know they will go at this new piece of cancer and get it. So sorry you're dealing with it again but I know you will get through this one.
    Keep us posted. We care about you.

  • Brenda Bricco
    Brenda Bricco Member Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Chip, I am sorry your
    Hi Chip, I am sorry your cancer is back but I am really glad you are on top of things. I have to say your attitude is amazing, I believe it makes all the difference. :)Good luck with treatment, I hope it all goes perfectly.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Darn it Chip, it's good to see you, not so good your news.
    I'm like you, "what do you mean wait till it gets bigger", What the heck??? Something I guess I won't ever understand, I know there's a reason behind it, but I'm like, CUT IT OUT, don't wait for the darn thing to grow. But then, what's one to do. Sit and wait.
    I'm glad plans getting in place to take care of it.
    Can I say again, what we all keep saying? I hate this cancer crap.
    Love back to you Chip.
    Winter Marie
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, me. I saw your name on the screen, and I was hoping you were just stopping by to say you'd been super busy. so sorry about the recurrence, but it sounds like you're going to take care of that right quick!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Chip
    Hi Chip,

    Good to hear from you again, but not good because you have a recurrence. I'm sorry to hear about that. But, it's one spot & that's pretty darn manageable. If you can get it with cyberknife or surgery, you might even be able to avoid chemo. Sounds like a plan is in the works and that it will soon be taken care of.
    YOU are important & we all care for you- keep in touch and let us know how things go-

  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Hugs Chip
    As I was saying yesterday, you join a club you can never leave in one way or another.

    I'm sorry about it coming back again :-( Sending everything good your way, and that your onc etc come up with a good plan of action.
  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    Sonia32 said:

    Hugs Chip
    As I was saying yesterday, you join a club you can never leave in one way or another.

    I'm sorry about it coming back again :-( Sending everything good your way, and that your onc etc come up with a good plan of action.

    Just thinking

    Funny,I was just thinking about you last week. Those who first welcomed me and supported me here will always have a special place in my heart and you were one of them. I was thinking about when I first came here (its been 4 years since diagnosis)last week and I guess that is why I thought of you. I am glad that you checked in but
    I am sorry to hear that you have had a recurrence...sounds like you and your medical team are on top of it and wishing you only the best results.

    :) Dawn
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    dmdwins said:

    Just thinking

    Funny,I was just thinking about you last week. Those who first welcomed me and supported me here will always have a special place in my heart and you were one of them. I was thinking about when I first came here (its been 4 years since diagnosis)last week and I guess that is why I thought of you. I am glad that you checked in but
    I am sorry to hear that you have had a recurrence...sounds like you and your medical team are on top of it and wishing you only the best results.

    :) Dawn

    Hey Chip!.......
    Sooooooo friggin good to see you! Yes..the recurrance does suck..... I say nip it in the bud NOW and be done with it. I am just about to start my 3rd Cyberknife treatment...all to the lung.... this one was the toughest because of fiducial placement in a hard to get to place.... but all in all.... I can LIVE with it. You take care and keep us updated.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Think about you often and this isn't the news that was wanting to hear but glad to hear that it is small. Hope that whatever treatment they decide to do is going to work.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Hey Chip:)
    Hey man

    I'm sorry to hear this news...if memory serves correctly you got a year and some change after this last surgery. I was coming off my 2nd one last year when you were about to do #3.

    As you once told me..."Stay to the right of the green" :)

    Good words of advice from a guy I know...sounds like you've got a handle on it though and this thing can be worked out.
