
Good Morning Everyone-Has anyone had radiation for kneck cancer and gone to a chiropractor since they completed treatment. I was a big fan before I got C for kneck pain and severe tinnitus but have not gone back since I completed treatment 02/11. My oncologist wasnt thrilled with the idea of going and discouraged me. I feel good but have severe kneck pain and have gone for massages but the relief is only short term. I found the chiropractor very helpful before being treated. I feel good otherwise except for some depression now and then. Any input would appreciated....Thanks


  • pmj2011
    pmj2011 Member Posts: 25
    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    pmj2011 said:

    By the way I do go to acupunture occasionaly and find it helpful, however it is not conveniant for me. Thanks everyone for your input and support throughout the last difficult year. God Bless.....Paul

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.
  • Judy.2
    Judy.2 Member Posts: 21
    Judy.2 said:

    Oh,my Gosh!!
    I don't know where I'd be today, if it wasn't for my chiropractor. I know beyond a doubt that my doctors did what they were supposed to do to give me the best shot at being a cancer survivor for a long time. However, I do think the medical field tends to drop the ball once your treatments have finished. They really don't seem to know how to help you get your health back. I am very lucky. My chiropractor is also a licensed physical therapist, AND a licensed nutritionalist. I don't know where I'd be today, without her. I have a great deal of radiation fibrosis in my neck. Without her treatments, I'm sure I would have even less movement in my neck than I do now. I'm lucky, my insurance covers her PT treatments at 100%. Her nutritional guidance has been a blessing also.
    If you have a chiropractor that you have known and trusted in the past, I'd say don't be afraid to trust him/her with your future. At least have the discussion with them as to how they feel they could help you. I should mention, I did not start going in for chiropractic treatments until a couple months after I was done with radiation. And they started very gently.
    Hope my experience helps you decide what's best for you.

    So sorry for all the multiple posts....
    Guess I'll only hit "post" once from now on...even if my computer is as slow as molasses!
  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Twenty years coming up
    Hi pmj,
    I have been going to my chiropractor for over 25 years and it will be 20 years since completeting treatment for throat cancer come November 22nd. In fact he was the one who noticed the lump in my neck and insisted that I see an ENT in June of 1991. I will be forever thankful for his insisteance as my regular DR. dismissed the same lump even after test read "diseased". Hard to believe to this day. I go every two weeks for "maintance" of my spine and especially the neck and it has kept me living a regular life, on the tennis courts and working at what I enjoy three to four days a week and I will continue to do so as long as I can walk into his office. I have two suggestions pmj, one, go and get the relief for your neck discomfort, and secondly, I bet your depression is eased at the same time as you can enjoy living with what you have now, another day.
    All the best, Josh r.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi pmj

    I had radiation twice to the head and neck and yes I go and see my Chiropractor when needed. He has kept me from dealing with a lot of other types of pain.
