Magic Mineral Broth

KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
Last Saturday my sister and I went to a presentation put on by Healing Journeys. I got to meet Rebecca Katz, my favorite cancer chef. She cooked and prepared the food that we had for lunch. Talked about FASS (Fat, acid, salt, sweetner) and had people taste her food as it was getting prepared, reasons for why she adds certain things. She is so aware of what our needs are for appetite and just plain eating. I got my cookbooks signed! If you ever have a chance try to attend or at least try to get DVD.
Had a great weekend with my sister :)


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Sounds like a great time. I
    Sounds like a great time. I just got her book "The Cancer Fighting Kitchen" at the Library. Lots of yummy recipies. Would love to here her speak.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Teacher
    Sounds tasty, one of my problems is I never know what I want to eat as taste is just not all that good. But then when I do taste something that is all I want to eat till I get sick of it.

    One thing I like or LOVE and so far can’t get enough of is fried Fish, I don’t know why but it is one of the few things I can taste and enjoy eating.

    What a terrible problem to have, give me the fish platter please, Ha ha ha

    Take care
  • keep_the_faith
    keep_the_faith Member Posts: 49
    Hondo said:

    Hi Teacher
    Sounds tasty, one of my problems is I never know what I want to eat as taste is just not all that good. But then when I do taste something that is all I want to eat till I get sick of it.

    One thing I like or LOVE and so far can’t get enough of is fried Fish, I don’t know why but it is one of the few things I can taste and enjoy eating.

    What a terrible problem to have, give me the fish platter please, Ha ha ha

    Take care

    Right on...I can't get enough of tilipia. It's my favorite food by far. It's light and very good for you.
