Good afternoon all.

I am new to the concept of forums per say and by nature am a very private individual.

Having recently come to learn of one's fast express way ticket to understanding "terminal" i confess my mind is somewhat in a pickle.

Currently I am drawn not to concern over myself but alas ones childeren.

It causes more pain than is imagineable compared to all other things when one thinks of them being left with just memory.

They are the purest form of innocence and the greatest endeavour of my life and whilst the body may fail and wither and perish ones mind is astute.

I am not sure if this is what they call sharing? One concludes in this arena of terminal life aptly and politely titled "end of life concerns" in the registration field that others feel the same.

How do you cope?


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  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Terminal ???
    I do not want to sound ignorant,but are you saying you are terminal with Lymphoma or someone you know is in that situation. Could you be more specific? It makes it easier to talk to someone when we know exactly what we are dealing with. I ask about the Lymphoma because there are so many treatments and options out there. John
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Benedict,

    We're usually pretty good at dealing with pickles here.
    Most of us have had "gherkins" up to our eyeballs :).

    As John indicates, it would be helpful to have more
    information. Lymphoma is generally treatable.

    I wish you well.


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi benedict
    Hi Benedict,
    I was diagnosed with NHL-Follicular stage IV, I also have three kids. I was wondering just like the others about your diagnosis??? I like you worry about my kids because I also have other health issues, but we should never loose faith in God, Dr's, and our modern medicine. Don't give up, do whatever you can to not loose the battle with whatever your going through. Like you mentioned above you have kids that need you, please stay strong...

  • gpespinosa
    gpespinosa Member Posts: 25
    Dont lose hope
    Like everyone else I would like to encourage you to stay strong. My little guy wasnt even a year old when I was diagnosed, and at first the doctors misdiagnosed me with stage 4 lung cancer. They gave my family no hope of me making it. Luckily they turned out to be wrong and I fought all I could to stick around. Ive had many thought about the what ifs and of just being a "memory" as well, but I refuse to give in. As the saying goes, if there is a will there is a way, dont give up

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    How do I cope...
    Hi Benedict,
    I do not have a terminal cancer, and hopefully the kind I have will not turn that way anytime soon. I think all of us at one time or another have thought about "end of life concerns", especially when we have children and grandbabies. A cancer diagnosis tends to make one realize our time on earth may not be quite as long as we previously had expected. I cope with my cancer by living each day as stress free as possible. I try to think as positive as possible, and treasure my family and friends each time we are together.I did that pre cancer, but now take nothing for granite and always let my loved ones know how much they are loved. I hope you will share a little more info about your cancer so we can help you better. As others have said..."never give up hope". My best wishes for you...Sue
    (Follicular NHL-stage3-typeA-grade2-diagnosed June 2010) age 61


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